View Full Version : Cookie, Cookie, whatabout race?

10-01-2003, 09:30 PM
The following article is a hoot, especially when it gets down to the "race-based cookies" part.

Imagine for a moment that we live in a consumption-based tax society. (Of course one of the large advantages to such a tax system would be that taxes and all entitlement programs would be far more transparent than they are now with our current income tax system.) If we lived in such a society, the Libs would probably try to level the playing field by mandating "price adjustments" for our less foruntate fellow citizens. Gotta wonder that if better prices for minorities actually came at whitey's expense (since everyone knows white folks, generally, fare better than our darker skinned brethren), if the black student would would still have been offended. I' gotta think that the only reason the school and the student were offended is because the well-conceived experiment came at their expense.



10-01-2003, 09:42 PM
No cookies for the Indians.:( But we've gotten used to being overlooked ......maybe thats why we hang out with smokers(tobacco shops) and gamblers(casinos),the other groups looked upon with scorn:D

10-01-2003, 10:32 PM
superfecta wrote:

No cookies for the Indians.:( But we've gotten used to being overlooked...

And if that weren't bad enough... just yesterday or today some federal district judge ruled that the Washington Redskins could retain their name. You Red Men just don't git no respect. :eek:


10-01-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by boxcar
superfecta wrote:

No cookies for the Indians.:( But we've gotten used to being overlooked...

And if that weren't bad enough... just yesterday or today some federal district judge ruled that the Washington Redskins could retain their name. You Red Men just don't git no respect. :eek:

Boxcar Just to let you know Box,Redskin is the height of namecalling to an Indian,we don't even call each other that unless you mean to insult the person.So could you imagine if the ethnic slur of another race was given to a sports team nowadays?By the way,I have no problem with names like the Indians,Braves,Chiefs etc.but the slurs are not cool.

Larry Hamilton
10-01-2003, 11:22 PM
Actually, the man with the most right to be pissed about name calling is Thomas Crapper. He invented the toilet and now look what happened to his name!

Sorry, I couldnt resist the levity...

Dave Schwartz
10-02-2003, 12:06 AM
QUestion: Which amendment guarantees that nobody should ever feel offended?

10-02-2003, 12:35 AM
tho i have no idea, could it be the 5th. yeah, i'll take the 5th, drum crash

10-02-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Dave Schwartz
QUestion: Which amendment guarantees that nobody should ever feel offended?

The one about the guns! :rolleyes:

10-04-2003, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by Dave Schwartz
QUestion: Which amendment guarantees that nobody should ever feel offended? there isn't one of course ,but the first amendment doesn't guarantee you the right to offend either.No yelling FIRE in a crowded theatre for fun.For example,Rush Limbaugh should know this,but he acting like its his right to say something dumb and not be penalized for it.People can name their team anything they want,but if it offends your clientele,its not smart to keep the name that may reflect badly on your bottom line.But you can still do it,but just be prepared for the backlash.I offend from time to time (read CONSTANTLY)but I don't do it for shock effect,I just try to get people to see things from a different angle.And thats my style of self expression;) warped

