View Full Version : The monkee's quest.......

09-24-2003, 07:38 PM
This is a hoot.
Rochesters NY...black mayor, Bill Johnson.
WHAM radio station, cocky, right-wing talk show host Bob Lonsbery.
Seneca Park Zoo, a family of orangatangs.
How do these tie together?
Heh, heh, heh.
A cople of weeks ago, the orangatang escaped from his cage and was later caught and returned.
Mayor Bill, a democrate and overall failure, is running for county executive.
Lonsbery, never at a loss for words, was taking a call from a listener who mentioned the orangatangs escape and Bob relplied,"And now his is running for county executive!"
Several more callers picked up the theme and the comparison of the mayor to a monkee was completed.
Now, the shp hits the fan, the NAACP (BTW, a racist organization by its very name) is calling for Bob's head, and all heck breaks loose. WHAM suspends Bob for two days and demand he gice an on-air apology to Mayor Billy, the loser and failure. In downright admirable conservative spirit, Lonsbery mkaes the on-air apology, like a man, and says he is indeed sorry he called the mayor a monkee.....he should have called him a jackass!!!!
Now he is suspended another week and the local liberal are acting like we were attacked by pillaging huns! Calls for Bob's job, head, and assorted other bodily part...HeHeHe..
I says to myself, "Tom, Bob is right....the mayor does resemble a monkee, and monkees are my business, so my little blue monkee is now appearing on "campaign posters" for the mayor...also highliting photos of the worst slums, drug houses, and abandoned buildings that adorn the flower city.
My personal favorite is "Well I'll be monkee's unlce! Look what Willy did to Clarisa Street! Let's let him do it to the whole county!
Gawd, I love politics. I almost feel like a democrate!

09-25-2003, 12:12 AM
Bob Lonsberry is a great Radio personality. I get to hear him on "The Weekend" show on Jacor stations. He is a hoot!

Bob and I have exchanged emails a few times in the past. Looks like a good time to send him an email of support.