View Full Version : Americans are What are Wrong with America

10-17-2010, 03:33 PM
According to Obama, the reason the tide will be turning come November is because so many Americans aren't thinking straight out of fear. Apparently, the last time (and perhaps one of the very, very few times in American history) we have gotten act together is when we made the horrible mistake of electing this Great Division Creator-in-Chief. :rolleyes: Here is what he told a group of Dems recently:

Obama: Dems are in trouble because Americans aren't thinking clearly

At a Saturday-evening fundraiser held in the home of a wealthy Massachusetts hospital executive, President Obama suggested Democrats are having difficulties in midterm campaigning because Americans simply aren't thinking clearly. Seeking to explain his party's troubles, the president focused not on controversial legislation like national health care and the stimulus but on evolutionary psychology. "Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we're hard-wired not to always think clearly when we're scared," Obama told the assembled Democrats, who paid $15,200 a person to attend. "And the country is scared."

Methinks BO is as poor at psychoanalyzing Americans (this is the second time now!) as he at every aspect of his real job, which I don't think includes playing Dr. Freud. (Recall how some American's are "bitter clingers"?)

This is elitism at its finest (or perhaps I should at it darkest moment). Essentially, while BO is implicitly conceding a landslide defeat (in a manner of speaking) for his hapless and hopeless Dems this upcoming election, he is already laying the blame at the feet of voters. Whatever happens after the election will be all our fault. We should have known better. He absolved the Dems completely from any wrongdoing. If this isn't arrogant, insolent, insulting elitism, I don't know what is.

This man truly thinks he's a god. He would have loved living during the Roman Empire's heyday. But who knows...perhaps he will usher in the new one, yet.



Let's Roll
10-17-2010, 04:02 PM
Our Country is not scared, Dr. Obama is projecting his own fears on us. He is the one who sees power slipping through his fingers. This dude is going to fade away kicking and screaming with shrill rhetoric.

10-17-2010, 04:38 PM
i would have to tend to agree with our president, the citizen's of this country are truly not thinking right. i ask you could they possibly be thinking right after being born to mothers that have taking anxiety pills now for a second generation, the drug company's push other rotten pills down your system, plenty of alcohol in everyone's system, bad doctors, bad leaders, real bad food, and rotten to the core pollitions? instead of telling us what we already know with this guy getting elected on hope, why doesn't he step up to the plate to solve these problems? my answer is because he is nothing but a coward, the same as the guy before him, and the same as the guy before that guy.

10-17-2010, 04:48 PM
i would have to tend to agree with our president, the citizen's of this country are truly not thinking right. i ask you could they possibly be thinking right after being born to mothers that have taking anxiety pills now for a second generation, the drug company's push other rotten pills down your system, plenty of alcohol in everyone's system, bad doctors, bad leaders, real bad food, and rotten to the core pollitions? instead of telling us what we already know with this guy getting elected on hope, why doesn't he step up to the plate to solve these problems? my answer is because he is nothing but a coward, the same as the guy before him, and the same as the guy before that guy.

Actually, he got elected on "hope and change", remember? What's the matter? You don't like what has changed?

I'm actually as about as cynical as you are; however, I don't lay the blame solely on others. I don't make myself out to be the poor, hapless, helpless victim of everyone else's wrongdoings, as though everyone on the planet is conspiring to get me. Every single one of us needs to come to the place where we shoulder the responsibility for what we are as human beings.


10-17-2010, 05:14 PM
According to Obama, the reason the tide will be turning come November is because so many Americans aren't thinking straight out of fear.
This man truly thinks he's a god. He would have loved living during the Roman Empire's heyday.
Gee, imagine that, because Americans do not wish to see their nation become a clone of the old Soviet Union, Obama says our thinking is wrong. He feels that we should not fear Marxism, but embrace it. As for the historical reference, Obama is very fortunate to have not lived during the heyday of Ancient Rome. Most of the emperors were assassinated. With his fantasies of being devine, he likely would have had a very short reign as emperor in those times.

10-17-2010, 05:28 PM
Gee, imagine that, because Americans do not wish to see their nation become a clone of the old Soviet Union, Obama says our thinking is wrong. He feels that we should not fear Marxism, but embrace it. As for the historical reference, Obama is very fortunate to have not lived during the heyday of Ancient Rome. Most of the emperors were assassinated. With his fantasies of being devine, he likely would have had a very short reign as emperor in those times.

I knew that but I betcha he doesn't. :lol: :lol:


10-17-2010, 05:30 PM
Note to Obama: We know what you are, you miserable POS.
The tar is heating up, the feathers are on the way.
All we need is the rail.

Native Texan III
10-17-2010, 06:11 PM
i would have to tend to agree with our president, the citizen's of this country are truly not thinking right. i ask you could they possibly be thinking right after being born to mothers that have taking anxiety pills now for a second generation, the drug company's push other rotten pills down your system, plenty of alcohol in everyone's system, bad doctors, bad leaders, real bad food, and rotten to the core pollitions? instead of telling us what we already know with this guy getting elected on hope, why doesn't he step up to the plate to solve these problems? my answer is because he is nothing but a coward, the same as the guy before him, and the same as the guy before that guy.

It may be that the problems can no longer be solved by one man or even one party, if they ever were. Globalization takes elected power and taxes from sovereign countries and the huge lobby industry takes the rest. USA Mainstreet has been self deluded for over a decade, whilst the rest of the world has moved on. What do you expect after November - total stalemate which means absolutely nothing will change, so who is going to get the blame then?

10-17-2010, 06:17 PM
It may be that the problems can no longer be solved by one man or even one party, if they ever were. Globalization takes elected power and taxes from sovereign countries and the huge lobby industry takes the rest. USA Mainstreet has been self deluded for over a decade, whilst the rest of the world has moved on. What do you expect after November - total stalemate which means absolutely nothing will change, so who is going to get the blame then?i agree with you to the tee. it really doesn't matter whom they chose to elect. i suspect it will be more republicans. the rest of the world is rumbling right now while the united states is stumbling.

10-17-2010, 06:33 PM
Note to Obama: We know what you are, you miserable POS.
The tar is heating up, the feathers are on the way.
All we need is the rail.

Better yet...a jail and a lost jailer.


10-17-2010, 06:50 PM
It may be that the problems can no longer be solved by one man or even one party, if they ever were. Globalization takes elected power and taxes from sovereign countries and the huge lobby industry takes the rest. USA Mainstreet has been self deluded for over a decade, whilst the rest of the world has moved on. What do you expect after November - total stalemate which means absolutely nothing will change, so who is going to get the blame then?

And exactly to what has the "rest of the world...moved on"?


10-17-2010, 07:11 PM
Globalization takes elected power and taxes from sovereign countries and the huge lobby industry takes the rest.
Correct. This is the move toward a one world government, The New World Order as it is now openly referred to. But first, the working and middle class has to be crushed, and the wealthy, with the exception of a few select individuals, rendered powerless. Globalization is the great threat to America, and unless it is reversed, our days as a republic are numbered.

10-17-2010, 11:32 PM
To think only Obama can solve all the problems is naive. It's too complex. How can one man solve all the problems? It's an absurd concept.

10-17-2010, 11:44 PM
To think only Obama can solve all the problems is naive. It's too complex. How can one man solve all the problems? It's an absurd concept.
Absurd? How 'bout nutty? Crazy? Insane?

Barack has never let himself be portrayed as able to solve a host of problems, ride a bike, shoot hoops & end "A racial Amercia"

What are/were people thinking?

