View Full Version : Pending Release of HSH version 8

Dave Schwartz
04-23-2012, 02:12 PM
I am just completing the final touches on HSH version 8.

You really want to stay tuned for the final release.

Let me tell you what is in this release that is so important:

1. ToteMaster
The ToteMaster is a standalone program (very small footprint) that hits the tote board whenever you click "Live Tote." It picks up odds, post times, scratches, etc.

One feature you will really enjoy is that it also picks up all the payoffs! If you are using Studies to track your bets, then at any given moment in the day you will know exactly where you stand, including rebates (if you want it to count them).

2. Object Counter
If you are using a "Dynamic" approach (i.e. having HSH build a system "on-the-fly" for each race) this will allow you to track the performance of your bets in studies based upon which factors were used in the object!

Imagine being able to isolate on how well you do when (say) PSR is the best factor or Composite Early Speed is the 2nd-best factor!

3. BetMaker
The BetMaker allows you to create your bets in a very user-friendly environment and then upload them to your ADW very easily. Currently supports two ADWs.

Email me for the list of ADWs we support or to inquire about adding yours.

(Note, if I am not your agent of record there will eventually be a small monthly charge for this service.)

*4. NewPace (Advanced) on a Button
That's right! NewPace has been reduced to a single click! You still control the settings and the objects themselves, but HSH does all the work, usually in about 4-10 seconds.

This one is still in development as I add more user-programmability (so we aren't all on the same horses) but it is available for use.

*5. Impact Value Manager
Imagine that you want to use Impact Values. Now imagine that you want to use IV Tables that are track specific.

Or perhaps you'd like to make a set of IV Tables for each track-surface-distance.

Imagine how many IV Tables we are talking about here! It could be hundreds or even thousands! Not to mention the corresponding "analysts" for each track-surface-distance!

IV Manager will take care of all of this for you!

a) Create a filter like the one you want.
b) Add the IV Tables to that filter.
c) Clone that filter by copying it and modifying it so that you have all the possible distances.
d) Let's say there are 12 filters (all distances from 5f to 10f).
e) Mark these filters.
f) Mark all the tracks you are interested in. Let's say there are 40 tracks.
g) Click the Filters-to-Tracks button and the system will create all 480 filters, including IV Tables.
h) Check the box titled "AutoRun IV"
i) Check the box titled (Auto Plug IV")
j) Click "Run the tagged filters" and the system will run all the filters, run all the IV Tables within those filters, create all the analysts and events (if they do not exist), and copy the IV into the analysts.
k) If you want to update the IVs at the end of the week or month, just run the entire process again and it will update those IVs.

As usual, the Analyst+Event process fires the right Analyst at the right time. It also supports Generic Analysts (i.e. specialists) who contribute to the handicapping as needed (i.e. just in 6f races at HOL or only for FTS in MSW sprint races at SAR).

*These two items (NP Button and IV Mgr) were, as you can imagine, a huge programming endeavor. As such, they are part of an add-on package, price to be determined. For now, they are available to everyone without charge.

I have one more bug to go in the BetMaker and then release!

If you have a licensed copy of HSH the upgrade is free. If you don't have an HSH license, don't you think you should?
HSH in the HorseHandicapping Authority Store (http://store.thehorsehandicappingauthority.com/products/The-HorseStreet-Handicapper.html)

Dave Schwartz

04-23-2012, 02:23 PM
Excellent adds Dave.

For thoseout ther ein PA-land, I can attest to those pieces that are out already in beta testing (e.g, NP button, Object Counter, totemaster)...they are all great! More tools in the toolbox. And faster/easier to study things. Terrific improvements.

Looking forward to the couple on the list I havent seen.

Keep up the great work Dave!

04-23-2012, 10:05 PM
I have a nagging question. Why must a user click "Live Tote" for ToteMaster to pick up its info? Why not just program it to automatically hit the info on a predefined (or user defined) interval...automatically...say every 20 seconds after the first (and only) time I click the "Live Tote" button?

Dave Schwartz
04-23-2012, 10:23 PM
It is better if it is on-demand.

You get it when you need it instead of interrupting what you are doing.

Because the system is doing so much with the data it gets beyond just changing the odds and scratching horses- like re-computing $nets, using "tote-smoothing" to change probabilities, etc. - the system needs to focus on the tote update and nothing else in that moment.

Trust me - it is a better way.

When you use ATR with (say) 8 tracks open, it takes like 4-5 minutes to make a complete cycle through all the tracks. This way, it is 10 seconds for any single update and you get it when you need it.

04-24-2012, 09:29 PM
Dave, It just gets better and better.
A great product that keeps the game fresh, challenging, and fun.