View Full Version : One Week Challenge

01-31-2012, 11:53 PM
One week Challenge

Play every wager on every race on three cards a day for one week
Achieve a maximum amount of profit.
Each single race wager can total ten dollars.
Each multi-race wager can total 30 dollars.
Each Pick-4 can total 80 dollars.
Each Pick-6 can total 120 dollars.
Draw conclusions on strengths and weaknesses in handicapping and develop skills in many types of races.

This is a personal thing Im doing
If you want to follow along and ocmment go for it
Im scoring my plays and thats it, if you want to post your plays and your total score thats fine.

Good luck and good racing.

02-01-2012, 01:23 AM
*All Scratches will cancel the wager
*In cases of multileg races the favorite will be taken instead

$10 WPS 7 Perfect Shadow
$3 Ex Box 6-7, $2 Ex Wheel 6,7-4
$3 Tri 7/6/4, $3 Tri 6/7/4, $1 Tri 6,7/6,7/2, $1 Tri 6,7/4/6,7
$0.20 Super 6,7/6,7/2,4/1,2,3,4,5 , $0.20 Super 6,7/2,4/6,7/1,2,3,4,5
$0.10 Super 2,4/6,7/6,7/1,2,3,4,5, $1 Super 7/4/2/6
$11 Double 6,7/3 $2 Double 6,7/1,2
$5 Pick 3 7/3/1,4, $4 Pick 3 7/3/7 $3 Pick 3 7/1,2/1,4 $2 Pick 3 6/3/1,4
$10 WPS 3
$3 Ex Wheel 3-1,2 $2 Ex Wheel 1,2-3
$ 5 Qu Wheel 3-1,2
$1 Tri Box 1,2,3 $1 Tri 3/1,2/4,6
$0.20 Super 3/1,2/1,2/4,5,6,7 $0.20 Super 3/1,2/4,5,6,7/1,2 $0.20 Super 1,2/3/1,2/4,5,6,7 $0.20 Super 1,2/3/4,5,6,7/1,2 $0.20 Super 1,2/1,2/3/4,5,6,7 $0.20 Super 1,2/1,2/4,5,6,7/3 $1 Super 3/1/2/4
$5 Double 3-1,4 $3 Double 3-7 $3 Double 1,2/1,4 $5 Double 1,2/7
$1 Pick 3 3/1,4/All $2 Pick 3 3/1,4/6 $ 1 Pick 3 1,2/1,4/6 $1 Pick 3 3/7/3,6 $1 Pick 3 1,2,3,4,5,6/1/6
$0.50 Pick 4 1,2,3/1,4,7/1,2,3,6,7/1,5,6
$10 WPS 4
$1 Ex Box 1,4,7 $2 Ex Box 1,4
$1 Tri Box 1,4,7 $1 Tri 1,4/1,4/3,6
$1 Super 1,4/1,4/7/3,6 $1 Super 1,4/7/1,4/3,6, $1 Super 7/4/1/3,6
$1 Double 1,4,7/All $1 Double 1,4,7/1,3,6
$6 Pick 3 1,4/6/1,5 $1 Pick 3 7/6/1,5 $1 Pick 3 1,4/ 6/6,8
$10 WPS 6
$1 Ex Box 3,6,7 $1 Ex Box 1,6 $1 Ex Box 2,6
$5 Qu 1-2 $5 Qu 3,5
$1 Tri Box 3,6,7 $1 Tri 1/6/2,3,5,7
$0.20 Super Box 1,2,6,7 $0.20 Super Box 1,2,3,6
$1 Double All/1,5,6 $3 Double 6/1,5,6
$1Pick 3 1,6/1,5,6,7,8/4,6,7
$2 Pick 6 1,6/1,5/4,6/4,8/3/5,6,7
$1O WPS 6
$1 Ex 1,5,6/1,5,6,8
$1 Tri 1,5/1,5,6/1,5,6,8
$0.20 Super Box 1,5,6,8 $0.20 Super Box 1,3,5,6
$1 Pick 3 1,5,6/4,6,7/1,4,8 $1 Pick 3 1,5/4,6/5
$2 Double 1,3,5,6,7/4,6,7
$10 WPS 6
$3 Ex 6-4,7 $2 Ex 4,7-6
$1 Tri 6/4,7/1,2,3,4,7
$0.20 Super Box 2,4,6,7 $0.20 Super Box 3,4,6,7
$1 Pick 3 4,6,7/1,2,4,5,8/3,6
$2 Double 4,6,/1,2,4,5,8
$0.50 Pick 4 1,2,3,4,6,7/1,4,5,8/3,6/5,6,7
$10 WPS 5
$2 Ex 5-1,4,8 $1 Ex 1,4,8-5
$1 Tri 5/1,4/1,4,8 $1 Tri 1,4/5/1,4,8 $1 Tri1,4/1,4/5
$0.20 Super Box 1,4,5,8 $0.20 Super 2,4,5,8
$1 Pick 3 1,2,4,5,8/3,6/5,6,7
$2 Double 1,2,4,5,8/3,5,6
$10 WPS 3
$7 Ex 3-6 $3 Ex 6-3
$5 Tri 3,6/3,6/5
$5 Double 3,6/5,6,7
$10 WPS 6
$1 Ex Box 5,6,7 $2 Ex Box 5,7
$1 Tri 6/5,7/1,3,4,5,7
$0.10 Super 5,6,7/3,4,5,6,7/3,4,5,6,7/3,4,5,6,7