10-18-2010, 12:46 AM
How can one man solve all the problems? It's an absurd concept.

Are you sure he even wants to solve the problems?? Classic Clowand and Piven - collapse the system and replace it with the new order.

10-18-2010, 12:55 AM
To think only Obama can solve all the problems is naive. It's too complex. How can one man solve all the problems? It's an absurd concept.

The role of the president is to LEAD

He is supposed to lead the Country and that means more than you might think. The President is the focal point for all that happens in our Government. The President can create and push legislation. He then is responsible to Sheppard that legislation through Congress. Congress can also create and Sheppard legislation. But the President also directs Domestic and Foreign policy. He is the end all for all policy in the country. If the Policies he creates and nurses are acceptable to the American People and Congress, then life is much easier for all of us.

Our current President did not Sheppard anything. He rammed through legislation that was forced down the throats of Americans. He did this with a Complicit criminal Congress who brokered so many deals that they made the mafia look like girl scouts. He has used his bully pulpit to attack multiple groups (including police officers and others) who he had no business speaking about or commenting on. He has not acted Presidential. He doesn't know how to stay above the fray.

He has also openly encouraged poor moral values (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703859204575526401852413266.html) and is an admitted cocaine and illegal drug user. Should I continue? This does not engender cooperation and compromise. He will never get it. Do we have to throw in Rev. Wright? How about the several lies he told on the campaign trail? Most of those are pissing off his supporters. Face it Jognlope, you bought into the song and dance (like a gazillion others) and now you need to admit the buyers remorse. You elected a man who had never had any real experience. He had absolutely no executive experience, no military experience. Spawned his career in the kitchen of a domestic terrorist and is now sitting in Washington so over his head he needs a scuba suit to get up in the morning.

A President that is only supported by 56 percent of the country, and has done nothing but move away from those who opposed him, should not be surprised when over 40 percent of the country finds him distasteful and un-deserving.

Every Governor in the Country is more qualifed than Obama after 6 months on the job. Dramatically more qualified. Some of us understand this.

To get back to "one man" solving the problems of the country, you are exactly right. But one man can LEAD and work with his opposition to get things done. Instead of running further away from his opposition, which is what this President has done. He turned a straight 90 degrees to the left and kept running. One man can make a difference in the job and it has happen many many times before. I refer you to Lincoln, Truman, Reagan and even Clinton on some matters. They knew how to get things done without strictly demanding a party line effort that alienated half the country.

Obama also suffers from one other problem that is unsolvable for him and his admin. He is a dyed in the wool leftest radical who believes that America has been wrong for years and he believes that socialism is a better form of Government. He can't say it....but he obviously believes it. This being his core value and genesis of his internal political compass makes him an enemy of many Americans right out of the box.

One man can make a difference,,,,,,,,but not this one man.......btw, in case you question my point. McCain would not have been any better. But he would have maintained the status quo. Which is ok, when it keeps the Congress from running amok.

10-18-2010, 01:00 AM
Are you sure he even wants to solve the problems?? Classic Clowand and Piven - collapse the system and replace it with the new order.

You know, 20 mths ago I heard this and thought they were full of shit. 20 mths later..........? Not so sure.............

10-18-2010, 01:14 AM
Are you sure he even wants to solve the problems?? Classic Clowand and Piven - collapse the system and replace it with the new order.


You are usually the conservative voice of reason on PA.

I'm suprised at this statement.

What "new order" is Obama's agenda?


10-18-2010, 01:39 AM
I was watching one of the cable financial shows the other day, and Steve Forbes was a guest.

He HATES Obama more than many on PA. He constently screams how Obama is "anti-business", primarily because of the threat of the proposed tax hikes on the wealthiest Americans.

Forbes was asked about China and how the trading playing field isn't fair. How they manipulate their currency ( like we are ours, at this time ) and how the whole system favors China. Another guest quoted Tim Geithner, who suggested tarrifs and other action if the Chinese dont play more fairly.

Forbes than stated that this is ridiculous. That we should open MORE lines of trade with China, regardless of their manipulatory policies, and the US Govt should not get in the way of business, here or abroad.

Then, last week, Donald Trump was interviewed on CNN. He liked Obama but now thinks he's way over his head. But more importantly he suggested the key to economic turnaround was to STOP CHINA in it's tracks with serious 'Get Tough" trade policies. (He feels the same way about OPEC).

Now my point in this story is this:

Here you have two well respected business people in Trump and Forbes (and please, no stupid comments, whether you like them or not, and I personally dont care for either of them, I respect the business connections they have.) who are on COMPLETELY OPPOSITE SIDES OF A HUMONGOUS ISSUE.

If these guys cant agree on issues like these, how can ANY advisors in ANY capacity of finance and Govt (left or right) come up with solutions to get this country back on track?
The answer is, they can't. Because we are treading waters that NO ONE has ever swam.

So let's see how smart everyone is. Rather than bitch about how the guy in the WH is ruining the country, why not post solutions to problems?

How are you going to create jobs?

Truth is, no one posting has any solutions, just complaints.

10-18-2010, 02:00 AM
How are you going to create jobs?

Truth is, no one posting has any solutions, just complaints.

1. Cut Taxes on or give a Tax credit to every company that brings a job back to the U.S. and double it if that job is still here in ten years. The job must be full time and pay more than 30k a year. That job must have been in the U.S. for at least five years prior to 1995. Basically a job that was outsourced and was in the U.S. from 1990 or earlier and was full time thru 1995 or later and then left the country.......they get fifty percent of the tax credit in the 2nd year they bring it back and in year eleven they get it again.

2. Cut taxes or give credits to anyone who starts a business that employs more than 4 people full time, and again five years later if those jobs still exist. Also provide those businesses with a 50 percent tax credit on any equipment purchased in the first two years that costs more than 10k. ** Double the tax cut if the business is financed and run with cash from an individual owner or family.

3. Require the commerce department to immediately undertake a review of regulations and rules that stifle businesses in each state. Give them one year to get it done. Name those that are redundant or onerous in nature and "urge" i.e. tie Federal funds to the State relaxing those regs for any startup with sales or revenue under 2 million dollars a year.

4. Relax rules on infrastructure projects that favor unions and provide monetary incentive for those projects that pay within 75 percent of union wages and bennies. Effectively knocking 25% or more off the price of many of these projects labor costs. Give preferred federal funding to those jobs if they negotiate a lower labor cost with a union that is already in place.

I will stop here, but I have many more in mind...........mostly small business related.

10-18-2010, 10:27 AM

You are usually the conservative voice of reason on PA.

I'm suprised at this statement.

What "new order" is Obama's agenda?


No! You're ridiculous! Did not BO promise to FUNDAMENTALLY transform the face of America? Therefore, my question to you is this: What do you think he meant by that promise (which many conservatives actually considered to be a threat)?


10-18-2010, 10:34 AM
Justralph, you're kidding right? About Obama being morally corrupt because he did cocaine eons ago? So Bush and Clinton and all others (who haven't been truthful about) are morally corrupt also who like many in their youth, experimented with drugs?

10-18-2010, 11:01 AM
The role of the president is to LEAD

He is supposed to lead the Country and that means more than you might think. The President is the focal point for all that happens in our Government. The President can create and push legislation. He then is responsible to Sheppard that legislation through Congress. Congress can also create and Sheppard legislation. But the President also directs Domestic and Foreign policy. He is the end all for all policy in the country. If the Policies he creates and nurses are acceptable to the American People and Congress, then life is much easier for all of us.

