View Full Version : GPS: A whole new way to look at it

12-31-2010, 04:15 AM


12-31-2010, 09:36 AM
Is that legal? You can get a ticket for not having a mirror, so if you block the view (partially) with something else? (And some states don't even allow GPS mounted on the windshield at all, so this is ok?) Sounds like a new way to crash your car. When you are looking up at the mirror you aren't really paying attention to what's in front of you. Plus psychologically you are trained to think what's in the mirror is behind you (the shift in focus of perception kind of zones you out to what's right in front of you), and now you are going to put a screen that is simulated front-facing right next to that. Hmmm...

Don't like it, maybe it works out better than I imagine when you're actually sitting in the car.

Standard center lower or left dashboard/windshield much better for GPS.