02-01-2012, 01:49 AM
$10 WPS #4
$2 Ex 4-1,2,5 $1 Ex 1,2,5,6-4
$1 Tri 1,2,5/1,2,5/4 $1 Tri 1,5/4/1,2,5
$20 Double 4-2 $2 Double 1,2,5-2 $2 Double 4-1,3
$10 WPS #2
$5 Ex 2-1,3
$5 Tri 2/1,3/1,3
$1 Pick 4 1,2/3,6,7,9/3,5,6/3,4,5
$10 WPS 7
$2 Ex 7-3,6,9 $2 Ex 3,9-7
$1 Tri 7/3,6,9/1,3,6,9
$0.20 Super Box 3,6,7,9 $0.20 Super Box 1,6,7,9
$1 Pick 3 3,6,7/1,2,3,5,6/3,5
$10 WPS 6
$1 Ex Box 3,5,6 $1 Ex Box 2,6 $1 Ex Box 1-6
$1 Tri 3,5/1,2,3,4,5/6
$1 Pick 3 2,3,6/3,5/1,3,4,6,7
$10 WPS 3
$2 Ex Wheel 3,5/3,4,5
$1 Tri Box 3,4,5 $1 Tri 3,5/3,5/1
$0.40 Super BoX 1,3,4,5
$10 WPS #4
$1 Ex 4-1,2,3,6,7 $1 Ex 1,2,3,6,7-4
$1 Tri 3,6/1,2,3,6,7/4
$0.50 Pick 4 1,2,3,4,6,7/2/1,2,3,5,7/4,6,8,9,10
$10 WPS 2
$5 Ex 2-1,5
$1 Tri 2/3,5/1,3,5,7,8
$0.20 Super Box 1,2,3,5 $0.20 Super Box 1,2,5,7
$1 Pick 3 1,2,3,5,7/4,5,7/8,9
$10 WPS 4
$1 Ex Box 4,5,7 $1 Ex Box 1,4 $1 Ex Box 1,7
$1 Tri Box 4,5,7 $1 Tri 1/4,7/4,5,7
$0.20 Super Box 1,4,5,7 $0.20 Super Box 1,3,4,7
$2 Double 1,2,4,5,7/8,9,10
$10 WPS 8
$1 Ex Wheel 8,9,10/4,8,9,10
$1 Tri Wheel 8,9/8,9,10/4,8,9,10
$0.20 Super Box 4,8,9,10 $0.20 Super Box 6,8,9,10