Our current President did not Sheppard anything. He rammed through legislation that was forced down the throats of Americans. He did this with a Complicit criminal Congress who brokered so many deals that they made the mafia look like girl scouts. He has used his bully pulpit to attack multiple groups (including police officers and others) who he had no business speaking about or commenting on. He has not acted Presidential. He doesn't know how to stay above the fray.

He has also openly encouraged poor moral values (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703859204575526401852413266.html) and is an admitted cocaine and illegal drug user. Should I continue? This does not engender cooperation and compromise. He will never get it. Do we have to throw in Rev. Wright? How about the several lies he told on the campaign trail? Most of those are pissing off his supporters. Face it Jognlope, you bought into the song and dance (like a gazillion others) and now you need to admit the buyers remorse. You elected a man who had never had any real experience. He had absolutely no executive experience, no military experience. Spawned his career in the kitchen of a domestic terrorist and is now sitting in Washington so over his head he needs a scuba suit to get up in the morning.

A President that is only supported by 56 percent of the country, and has done nothing but move away from those who opposed him, should not be surprised when over 40 percent of the country finds him distasteful and un-deserving.

Every Governor in the Country is more qualifed than Obama after 6 months on the job. Dramatically more qualified. Some of us understand this.

To get back to "one man" solving the problems of the country, you are exactly right. But one man can LEAD and work with his opposition to get things done. Instead of running further away from his opposition, which is what this President has done. He turned a straight 90 degrees to the left and kept running. One man can make a difference in the job and it has happen many many times before. I refer you to Lincoln, Truman, Reagan and even Clinton on some matters. They knew how to get things done without strictly demanding a party line effort that alienated half the country.

Obama also suffers from one other problem that is unsolvable for him and his admin. He is a dyed in the wool leftest radical who believes that America has been wrong for years and he believes that socialism is a better form of Government. He can't say it....but he obviously believes it. This being his core value and genesis of his internal political compass makes him an enemy of many Americans right out of the box.

One man can make a difference,,,,,,,,but not this one man.......btw, in case you question my point. McCain would not have been any better. But he would have maintained the status quo. Which is ok, when it keeps the Congress from running amok.

Good post, JR. But I do have to add one important element that is explicitly missing. BO is certainly the most divisive president I can remember. And he's very open and overt and shameless about his divisiveness. He is clearly not the president of all the people. He's the president of select groups.

Just again last week, while on the campaign trail, he made more divisive and even racial comments. Talking about Republicans, he told his audience that "they" are hoping that union members, young people and blacks stay home (i.e. not vote). These are the same three groups of people he referred to in another speech several months ago. But what was he saying here? Was he saying that all middle aged people, the elderly, all whites and peoples of other colors and all non-union members are Republicans? And where do all the Independents come in to this mix? And was he implying that "they" begrudge" the black people their voting rights? But whatever his confused, befuddled mind was trying to convey, it is crystal clear this time around as it was the first that he panders to these three groups. He is the president of these three groups (or so he thinks he is), and he could care less about anyone outside these groups. This is not leadership. He is not the president of all the people of the United States. A true leader -- a person of high moral character and deeply held moral values would try to do everything in his power to rally ALL Americans around his cause -- around his agenda -- around his policies. But with BO, I suppose his community organizing experience is too ingrained into him. All he knows how to do well is agitate, isolate and divide.


10-18-2010, 11:03 AM
Justralph, you're kidding right? About Obama being morally corrupt because he did cocaine eons ago? So Bush and Clinton and all others (who haven't been truthful about) are morally corrupt also who like many in their youth, experimented with drugs?

I see that you took away a lot out of JR's good post. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


10-18-2010, 11:17 AM
Obama always has a handy reply to anyone who disagrees with him. Bitter clingers, stupid, consumed with fear, greedy, corporate shills, etc. This is how he sees America. why anyone would listen to this thin-skinned, unaccomplished, pompous gas bag is beyond me.

10-18-2010, 11:26 AM
1. Cut Taxes on or give a Tax credit to every company that brings a job back to the U.S. and double it if that job is still here in ten years. The job must be full time and pay more than 30k a year. That job must have been in the U.S. for at least five years prior to 1995. Basically a job that was outsourced and was in the U.S. from 1990 or earlier and was full time thru 1995 or later and then left the country.......they get fifty percent of the tax credit in the 2nd year they bring it back and in year eleven they get it again.

2. Cut taxes or give credits to anyone who starts a business that employs more than 4 people full time, and again five years later if those jobs still exist. Also provide those businesses with a 50 percent tax credit on any equipment purchased in the first two years that costs more than 10k. ** Double the tax cut if the business is financed and run with cash from an individual owner or family.

3. Require the commerce department to immediately undertake a review of regulations and rules that stifle businesses in each state. Give them one year to get it done. Name those that are redundant or onerous in nature and "urge" i.e. tie Federal funds to the State relaxing those regs for any startup with sales or revenue under 2 million dollars a year.

4. Relax rules on infrastructure projects that favor unions and provide monetary incentive for those projects that pay within 75 percent of union wages and bennies. Effectively knocking 25% or more off the price of many of these projects labor costs. Give preferred federal funding to those jobs if they negotiate a lower labor cost with a union that is already in place.

I will stop here, but I have many more in mind...........mostly small business related.
1. Give a tax credit to a company which brings its operations back from overseas. Not just a few jobs. Keep the tax credit in place for five years. After that you're back on a level playing field. Set a tariff on any companies products which move overseas after 2016.
2. Definitely not.
3. It would be a good idea to review federal regulations and eliminate those that are redundent. Onerous? As the saying goes "Onerous is in the eye of the beholder" I'm sure those egg companies in Iowa thought it was onerous to clean up the rat s**t. I'm sure BP considered installing blow out preventers on their wells onerous.
4. Great idea!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Let's hire people and pay them 75% of what they're worth. Will the company executives work for 75% too? :confused:

10-18-2010, 11:40 AM
BO is certainly the most divisive president I can remember. And he's very open and overt and shameless about his divisiveness. He is clearly not the president of all the people. He's the president of select groups.
Maybe the dumbest thing you have ever posted here, which is quite an accomplishment.
My quarrel with Obama is that he has been too concilliatory towards Republicans. How many meetings did he have with Republican leaders trying to get input into major issues. How many times did he compromise only to have Republicans vote no anyway? The truth is the Republicans are not interested in solving any of our problems. The truth is Republicans are interested in power and only in power. The truth is Republicans are interested in establishing a two class society; the very rich and the poor.
Any divisiveness that is now occuring in this country can be directly laid at the feet of the Sarah Palins, the John Boehners, the Rush Limbaughs, the Glenn Becks, and the Tea Partiers.

10-18-2010, 11:49 AM
I don't want to spend any more time defending Obama. What are you alternatives to what he did, i.e., stimulus to Wall Street and banks, stimulus that was paid back to General Motors, who is making huge profits, tax cuts to stimulate small business, health care plan to make health care available to everyone and get rid of insurance industry abuses, and the 120 other campaign policies he put into place.

Because if you don't have an alternative, then you're just beefing and the beefing is based on not policies or programs that he put in place, but on a personal problem with the man that you don't admit to.

