View Full Version : MLK Memorial Service Sunday

10-18-2011, 09:27 AM
It struck me that as Obama spoke, the differences between he and MLK were glaring.

MLK tried to unite people, while BO has done nothing but drive wedges between them and demonize groups.

MLK walked the walk. He faced the fire hoses alongside his followers, he marched with them into the throes of angry mobs. He had skin in the game.

BO has never shared a sacrifice. He has only talked about it so far, while his family and he live the very lives the he condemns others for living.

And when he left the ceremony, he set off on a 3 day hate speech tour to further alienate and dived the country.

We call this a leader.
My, how the bar has been lowered.

MLK, a REAL American.....BO, a POS.

NJ Stinks
10-18-2011, 09:47 AM
It struck me that as Obama spoke, the differences between he and MLK were glaring.

MLK tried to unite people, while BO has done nothing but drive wedges between them and demonize groups.

MLK walked the walk. He faced the fire hoses alongside his followers, he marched with them into the throes of angry mobs. He had skin in the game.

BO has never shared a sacrifice. He has only talked about it so far, while his family and he live the very lives the he condemns others for living.

And when he left the ceremony, he set off on a 3 day hate speech tour to further alienate and dived the country.

We call this a leader.
My, how the bar has been lowered.

MLK, a REAL American.....BO, a POS.

Have some coffee and try to lighten up. :rolleyes:

And turn on a classic rock station for a change.

10-18-2011, 10:50 AM
like Rush pointed out, it's disgraceful how Obama uses dead people to push his agenda, as when he said that MLK if he were here today would support OWS. he uses straw men and dead people to advance his ideas.

the worst, most divisive, thuggish cheapshot artist we've ever seen. an embarrassment and disaster for our country. a 100% fraud

he is all about being a bully, every day, in every speech. he takes every cheap shot in the book and then calls for civility and a new tone and claims to be above it all. claims to be a compromiser and extolls the virtue of bipartisanship and in the next breath says republicans are for dirty air and dirty water.

never has a president excoriated so many US citizens and groups of citizens.

Let's Roll
10-18-2011, 11:12 AM
Well said ARLJIM78 !
I tire easily from this presidents rhetoric, I despise the sound of his voice and his destructive message.What we are seeing and hearing is an act of desperation, because an accomplished President would campaign on his record, this fellow has done nothing to brag about.
The fanatics on the left will call this a heroic effort to keep his office. Thinkers will see see this for what it is, the acts of a demogogue who seeks to retain power at any cost, including the tarnishing of the very office he holds.

10-18-2011, 11:51 AM
NJ - I have the Legends Rock channel on all day now - no more talk radio.
Doc says I can cut back on the voltage next week! :jump:

10-20-2011, 06:13 PM
http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20111020__Geezer__won_t_let_thugs_ruin_his_walks.h tml

My former dentist, on Obama's inaguration day, told me, "well, don't you think we'll now have "racial harmony"?

I looked at him and asked "do you really think so"?
I've never been back since, but I'll bet that man remembers what I said that day.

Mike at A+
10-20-2011, 08:30 PM
I wonder if he knows that it was 63% of HIS PARTY that wanted to see blacks "hanging from trees"?