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Old 09-15-2021, 12:24 PM   #14
Elkchester Road
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Originally Posted by tbwinner View Post
Questions Unanswered, Round Two

With 9+ million people dying of hunger or poor nutrition every year, why hasn't world governments focused on helping that segment of population as they seemingly have towards the 4.5 million that have died of COVID in 20 months?

Why isn't anyone talking about the hospital caught on video talking about pumping up COVID cases to solely scare the unvaccinated/naturally immune?

Why isn't anyone talking about the Israeli Ministry of Health saying there is "no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate"?

Why did people on the Met Gala catwalk not have to wear masks but the workers and attendants did?

How much is the government reimbursing pharmacies for a COVID-19 vaccine shot? Is the number different for a J&J vs. moderna vs. Pfizer?

Why is there no approval of the Novavax vaccine?

Why is no one talking about the millions of COVID-19 Moderna vaccines that Japan has rejected due to contamination?

Did the flu really disappear because of MASKING? Were flu cases mismarked as COVID, and/or vice versa?

Why are COVID vaccines the only product in the world whose failure is blamed one those who did NOT partake in them?

Why does the government all of a sudden show interest in people dying that are against their general agenda?

Is US data on unvaccinated versus vaccinated cases of COVID really reliable knowing that the CDC stopped tracking cases in vaccinated in or around April of this year?

Why don't people recognize President Biden's saying "our patience is wearing thin" is eerily similar to Adolf Hitler's 1938 speech where he said "my patience is now at an end"?

Harvey Weinsten and Joe Biden both made statements equivalent to "You must put this thing in your body or lose your job," why is President Biden still trustworthy as a leader?

Again, why are hospitals advertising $10K+ sign-on bonuses and huge 3x/4x hourly pay rates for nurses when they are simultaneously letting go or placing on leave unvaccinated staff?

Why don't people realize what is happening in certain parts of Australia, where they cannot move more than 5KM beyond their home without passing checkpoints, is also about to begin happening here?

Do you believe every comment on the Internet to be made by a human being, or recognize that up to 80-90% of pro-government/pro-COVID comments could be made by bots?

What timeframe does the "99% of those who die from COVID-19 are unvaccinated" stat start and end from?

Why did the BBC report that WTC Tower 7 collapsed while live video showed it was still erect on 9/11/01? (bonus question)
Once again, tbwinner...GREAT questions.
Just when you least expect it...just what you least expect-The Pet Shop Boys.
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