10-18-2010, 11:50 AM
According to Obama, the reason the tide will be turning come November is because so many Americans aren't thinking straight out of fear. Apparently, the last time (and perhaps one of the very, very few times in American history) we have gotten act together is when we made the horrible mistake of electing this Great Division Creator-in-Chief. :rolleyes: Here is what he told a group of Dems recently:

Obama: Dems are in trouble because Americans aren't thinking clearly

At a Saturday-evening fundraiser held in the home of a wealthy Massachusetts hospital executive, President Obama suggested Democrats are having difficulties in midterm campaigning because Americans simply aren't thinking clearly. Seeking to explain his party's troubles, the president focused not on controversial legislation like national health care and the stimulus but on evolutionary psychology. "Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we're hard-wired not to always think clearly when we're scared," Obama told the assembled Democrats, who paid $15,200 a person to attend. "And the country is scared."

Methinks BO is as poor at psychoanalyzing Americans (this is the second time now!) as he at every aspect of his real job, which I don't think includes playing Dr. Freud. (Recall how some American's are "bitter clingers"?)

This is elitism at its finest (or perhaps I should at it darkest moment). Essentially, while BO is implicitly conceding a landslide defeat (in a manner of speaking) for his hapless and hopeless Dems this upcoming election, he is already laying the blame at the feet of voters. Whatever happens after the election will be all our fault. We should have known better. He absolved the Dems completely from any wrongdoing. If this isn't arrogant, insolent, insulting elitism, I don't know what is.

This man truly thinks he's a god. He would have loved living during the Roman Empire's heyday. But who knows...perhaps he will usher in the new one, yet.


Obama is correct. 100% People don't think. They let their emotions get in the way. They let their fears control them. Demogogues, i.e. Limbaugh, Palin, etc. use this to lead them down the path to their own destruction.
They tell us immigrants are coming to steal our jobs to distract us from the fact that they are shipping our jobs overseas. They tell us all Muslims are terrorists to distract us from working with moderate Muslims to neutralize the terrorists. They tell us lies about health care reform to distract us from passing needed reform. They tell us certain groups are lazy and anchors in order to distract us from joining with those groups to fight the real enemy.

10-18-2010, 12:00 PM
I don't want to spend any more time defending Obama. What are you alternatives to what he did, i.e., stimulus to Wall Street and banks, stimulus that was paid back to General Motors, who is making huge profits, tax cuts to stimulate small business, health care plan to make health care available to everyone and get rid of insurance industry abuses, and the 120 other campaign policies he put into place.

Because if you don't have an alternative, then you're just beefing and the beefing is based on not policies or programs that he put in place, but on a personal problem with the man that you don't admit to.
The problem is these guys, (Boxcar, JR, ArlJim78, etc.) will never admit Obama ever did anything good. If Obama were to run into a burning building and rescue three children and a puppy, Boxcar would post about how Obama tracked mud on the carpet. :bang:
It is not difficult to beat these guys in an argument. It is very difficult to get them to realize they have been beaten.

10-18-2010, 12:08 PM
Justralph, you're kidding right? About Obama being morally corrupt because he did cocaine eons ago? So Bush and Clinton and all others (who haven't been truthful about) are morally corrupt also who like many in their youth, experimented with drugs?

He didn't just "experiment" read what he wrote about it.

"In the book, Obama acknowledges that he used cocaine as a high school student but rejected heroin. "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though," he says."

He states he did these drugs from high school and through college. That's 5-6 years of experimenting........that's a long experiment.

Btw, possessing or doing cocaine is a felony in many many places. He admits to a felony. Try and get a top secret clearance with a felony record? Go for it...

Btw, you can't get a job as a police officer in this country (in just about any place, there are exceptions) if you admit to cocaine use. But you can be President ? Think about it........and I am damn sure serious about it.

10-18-2010, 12:16 PM
He didn't just "experiment" read what he wrote about it.

"In the book, Obama acknowledges that he used cocaine as a high school student but rejected heroin. "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though," he says."

He states he did these drugs from high school and through college. That's 5-6 years of experimenting........that's a long experiment.

Btw, possessing or doing cocaine is a felony in many many places. He admits to a felony. Try and get a top secret clearance with a felony record? Go for it...

Btw, you can't get a job as a police officer in this country (in just about any place, there are exceptions) if you admit to cocaine use. But you can be President ? Think about it........and I am damn sure serious about it.

In order to have a felony record, don't you have to be convicted of a crime? What crime was Obama convicted of? 25 plus years ago he did some cocaine. Not an ideal thing to do, but it was 25+ years ago. And how many other public figures did some drugs in their youth, but don't have the courage to own up to it?

10-18-2010, 12:18 PM
The problem is these guys, (Boxcar, JR, ArlJim78, etc.) will never admit Obama ever did anything good. If Obama were to run into a burning building and rescue three children and a puppy, Boxcar would post about how Obama tracked mud on the carpet. :bang:
It is not difficult to beat these guys in an argument. It is very difficult to get them to realize they have been beaten.

Yeah right. What the hell has he done that is so good? Not a damn thing. We can't take anything he did in college as something good, because he has sealed his grades and his records. How about the fact as the editor of the Harvard Review nobody can find anything he ever wrote? His college papers are all hidden. Several of his classmates who worked and studied around him during this time claim that nobody knew him and some say they don't even remember him being there? How do you explain that?

Btw, he could never rescue anybody from a fire. That takes initiative and quick thinking. He has yet to show that trait. He couldn't get through the door of the burning house anyway....... not dragging your dead ass with him, with your lips locked on his ass the whole way............

10-18-2010, 12:19 PM
In order to have a felony record, don't you have to be convicted of a crime? What crime was Obama convicted of? 25 plus years ago he did some cocaine. Not an ideal thing to do, but it was 25+ years ago. And how many other public figures did some drugs in their youth, but don't have the courage to own up to it?

He doesn't have to be convicted. He admits a felony..... plain and simple. That would disqualify him from obtaining a High Level Security Clearance if he was just a regular guy.

10-18-2010, 12:38 PM
4. Great idea!!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Let's hire people and pay them 75% of what they're worth. Will the company executives work for 75% too? images/UBGX/E19.gif

You equate worth with union scale. Bad idea.
That is why GM and Chrysler failed.

Like it or not, more high-paid executives are worth their pay far more often than the bottom layers. Worth is what a person is worth to the company, not what he needs to live on. Sorry the world is a mean old place, but that is the bottom line. You nor your union determine your worth....the marketplace does.

10-18-2010, 12:40 PM
The problem is these guys, (Boxcar, JR, ArlJim78, etc.) will never admit Obama ever did anything good.

Well duh. He never did.

10-18-2010, 12:46 PM
Maybe the dumbest thing you have ever posted here, which is quite an accomplishment.
My quarrel with Obama is that he has been too concilliatory towards Republicans. How many meetings did he have with Republican leaders trying to get input into major issues. How many times did he compromise only to have Republicans vote no anyway? The truth is the Republicans are not interested in solving any of our problems. The truth is Republicans are interested in power and only in power. The truth is Republicans are interested in establishing a two class society; the very rich and the poor.
Any divisiveness that is now occuring in this country can be directly laid at the feet of the Sarah Palins, the John Boehners, the Rush Limbaughs, the Glenn Becks, and the Tea Partiers.

Quite a fun little rant.

10-18-2010, 12:48 PM
1. Cut Taxes on or give a Tax credit to every company that brings a job back to the U.S. and double it if that job is still here in ten years. The job must be full time and pay more than 30k a year. That job must have been in the U.S. for at least five years prior to 1995. Basically a job that was outsourced and was in the U.S. from 1990 or earlier and was full time thru 1995 or later and then left the country.......they get fifty percent of the tax credit in the 2nd year they bring it back and in year eleven they get it again.

