View Full Version : Getting Spammed By Soap Opera Stars

12-01-2003, 07:20 PM
Today, I finally realized what happens to old soap opera stars when they get written out of a show... they are imprisoned somewhere and forced to write spam emails to me.

Annabelle Lockwood
Elizabeth Ashley
Trenton Hanover
Kristin Payne
Travis Hawkes
Ulysses Brooks
Eldon Youngblood
Reva Aragon
Avery Melvin
Taylor Sands

12-01-2003, 10:45 PM
Vet Scratch,

Maybe it's time to download the free utility called "MAIL WASHER" from www.mailwasher.net ... They have a feature on it, whereby you can bounce spam e-mail back to the sender." Gives them a "taste of their own medicine",' so to speak. It might help to get some of these characters off your e-mail list.



12-01-2003, 11:19 PM
They already get directed into my SpamBox folder... I'm wary of rules that automatically delete them... just in case one of the real Soap hunks might drop me a line one of these days. :)