11-07-2003, 11:27 AM

This is the message Bush’s administration sends to all peoples .

Policemen find it necessary to invade a high school and hold cringing students at gun point!

Joe M

11-07-2003, 01:31 PM
What Happened? Someone would'nt Pray out loud?

11-07-2003, 04:19 PM
Suff, it was just terrible to see on TV.
They were looking for drugs.

Kids sprawled on the floor. Guns pointed right at them.

At least on kid would not lie down and they arrested him.

How come they didn't just shoot him!!!

No good comes out of such things like this.

11-08-2003, 10:55 AM
You can't blame Bush for this one-this is the result of:

1. An incompetant priciple who should be fired immediatley.
2. A police force who has been watching too many Nazi movies.
The chief should be fired immediately, and ALL of the officers
should be seriously scrutinized for possible termination.

The city would be safer without any police force than this gestapho group.

I hope all the parent sget together and do some serious damge, ie, billion dllar lawsuits to the school districts, police department, city, and the individuals.
This kind of crap cannot be tolerated and it just is one more reason why I am opposed to any gun laws at all. This crap is alwats out there wainting to find a group to pounce on. Our only defense against a dictator-based government is our guns and the will to use them. Remeber what Gordon Liddy said... HeadShots!

Dave Schwartz
11-08-2003, 11:55 AM
I missed this story. What are you guys talking about?

11-08-2003, 12:08 PM
A HS priciple, afraid to come out of his office and do his job, called police to report drug sales in a bathroom at the school.
Must have dialed the wrong number, becasue the last platoon of Nazi holdouts responded to the call, and armed only with assault weapons, flack vests, and other assorted arms, the threw students to the floor, pointed guns in there faces and generally pushed people around in a disgusting display of police over-reaction due to extreme cowardice. No students were armed, no drugs were found, no arrests were made.
On the up side, students took notes and learned some valuable live lessons that day....and repsect for the law took a serious drop. The name PIG was formally handed down to a new generation.
Good to know that no evil weed was found...GOD only knows what kind of a lasting effect THAT might have had on our kids.

11-08-2003, 01:04 PM
This was one of the most shocking things I have ever seen. National news gave it two minutes. They were too busy talking about Rosie, and her court case. Lefty is right Dan Blather.

11-08-2003, 03:04 PM
when supposedly responsible network news agencies give so little coverage to a constitutional outrage and so much coverage to a fat pig-bitch with a big mouth. I hope they order her to pay millions in damages. And then shoot her. :eek:

11-08-2003, 03:20 PM
Tom, I dont think we really have to shoot her! JimL