View Full Version : A liberal shoots right down the middle

03-05-2012, 08:06 PM

A gal on gals

03-05-2012, 08:35 PM
from what you wrote i thought it was a thread about maddow. didn't click the link till i saw where is was from.

03-07-2012, 02:13 AM
Great article. Shitbirds, one and all.

Robert Goren
03-07-2012, 03:58 AM
The article has a point. The left should not call women names like slut. But when I hear people like Fluke compared to public figures like Bachmann or Clinton, I think they are bit off base. Fluke is is a private person who spoke before a committee of congress. You can disagree with her views, but the name calling is completely unjustified. Backmann, Clinton, etc have made themselves full time public figures. Besides in Bachmann's case, her ideas are flat out crazy and it has nothing to do with her hormones. Although I will give her this. She will stand up for them and is not scared to go on places like Matthew's show to defend them. Male republicans politicians won't do that. They gripe if they get a question they don't like in the debate. She puts them to shame in their lack of courage.