2. Cut taxes or give credits to anyone who starts a business that employs more than 4 people full time, and again five years later if those jobs still exist. Also provide those businesses with a 50 percent tax credit on any equipment purchased in the first two years that costs more than 10k. ** Double the tax cut if the business is financed and run with cash from an individual owner or family.

3. Require the commerce department to immediately undertake a review of regulations and rules that stifle businesses in each state. Give them one year to get it done. Name those that are redundant or onerous in nature and "urge" i.e. tie Federal funds to the State relaxing those regs for any startup with sales or revenue under 2 million dollars a year.

4. Relax rules on infrastructure projects that favor unions and provide monetary incentive for those projects that pay within 75 percent of union wages and bennies. Effectively knocking 25% or more off the price of many of these projects labor costs. Give preferred federal funding to those jobs if they negotiate a lower labor cost with a union that is already in place.

I will stop here, but I have many more in mind...........mostly small business related.

I could easily go along with many of the concepts of this post Ralph. Except the Union (or anti union) incentives.
Tell you why:

I am neither pro or anti union. What I am at this point is VERY VERY against anything that hurts middle class working people. Union workers are just that.
Middle class workers. Yes, maybe they have teamed to guarantee a higher rate of pay then they would be able to achieve as individuals, but they ain't gettin rich making cars or welding steel on a bridge.
Plus, they spend that income on products and services that make corporate America thrive. The downfall of the middle class is one of, if not THE major reason we are in the situation we are in.

But in the scheme of things the Union stuff is small potatoes. There are much bigger fish to fry. Want to get the country going and slash the deficit?

Find ways to make the middle class strong. They are your tax base and your consumers.

Much of what you posted is a step in that right direction as long as the loopholes and shells are closed.

Good post.:ThmbUp:

10-18-2010, 12:49 PM
Bush and Clinton also disqualified?

10-18-2010, 12:55 PM
You equate worth with union scale. Bad idea.
That is why GM and Chrysler failed.

Like it or not, more high-paid executives are worth their pay far more often than the bottom layers. Worth is what a person is worth to the company, not what he needs to live on. Sorry the world is a mean old place, but that is the bottom line. You nor your union determine your worth....the marketplace does.

You are so off base as to why GM and Chrysler failed it's pathetic.

Tell me how much less auto employees in Japan earn. How many people do you know lived in Japan? I sat on a trading desk with several when I traded yen and the cost of living there is astronomical. Do you think their auto workers earn, what Tom?, minimum wage?:lol:

Then explain to me who has made more dependable cars over the last 3 decades, the Japanese or us.

Guess our unionized auto workers put the cars together so they purposely fall apart after 30k miles.

Pell Mell
10-18-2010, 12:56 PM
You equate worth with union scale. Bad idea.
That is why GM and Chrysler failed.

Like it or not, more high-paid executives are worth their pay far more often than the bottom layers. Worth is what a person is worth to the company, not what he needs to live on. Sorry the world is a mean old place, but that is the bottom line. You nor your union determine your worth....the marketplace does.

I had a good friend who was the national director of administration for Johnson & Johnson. One day I asked him how they determined the pay scale for executives and others. He said that it goes by mistakes and what the mistake could cost the company. In other words if a janitor breaks a pipe in a bathroom, how much could it cost to fix? If a top executive makes a big mistake in strategy it could cost the company millions. I guess it means that the more responsibility involved, the higher the pay.

Makes sense to me.

10-18-2010, 01:23 PM
It's hard to find anything to give Obama credit on. I would if I could think of something, but I can't. He is so out of step with this country it's ridiculous. Thankfully Republicans will take over congress now to mitigate this disaster. As I predicted such a long time ago, Obama will leave the country divided and his party in smoldering ruins. I still think there is some hope for the country to recover from his thuggish statist approach, but his party has been completely exposed and discredited. The task of fixing our problems in this country and avoiding a collapse are monumental. The tea party movement is one of our only hopes left. We did need change in 2008, we just went in the wrong direction. We went in the direction of making everything much worse. Its okay though, a big course correction is in store in a few weeks.

10-18-2010, 01:43 PM
ArlJim, it was the Wall Street crooks who were out of step with American, remember? Obama is IN STEP with the middle class and strenghthening it.

cj's dad
10-18-2010, 01:48 PM
ArlJim, it was the Wall Street crooks who were out of step with American, remember? Obama is IN STEP with the middle class and strenghthening it.

That statement is so far out in left field that it boggles the mind.

10-18-2010, 02:43 PM
You are so off base as to why GM and Chrysler failed it's pathetic.

Tell me how much less auto employees in Japan earn. How many people do you know lived in Japan? I sat on a trading desk with several when I traded yen and the cost of living there is astronomical. Do you think their auto workers earn, what Tom?, minimum wage?:lol:

Then explain to me who has made more dependable cars over the last 3 decades, the Japanese or us.

Guess our unionized auto workers put the cars together so they purposely fall apart after 30k miles.

Man,do you have any idea how to read? Or do you like the sound of your mouth rambling on and on? The legacy costs were crippling both companies. Nothing to do with quality, much like most of your posts! :D

10-18-2010, 02:44 PM
ArlJim, it was the Wall Street crooks who were out of step with American, remember? Obama is IN STEP with the middle class and strenghthening it. :lol::lol::lol::lol: I'll have what she's having! Make it a double!

10-18-2010, 02:56 PM
ArlJim, it was the Wall Street crooks who were out of step with American, remember? Obama is IN STEP with the middle class and strenghthening it.
the wall street enablers are in Washington. Obama, like mostpost, considers any non-unionized private sector business that turns a profit to be crooked, and that their revenue needs to be fairly redistributed by government. his attitude towards business has all but stopped investment and hiring.
Obama talks about strengthening the middleclass, the problem is his idea of how to do it is to regulate and tax and push legislation and bailouts that help unions. he's all hot air because he doesn't know what he is doing.

10-18-2010, 03:04 PM
The overall economic downturn affected decisions to invest and as we've seen, Bush's tax cuts that have been in effect for 5 years have not yielded jobs. I almost think you guys are jealous of the educated, at least the ones who are pragmatic and don't use a fake Texas accent and don a cowboy hat like Bush did, who was from New England.

10-18-2010, 03:46 PM
Maybe the dumbest thing you have ever posted here, which is quite an accomplishment.
My quarrel with Obama is that he has been too concilliatory towards Republicans. How many meetings did he have with Republican leaders trying to get input into major issues. How many times did he compromise only to have Republicans vote no anyway? The truth is the Republicans are not interested in solving any of our problems. The truth is Republicans are interested in power and only in power. The truth is Republicans are interested in establishing a two class society; the very rich and the poor.
Any divisiveness that is now occuring in this country can be directly laid at the feet of the Sarah Palins, the John Boehners, the Rush Limbaughs, the Glenn Becks, and the Tea Partiers.

No! The truth is that Republicans aren't interested in leading the nation down the the sure path of ruination!

And moreover if had ever been interested in compromise -- in meeting Repugs half way, how come he didn't bother after Brown got elected to the Senate? He could have gotten a few RINOs to sign on to Obamination Care just making a small concession here and there. And he could have proudly boasted of a bi-partisan support for the bill. But no! What did the Dems do: Circumvent the senate with their House strategy. So, as usual, you're without a clue.