10-04-2003, 11:42 AM
WHAM did just that-they fired Bob Lonsberry for offensivve commnets he made, and that was their right, no matter how cowarly it was. what they didn't anticipate what that one of their largest advertisers would pull the plug after they did it. Other radio stations are now offering Bob a job in the same market and undoubedly other advertisers, not all, but some, will go with him.
Maybe people get offended too easily these days. I don't go around calling for DJs to be fired for playing (c)Rap musice in which is it not uncommon to call for killing cops, rising against whitey, etc, etc. I don't care what peopl esay about me if I don't care if they live or die to begin with.
REAL offenses, not verbal ones, upset me - affirmative action (racism) offends me. Diversity offend me. Where is word diversitt in the constitution? Maybe I don't wanna be diverse-that is my right, too. Maybe I don't give a shot about your culture, I have my own. I don't particulary like all these liberal trying to erase God from our culture while they try to force the study of islam in colleges. BS-the contsitution says nothing about seperation of church and state. It gaurentees religous freedon. So when high school students are prohibited from praying in small groups in a private room on campus, this is exactly what the constitution meant to stop.
I am offended by liberal scum trying to destroy our country because they feel sorry for illegal immigrants and want to give them my tax money - whoa nellie! You aren't a citizen, you have no rights. Sure, these people come from a poor oppresed country. As citizens of their own nation, there had nothing to offer to make it better, so what do they offer us? Dilution of our culture!
Hey, in California, they have something like 7 different languages for the ballots. BS - if you can't speak English, you have no right to vote.
I don' tknow how many times I have heard sportscasters always refer to McNabb and Warren Moon as black quarterbacks, so Rush comments on the media's obvious positon, and that is Racism?
Get a life, people-one with an education in it.
So lets stop wasting time being offended and get used to it-we are are all offended by something, the point is the majority of us don't care if you are or not. An no matter what, everyone is not going to ever like you. Get used to it.

10-05-2003, 05:22 PM
You got me thinking. Having grown up in a city wehre our HS football team was called the Braves and watching Washington on TV almost every week, the term "Redskin" never occurred to me to be an insulting slur. I absolutely see where it would be very offensive, but also try to see that just because it is, not everyone means it that way or even thinks about it being that.
Having seen your point, I can also see where those crazy stereotype logos for the Braves, Indians, Chiefs, etc. can be offensive. Most pro teams were bastions of racism (real racism) for years and these symbols have probably run thier course.

I thought it was strange today that McNabb is playing the "redskins" and he is no doing any talking about race today. He is typical of many, many liberals-all talk, no walk. IF what Rush said was racist last week, why is in not racist this week when all the TV commenatators are using that term? Or could it be that McNabb doesn't get involved unless it benifits him personally?
Quite shallow, I would say. I guess you could say he is encouraging racism by playing today.

This is why it so hard to have an arguement with a liberal...you never know where they are coming from. they change thier views to meet the situation, like a chamelion.

But your point is well taken and I for one will never use the term again. I will simply refer to Washington as the losers and McNabb as the over-rated QB.

10-06-2003, 10:07 PM
I happen to think he is not overrated,since he did lead his team to the playoffs last year and was voted a runner up MVP twice,but since I don't follow the Eagles ,I really don't know how he stacks up to the other QBs in the league.But since he is a starting QB and has been considered for the MVP,surely he can't be that bad at his job.Unless there is a conspiracy?Hard to figure that a business would put money on someone that wasn't able to do the job.So I would lean against it.I haven't heard how Mc Nabb really feels about the statement,he sorta has been closed lip about it publicly.So no way to tell how he feels about racism.
I have no real beef about the names of the teams,I just know I don't care for the washington redskins,maybe it's psycological.Strangely,the teams i follow are the dallas cowboys and the Okla. State Cowboys.Logic would suggest I would not follow a team named after people who shot my ancestors.
And as far as Rush is concerned,he didn't mean to make a bigoted statement,but he should be smart enough to see how it can be taken that way.He still stands by the statement,which to me if you take the racial reference out,it still is a questionable statement.He has more troubles to worry about,if there is any truth to the story of him getting controlled substances over the net.
Don't bow to political correctness on my account Tom.You should do it only if you feel it is justified.But you know that,I've read your posts long enough to know you got a good head and heart(though hairy they may be)

10-06-2003, 10:28 PM
Never fear...the day I bow to political correctness you can bury me 'cause I will have assumed room temperature <G>

As far as Limbaugh goes, he gives new meaning to the phrase,"Ooo whata Rush!"

10-06-2003, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Tom
As far as Limbaugh goes, he gives new meaning to the phrase,"Ooo whata Rush!" How about doing his show with half his brain tied behind his back?
Maybe hes doin his show with half his brain fried because of his back?:D Or maybe talent on loan from Demerol?:rolleyes:

10-07-2003, 02:31 PM

:D :D :D ;)