View Full Version : H.A.N.A. Minutes - June 11, 2008

06-13-2008, 12:12 AM
Attending: Beenacoach, Rook, Jeff P, Indulto, Hammerhead, Murph
Excused: Swetyejohn

First order - Adopted organization name and acronym, H.A.N.A. - Horseplayers Association of North America, passed unanimously.

Second order - Confirmed the commitment of professional volunteer website developer Mr. Mike P.Caro. Mr Caro will be putting together a web site with the understanding that he will donate his time until we have a treasury and when we have one and the site is taking significant work to maintain we discuss payment. Passed unanimously.

Third order - Requested Jeff P draft our mission statement. He agrees. Passed unanimously.

Points of discussion -

Rook is preparing his work on a "Handicappers' Rating" page for the site. This will help to inform bettors and educate others on the wagering facilities that appear to consider association goals as they conduct their business with wagering patrons.
Murph will contact posters for donation of a URL for site development.
All attending will review the mission statement draft and present for approval at our next meeting.
Discussion of a standing meeting on Wenesday night at 10PM est is generally agreed.
Next meeting is set for Wed. June 18th at 10PM

Move to adjourn - passed unanimously. Approx elapsed time of meeting 50 minutes.

Minutes posted for board approval by Murph