View Full Version : Skype users: you now belong to M$

05-10-2011, 01:56 PM
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703730804576314854222820260.html?r u=yahoo&mod=yahoo_hs

BSOD - on your phone?

05-10-2011, 02:18 PM
I wonder how long before I can no longer use Skype on my linux desktop.

05-11-2011, 01:50 AM
They bought it to use with the xbox and the kinect

Only one item was more popular than the iPad in the last year. That was the kinect. They will be selling cameras and such and adding in a gazillion options to a huge all ready and waiting community of users. If they do this right, it could be huge.

But, the Skype software is buggy....it could ruin the whole package. It's a Dave Kingman deal. Home run or strikeout. Nothing in between.

05-11-2011, 02:29 AM
I forgot to mention that Microsoft owns part of facebook

Facebook has been hinting at video chat in the future. I wonder where they may get the tools? Now we know.......?

05-11-2011, 04:46 PM
I wonder how long before I can no longer use Skype on my linux desktop.

Have you tried Gnome 3 yet? I think it is awful... I spent all last weekend switching over to XFCE.


05-11-2011, 09:12 PM
Have you tried Gnome 3 yet? I think it is awful... I spent all last weekend switching over to XFCE.


I'm not a fan of Unity. The latest Ubuntu allows you the option of choosing the old style desktop from the login page. I'm hoping the backlash keeps them from forcing it as the only option.