And since you fein interest in the truth, the real skinny is that Dems are only interested in growing government by spending and taxing in order to create the Welfare Class -- Welfare Junkies -- Welfare Dependents. You hypocrite, listen to yourself! You condemn Big Biz for fleecing employees at every turn by comparing execs to robber barons who steal from the rightful wages of their employees by underpaying them, yet you unabashedly turn right around in the next breath and give hearty approval to Big Gov stealing from the "rich", through taxation, in order to pay the poor slobs who were allegedly robbed. Even if what you say was substantially and essentially the truth, the question begs to be asked: Since when did two wrongs ever make a right, you hypocrite!?


10-18-2010, 03:54 PM
The overall economic downturn affected decisions to invest and as we've seen, Bush's tax cuts that have been in effect for 5 years have not yielded jobs. I almost think you guys are jealous of the educated, at least the ones who are pragmatic and don't use a fake Texas accent and don a cowboy hat like Bush did, who was from New England.

Thanks for reminding me why you're posts score a -1 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being excellent. You spend many words saying absolutely nothing.


10-18-2010, 03:56 PM
The overall economic downturn affected decisions to invest and as we've seen, Bush's tax cuts that have been in effect for 5 years have not yielded jobs. I almost think you guys are jealous of the educated, at least the ones who are pragmatic and don't use a fake Texas accent and don a cowboy hat like Bush did, who was from New England.

You prefer a brain-dead moron who has to have someone feed him lines through a teleprompter because he has no idea what he is talking about? :lol:

10-18-2010, 04:11 PM
Man,do you have any idea how to read? Or do you like the sound of your mouth rambling on and on? The legacy costs were crippling both companies. Nothing to do with quality, much like most of your posts! :D

Oh, so you mean that the actuarial experts consulted by the highly overpaid executives at GM failed to take into account a (possible) horrific rise in the cost of health care to where it's evolved today?

Sounds like bad executive management to me.

Also sounds like deja vu. I warned you and others on another thread. The SOONER (not later) you get health care OUT OF THE HANDS (and burden) OF THE PRIVATE BUSINESS SECTOR and into a modified socialized system, businesses will thrive.
You suggested back on that thread, that we need to allow businesses to buy insurance across state lines. Yeah, that'll REALLY bring the costs down..:lol:

Im not advocating a complete socialized system. If those that can afford it, including businesses, want to have private insurance. It should be perfectly legal.

Of course YOUR other alternative is to just have everyone buy their own health care, like auto insurance.....

10-18-2010, 04:31 PM
Gee, I'm kinda likin' the quality of this post!;)

Completely understandable. Low quality would definitely be your top limit -- and only then on a really good day.


10-18-2010, 09:30 PM
What "new order" is Obama's agenda?

I believe the “fundamental transformation” he is referring to is from the Republic we have today to a more European style Socialist democracy similar to what we see in Europe, which would be characterized by big government programs, high tax rates excessive Gov regulation, and the redistribution of wealth.

Take a look at the people he associates with or the people he put into positions of power - Van Jones, Bill Ayers, Andy Stern, Valerie Garrett, Rev Wright, all of which have said openly supported and advocated the redistribution of wealth. Obama himself has stated that the constitution was flawed because it did not address wealth redistribution.

Now take a look at the Policies this administration has been pursuing.

National Healthcare – Slowly but surely the truth about this bill and its associated costs are coming out. The CBO has revised its numbers since it has been passed. Now many corporations and Unions are being given exemptions to implementing Obamacare. Why would anyone take on such a risky and costly program in the middle of the worst recession in decades?

Cap and Trade – This not about finding a solution to Global Warming, it’s about income redistribution. They aren’t limiting the amount of pollution produced; they are only making you pay a fee when you do. And who stands to profit when C&T is enacted – Corporations like GE, a big time Obama supported when you consider they own NBC, MSNBC, CNBC. Take a look at the Chicago Climate Exchange and who owns them. Obama helped to get funding for the CCX back when he was a State Senator. The head of the CCX estimates future profits in the trillions if C&T passes.

Stimulus and Bailouts – Where did the money go? It went to pay back to his contributors like ACORN and the Unions. Bailout GM and Chrysler so Union workers can keep their jobs and pay Union dues, 125 billion to the teachers and their unions. Goldman Sax, who owns a 50% stake in the above mentioned CCX.

Ridiculous – I think not.

Obama’s next boondoggle will be to bail out the states going belly up due to unaffordable union pensions; hopefully a Republican Congress will prevent that from happening.

10-18-2010, 11:00 PM
What "new order" is Obama's agenda?

I believe the “fundamental transformation” he is referring to is from the Republic we have today to a more European style Socialist democracy similar to what we see in Europe, which would be characterized by big government programs, high tax rates excessive Gov regulation, and the redistribution of wealth.

Take a look at the people he associates with or the people he put into positions of power - Van Jones, Bill Ayers, Andy Stern, Valerie Garrett, Rev Wright, all of which have said openly supported and advocated the redistribution of wealth. Obama himself has stated that the constitution was flawed because it did not address wealth redistribution.

DOUBLE BINGO! Mr. Delay goes to the head of the class with high honors! In fact, this is when BO lamented the fact that the Constitution was a declaration of NEGATIVE RIGHTS because it limited government's powers. To his mind the Constitution was too restrictive because it limited the government's powers in terms of what it should be doing for the people. For those of you who still don't want to get it, this could all be stated another way: BO is sorely disappointed that the Constitution did not grant more power (i.e. RIGHTS) to the government and a lot less to The People!

BO is living proof of the veracity and reliability of the bible for there is a text that says "bad company corrupts good morals"!

BO expressed his sentiments like the true Marxist he is! And his remarks are entirely consistent with the kinds of people he has chosen to surround himself with all his life, including his pastor who has nothing but disdain for white America and Capitalism.


10-18-2010, 11:31 PM
The overall economic downturn affected decisions to invest and as we've seen, Bush's tax cuts that have been in effect for 5 years have not yielded jobs. I almost think you guys are jealous of the educated, at least the ones who are pragmatic and don't use a fake Texas accent and don a cowboy hat like Bush did, who was from New England.

Well, if you are so invested in the high end education side of it. Bush got Better grades than Gore and Kerry. Who knows about Obama.......his grades are hidden away too..........

10-18-2010, 11:52 PM
Cap and Trade – This not about finding a solution to Global Warming, it’s about income redistribution. They aren’t limiting the amount of pollution produced; they are only making you pay a fee when you do. And who stands to profit when C&T is enacted – Corporations like GE, a big time Obama supported when you consider they own NBC, MSNBC, CNBC. Take a look at the Chicago Climate Exchange and who owns them. Obama helped to get funding for the CCX back when he was a State Senator. The head of the CCX estimates future profits in the trillions if C&T passes.
I hear that cap and trade is bad because it will cause energy bills to sky rocket. Then I hear that it's bad because it's not a solution to Global Warming, it's just a scheme to implement income redistribution. When income redistribution is mentioned here it always refers to taking money from rich people, who always deserve everything they have, and goving it to poor people, who never deserve even the little they have.
How can it be income redistribution when you are taking the money from the homeowner and giving it to the energy companies. How is it socialism when the profits from the climate exchanges (Trillions of dollars you said) are going to General Electric and wealthy traders?
Of course you are wrong when you say they are not trying to reduce the amnount of pollution. The whole purpose of Cap and Trade is that an entity reduces the amount of pollution it creates so it can sell allowances to others.
You are going to say that just means the amount of pollution remains the same; it is just moved to a different place. But the amount of pollution contained in an allowance will be gradually reduced.
Another thing which is not mentioned is that profits (Trillions of dollars right?) will be subject to tax. Let's see,if we tax it as income we should make $350B
appproximately. That's just for one trillion. You did say trillions, right? Seems like a no brainer to me.

