View Full Version : Tapeworm in Dogs

10-29-2003, 09:05 PM
Anyone experience this with their dogs? My dog is 2 and I think he has it (I think so, from what I have read anyway :-)

Is this very harmful? Normal?

10-29-2003, 09:19 PM
there's lots of different worms, most are easy to take care of. Your vet can check a stool sample to see what kind, or blood sample for heartworms. Heartworms are the tough ones. If you see something like sphagetti in his crap, then its not heartworm, its round or hook, I think. Your vet can give meds that cure it in about a week. If you have a female and she ever gets pregnant, the worms will come back and be passed onto the pups, but the meds cure it pretty easy. Go to the vet and get the dog looked at, and don't sweat it, its real common.

10-29-2003, 09:24 PM
I just noticed it today in his stool, it was like little maggot-type things, the size of pieces of rice..

11-02-2003, 08:19 PM
Tapeworms are extremely common...they are transmitted by a dog eating an infected flea, or a rodent infected with them and look like grains of rice...this is not the worm itself, but actually segments of the worm after it has been through the digestive tract. No over the counter dewormer will kill tapeworms, the droncit pill or injection is effective, as is the Drontal, which is preferable because it deworms for everything...tapes, hooks, whips and rounds...the spaghetti looking worm is roundworms. You can take a stool sample to the vet but, often tapes will not show up on a sample because the animal must be actively shedding the eggs. You need to go to the vet or just ask for meds if your pet has been seen recently (within the year) and has a current weight. I answer this question nearly every day. I'm a veterinary technician, and trust me, most animals will have this at one time or another...also, be sure to keep your pet on a flea preventative....and for good measure, a heartworm preventative as well....sorry, I'm trained to say that. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

11-03-2003, 04:24 PM
After all this, I get his stool sampled and they find out he doesn't have it.

They said he probably has maggots, somehow.. I still see them in his stool...

11-04-2003, 04:34 PM
I'd question that. Like I said, tapes often will not show up on a stool sample....depends on what kind of fecal flotation they use....
Maggots coming directly from an animal is RARE and very serious. I'd get a second opinion.