View Full Version : Welcome to the new "Democratic" Egypt

09-30-2012, 11:03 AM
Where people are jailed for insulting Islam (http://www.bikyamasr.com/78746/egypt-coptic-christian-maikel-nabil-charged-with-insulting-islam-germany-requested-to-send-home/)(not unlike the US)

and where a top cleric working on their new constitution (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/will-new-democratic-egyptian-constitution-allow-9-year-old-girls-to-marry/) is pushing to lower to 9 the age at which you can marry a girl.

of course our clueless national security advisor assured us last year that these people were largely secular and moderate and had no over arching religious agenda.

09-30-2012, 12:27 PM
Yup. Wonders never cease.

Obama and his administration just announced this week that they were sending $450,000,000 bucks to Egypt's new government (led by the Muslim Brotherhood).


09-30-2012, 01:13 PM
something comes to mind....some comment about the preznit 'being with the muslims when the political winds shift in an ugly direction'

which it did in Egypt about a year ago.....

09-30-2012, 02:31 PM
Obama is now supporting terrorists.
I said it all along - he is a terroist.
He finances this group and covers up for the attack in Libya.

Barachmed Obama.
Within the last 10 days, he went on national TV and said he did not know if Egypt was an ally or not. But he is willing to send OUR MONEY to them?

This POS is a biggers POS than I thought.
Maybe some of our resident apologists or braniacs could explain what event occurred that made him realize they were an ally?
I must have missed it.

10-03-2012, 09:37 AM
Two Coptic Christian children Nabil Nagy Rizk, 10, and
Mina Nady Farag, 9, were arrested, Tuesday, for insulting religion in the Upper Egyptian governorate Beni Suef, after the imam of their local mosque filed a complaint against them.
By order of the prosecution the two boys are now being kept in the Beni Suef
juvenile detention pending further investigation on Sunday.


10-03-2012, 10:28 AM
Obama -2
Christians - 0

10-04-2012, 07:01 AM
Would you want to hit the rack with Chewbacca?