10-19-2010, 12:46 AM
Stimulus and Bailouts – Where did the money go? It went to pay back to his contributors like ACORN and the Unions. Bailout GM and Chrysler so Union workers can keep their jobs and pay Union dues, 125 billion to the teachers and their unions. Goldman Sax, who owns a 50% stake in the above mentioned CCX.
The stimulus created jobs. You don't think so? Here are some people who disagree with you.
In a letter requesting stimulus funds, Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown (a Republican) said: Broadband coiverage is essential to the economic well being of Western Massachusetts and crucial to prepare our next generation of entrepreneurs and job creators. (Emphasis mine) {1:42 of the video}
From Mitch McConnell: "Supporting Appalachian railroads has the potential to attract industry. {2:22}
McConnell again: These necessary improvements will enable Paducah to improve it's economy. {2:39}
Tea Party Priincess Michelle Bachman wrote: "The project would directly produce 1407 jobs per year directly while indirectly producing 1563 jobs a year. A total of 2970 jobs each year after the projects completion.
There were several other letters from Republican Senators and Congressmen specifically mentioned on the segmnent and dozens of others referred to.

I am not posting this information to point out what hypocrits Republicans are for opposing the stimulus and badmouthing it every chance they get, then begging for stimulus money. I am posting it to show that every one of their letters requesting stimulus funds talks about economic growth and job creation.

10-19-2010, 12:55 AM
I hear that cap and trade is bad because it will cause energy bills to sky rocket. Then I hear that it's bad because it's not a solution to Global Warming, it's just a scheme to implement income redistribution. When income redistribution is mentioned here it always refers to taking money from rich people, who always deserve everything they have, and goving it to poor people, who never deserve even the little they have.

Cap and Trade is a scheme for Global wealth redistribution, not just taking from the American rich and giving it to the American poor within the nation.
It will make America poorer, and third world countries richer.
Africa will do well.

10-19-2010, 01:04 AM
The stimulus created jobs. You don't think so? Here are some people who disagree with you.
Does it ever occur to you that you're getting information and formulating opinions based on that information from a dicey crowd?

Bias doesn't come any more jaded than that found on your Mothership.

KO & Co should sell helmets to their viewers, ala Captain Video.


10-19-2010, 01:41 AM
Does it ever occur to you that you're getting information and formulating opinions based on that information from a dicey crowd?

Bias doesn't come any more jaded than that found on your Mothership.

KO & Co should sell helmets to their viewers, ala Captain Video.

Are you saying those letters don't exist? That they were made up by Olbermann? It's Olbermann not Beck.
The information you get is not fom a dicey crowd. They're just plain lying to you.

10-19-2010, 01:52 AM
Cap and Trade is a scheme for Global wealth redistribution, not just taking from the American rich and giving it to the American poor within the nation.
It will make America poorer, and third world countries richer.
Africa will do well.
Just how is that going to happen? Delayjf says we are going to make trillions on cap & trade. We cannot both make trillions and become poorer. There maybe some industries that will suffer in the short run, but others will spring up to take their place. We no longer have much call for blacksmiths and stage coach drivers, but we seem to have managed.

As far as third world countries, I am all in favor of them becoming richer. That benefits everyone. If they become richer, we become richer.

NJ Stinks
10-19-2010, 01:55 AM
Completely understandable. Low quality would definitely be your top limit -- and only then on a really good day.


Boxcar, I suppose you understand that you would have greater credence around here if you said anything about the comments below. But you didn't. Of course.

He couldn't get through the door of the burning house anyway....... not dragging your dead ass with him, with your lips locked on his ass the whole way............

And Ralph, are we supposed to care that you are mad? If so, I didn't get the memo. :rolleyes:

10-19-2010, 01:58 AM
Note to Boxcar:
The title of this thread is grammatically incorrect. The second "are" in the title does not refer back to "Americans". It refers back to "What". "What" is collective and takes the singular. i know you don't like to hear the word "collective", but deal with it. :D

10-19-2010, 03:16 AM
There maybe some industries that will suffer in the short run, but others will spring up to take their place. We no longer have much call for blacksmiths and stage coach drivers, but we seem to have managed.
I continue to hear about these 'green jobs' that will be in the hundreds of thousands. Hell, millions!

Why aren't they spouting up as we speak and what are these jobs; Light bulb manufacturing & wind generating calibration?

We need Government with tax & cap dollars to get this show on the road or is this just another pipe-dream like a classified ad in the back of Mother Earth News in 1973? You too can be a chimney sweep.

The jig is up. Pelosi, Reid, Obama & Co. blew your credibility with HC. Ain't nobody buying your little stories of "trust us, you'll love what we have in store for you."

Green jobs. :lol:

10-19-2010, 06:32 AM
Who did cocaine 20 years ago and the fact that the tiger is now out of the bag are moot points now because we must deal with it. BHO is who got elected and the fact that he and his band of misfits now are sticking it to us in the form of what goes to euro goes round here is a cruel joke. The majority of voters should soundly reject the President, Harry Reid & Nancy Pelosi and slaughter every democrat in two weeks time. Getting the globalization tiger back into the bag is a whole different ball of wax. Cutting BHO off at the knees is just a start of what must happen. The next wave of new innovation must happen here and the Bilderbergers and CFR need to be kept at bay from globalization of new products. To think your going to get China form not making shirts or anything else is a drug induced dream. Change is slow, we did not get here over night and BHO did not hoodwink everyone when elected. Most were, like it or not "fat dumb and happy" and only wanted to preserve "fat dumb and happy". When you think about it at different points in time America has always answered the call when other nations were in need. At this point in time America needs to say "screw you", time to answer America's need. To do that is to screw the Bilderberger's and CFR and cut the toes off globalization and let Europe and its eoro currency fail if it must. There is no quick fix for our problems but we can only hang the dirty dogs we can get our hands on in this country. We as a people have to vote in two weeks to reject what this President is standing for, the vote has to be seen as something the American people soundly reject from this President. To show this President Americans are thinking clearly and clearly reject him and his policies.

10-19-2010, 10:19 AM
As far as third world countries, I am all in favor of them becoming richer. That benefits everyone. If they become richer, we become richer.

I am in favor of them becoming rich as well - as long as they develop their own economy. I never said the US would get rich off of C&T - its the Progressive insiders who have positioned themselves to profit if C&P is enacted.

Obviously you agree with globalization and the Obama's world view, at least your an honest socialist.

10-19-2010, 10:30 AM
Just how is that going to happen? Delayjf says we are going to make trillions on cap & trade. We cannot both make trillions and become poorer. .

That question is better directed to Delayjf.
It is about Global wealth redistribution.

10-19-2010, 11:01 AM
Boxcar, I suppose you understand that you would have greater credence around here if you said anything about the comments below. But you didn't. Of course.

And I suppose you'd have far greater credence around here if you answered a mere fraction of my questions that I have posed to you in the past instead of hiding like a coward or posting one of your typical juvenile, sandbox-drawn non-answers.