02-01-2012, 02:30 AM
$10 WPS 2
$3 Ex 2-3,9 $1 Ex 3,9-2 $1 Ex Box 3,9
0.50 Tri 2,3,9/1,2,3,9/1,2,3,9
$0.20 Super 1,2,3,9 $0.20 Super 2,3,8,9
$2 Double 1,2,3,8,9/2,3,4
$1 Pick 3 2,3,9/1,2,3,4,10/8,10
$10 WPS 3
$1 Ex Whee; 2,3,10/2,3,4,10
$0.50 Tri 2,3,10/2,3,4,10/2,3,4,10
$0.20 Super Box 2,3,4,10 $0.20 Super Box 2,3,8,10
$2 Double 2,3,4,8,10/1,8,10
$1 Pick 3 2,3,4,8,10/1,8,10/1,8
$0.50 Pick 4 2,3,4,6,8,10/8,10/1,2,5,8/3,5,6
$10 WPS 8
$1 Ex Box 4,8,10 $1 Ex Wheel 1-8,10 $1 Ex Wheel 8,10-1
$1 Tri 4,8,10/1,4,8,10/1,4,8,10
$0.20 Super Box 1,4,8,10 $0.20 Super Box 1,6,8,10
$1 Double 1,4,6,8,10/1,2,3,5,7,8
$1 Pick 3 8,10/1,5,8/3,5,6,9,10
$10 WPS 1
$5 Ex 1-5,8
$1 Tri 1,5/1,2,5,8/1,2,3,5,8
$0.20 Super Box 1,2,5,8 $0.20 Super Box 1,3,5,8
$2 Double 1,2,3,5,8/3,5,10
$1 Pick 3 1,2,3,5,8/3,5,10/2,4
$10 WPS 5
$1 Ex 3,5,10/3,5,6,10
$1 Tri 3,5,10/3,5,6,10/3,5,6,10
$0.20 Super Box 3,5,6,10 $0.20 Super Box 3,5,9,10
$2 Double 3,5,6,9,10/2,4,7
$1 Pick 3 3,5,6,9,10/2,4,7/3,6
$0.10 Pick 6 3,5,6,9,10/1,2,4,7/3,5,6/8/3,7,10,12/1,2,7,10,12
$10 WPS 2
$1 Ex Box 2,4,7 $1 Ex 1,9-2 $1 Ex 2-1,9
$1 Tri 2,4,7/1,2,4,7/1,2,4,7
$0.20 Super Box 1,2,4,7 $0.20 Super Box 2,4,7,9
$1 Double 1,2,4,7,9/1,3,5,6,8,9
$1 Pick 3 2,4,7/3,5,6,8,9/1,8
$5 WPS 3 $5 WPS 6
$1 Ex 3,5,6/3,5,6,8
$1 Tri 3,5,6/3,5,6,8/3,5,6,8
$0.20 Super Box 3,5,6,8 $0.20 Super Box 3,5,6,9
$1 Double 1,3,5,6,8,9/1,2,3,4,8
$1 Pick 3 3,5,6,8,9/1,2,8/3,7
$0.50 Pick 4 1,3,5,6,8,9/1,2,8/7,9,10,12/1,7
$10 WPS 8
$2 Ex 8-1,2,3 $1 Ex 1,2,3,4-8
$1 Tri 8/1,2/1,2,3,4,7
$0.20 Super Box 1,2,3,8 $0.20 Super Box 1,2,4,8
$1 Double 1,2,3,4,8/3,6,7,9,10,12
$1 Pick 3 1,2,8/7,9/1,2,7,11,12
$10 WPS 7
$5 Ex 7-3,12
$1 Tri 7/9,10/3,9,10,11,12
$0.20 Super Box 3,7,9,10 $0.20 Super Box 7,19,11,12
$1 Double 3,6,7,9,10,12/1,2,7,10,12
$10 WPS 2
$1 Ex 1,2,7/1,2,7,12
$1 Tri 1,2,7/1,2,7,11/1,2,7,11
$0.20 Super Box 1,2,7,11 $0.20 Super Box 1,2,7,12

02-01-2012, 12:09 PM
if you show any kind of a profit, i will give you or your favorite charity $50.

i am rooting to pay it!

no variations in betting allowed including amounts

02-01-2012, 12:21 PM
Wow, good luck.. I always attempted to trim down my number of types of wagers played rather than go full-out. Interested in seeing results.

02-01-2012, 04:47 PM
If you keep using Aqueduct as one of your tracks,,,,,you are going to have a tough time just to break even because of short fields and way too many favorites winning..the main reason... lately NYRA is in hot water all the time ..

Good Luck to you.

02-01-2012, 05:33 PM
Too many bets = too many chances to lose!
All races are not created equal either.

JMO and Good Luck

02-01-2012, 11:17 PM
Too many bets = too many chances to lose!
All races are not created equal either.

JMO and Good Luck
Had 11 winners in 28 races. Which is way over the normal expected average.
Still lost close to 1200 dollars.
So tough
But a good trial to the real thing probably coming up the third week of february, my spring break

02-02-2012, 01:57 AM
Had 11 winners in 28 races. Which is way over the normal expected average.
Still lost close to 1200 dollars.
So tough
But a good trial to the real thing probably coming up the third week of february, my spring break

Crammin for finals eh

02-02-2012, 03:27 AM
Yea, well mid-terms, but im grinding away at it.