As far as SL's post: He is just like his soul mate BO. They're both always right and everyone else is not only wrong but downright stupid for not seeing things their way. No one understands anything ever except for these two guys. :rolleyes:


10-19-2010, 11:08 AM
Note to Boxcar:
The title of this thread is grammatically incorrect. The second "are" in the title does not refer back to "Americans". It refers back to "What". "What" is collective and takes the singular. i know you don't like to hear the word "collective", but deal with it. :D

You're absolutely right, Mosty. When you're right, you're right...and it's only right to give the devil his due. Good observation. :ThmbUp:

And by the way, I don't mind "collectives" at all -- as long as I'm doing all the collecting. See: You didn't know I'm a "greenie", did you? :D


10-19-2010, 12:38 PM
Wow. Mosite gets one right.
Of all the topics we have gone over, he finally gets one right and it is grammar.

Of what make do you that of?

10-19-2010, 12:46 PM
Wow. Mosite gets one right.
Of all the topics we have gone over, he finally gets one right and it is grammar.

Of what make do you that of?

He was in desperate need of some positive reinforcement, and he might have actually relied on himself for the fix. :D


10-19-2010, 03:47 PM
Are you sure he even wants to solve the problems?? Classic Clowand and Piven - collapse the system and replace it with the new order.
He does not. Post #54 nailed it pretty well. Everyone, friend and foe alike, concede that Obama is very intelligent. Virtually everything he has done has harmed the nation, and no rational bright person could have done this, except by design. His goal, and that of his associates, is to crush our society and then rebuild it in their mold. In previous threads I have often quoted Vladimir Lenin and commented on how his principles and plans are being followed and carried out by Obama and his cohorts. Very chilling to see the similarity. Unknown at this time is if the plan is to create a Marxist Soviet Union type society, or a more broad based one world government regime under the auspices of the CFR, Trilaterals, and Bilderbergers. If either of these scenarios come to pass, there will be widespread armed insurrections or perhaps even all out civil war in our nation.

10-20-2010, 03:15 AM
What "new order" is Obama's agenda?

I believe the “fundamental transformation” he is referring to is from the Republic we have today to a more European style Socialist democracy similar to what we see in Europe, which would be characterized by big government programs, high tax rates excessive Gov regulation, and the redistribution of wealth.

Take a look at the people he associates with or the people he put into positions of power - Van Jones, Bill Ayers, Andy Stern, Valerie Garrett, Rev Wright, all of which have said openly supported and advocated the redistribution of wealth. Obama himself has stated that the constitution was flawed because it did not address wealth redistribution.

Now take a look at the Policies this administration has been pursuing.

National Healthcare – Slowly but surely the truth about this bill and its associated costs are coming out. The CBO has revised its numbers since it has been passed. Now many corporations and Unions are being given exemptions to implementing Obamacare. Why would anyone take on such a risky and costly program in the middle of the worst recession in decades?

Cap and Trade – This not about finding a solution to Global Warming, it’s about income redistribution. They aren’t limiting the amount of pollution produced; they are only making you pay a fee when you do. And who stands to profit when C&T is enacted – Corporations like GE, a big time Obama supported when you consider they own NBC, MSNBC, CNBC. Take a look at the Chicago Climate Exchange and who owns them. Obama helped to get funding for the CCX back when he was a State Senator. The head of the CCX estimates future profits in the trillions if C&T passes.

Stimulus and Bailouts – Where did the money go? It went to pay back to his contributors like ACORN and the Unions. Bailout GM and Chrysler so Union workers can keep their jobs and pay Union dues, 125 billion to the teachers and their unions. Goldman Sax, who owns a 50% stake in the above mentioned CCX.

Ridiculous – I think not.

Obama’s next boondoggle will be to bail out the states going belly up due to unaffordable union pensions; hopefully a Republican Congress will prevent that from happening.

A European socialist democracy? Redistribution of wealth?

Excuse me Sir, this country has always had a progressive tax scale, and even after raising the tax rate on the highest earners in this country, (which I predict he will do) we are still the least taxed democratic country on the planet. Feel free to do the research.

Regarding health care... Without having a public option, there is NOTHING from keeping insurance carriers (who are already very fearful of their future profits) from raising rates and blaming it on the new health care mandates.
Regarding the exemptions (like McDonalds) from my understanding it affects very low level plans (not full coverage type) and it's more of a technicality tweaking than giving favors to specific groups. (like unions).
Delay, the health care problem isn't going away, Obama care or not.

Wanna repeal it? ok...now what? If you stand for "to bad and tough shit" for everyone who has no insurance, has a pre existing condition, or whose employer can no longer keep up with rate hikes that are 10 times the rate of inflation and wont offer coverage, then we'll end the discussion there. There are MANY on this forum, on this thread, who I know feel that way. To me, that's un-American.
All the insurance companies are working in cahoots, and offering insurance across state lines wont solve the long term issues or bring costs down.

Regarding Cap and trade.... We are nowhere near implementing this and the jury is still out regarding it's benefits. But I will research the points you make regarding who is to benefit when it becomes an issue.
But YOU (and I say this respectfully) need to be more diligent in your accusations, like GE. GE has a big presence in upstate NY and I've met many employees and executives in the years I've spent in Saratoga. I've never heard them being a liberal or left wing corporation. As a matter of FACT, just the opposite. Go and do some simple research and you'll find they are MUCH bigger contributors to the Right than Left.
Their investments in NBC, etc, were done from a BUSINESS perspective, not political. Heck Jack Welch was running the company then and he just blasted Obama.

Regarding the "union bailouts" of GM and Chrysler. I've debated this before.
If those companies were forced to go the bankruptcy route, they would have NOT emerged.
Let me give you an example:
You make bolts that GM buys to make cars. GM goes into bankruptcy, and after a long bankruptcy proceedings, you get 38 cents on the dollar...so you got stiffed. Now GM emerges from bankruptcy... Are you gonna sell them bolts? Absolutely. Are you gonna extend them credit? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
The influx of immediate capital and a GOVT credit guarantee with GM's vendors got the company rolling again and saved thousands of jobs.
Oh, and by the way..... If GM goes under, there's a very good chance that a percentage of those who buy GM and Chrysler WILL buy Toyota and Honda.
More money leaving the country...again what we dont need.
So this is NOT JUST GM UNION JOBS, Delay.... Think of all the businesses that branch off of a healthy American auto industry.
If Obama would have let GM go, the citizens, and the entire state of Michigan would be gravely affected.

As usual, thanks for the post.

10-20-2010, 03:42 AM
Regarding Cap and trade.... We are nowhere near implementing this and the jury is still out regarding it's benefits.
Charming, you continually rolling in with your didactic pontifications and blowing out.

Stick around sometime and actually debate your goofy positions.

I know I'd enjoy it.

10-20-2010, 04:10 AM
Maybe the dumbest thing you have ever posted here, which is quite an accomplishment.
My quarrel with Obama is that he has been too concilliatory towards Republicans. How many meetings did he have with Republican leaders trying to get input into major issues. How many times did he compromise only to have Republicans vote no anyway? The truth is the Republicans are not interested in solving any of our problems. The truth is Republicans are interested in power and only in power. The truth is Republicans are interested in establishing a two class society; the very rich and the poor.
Any divisiveness that is now occuring in this country can be directly laid at the feet of the Sarah Palins, the John Boehners, the Rush Limbaughs, the Glenn Becks, and the Tea Partiers.

Palin,Limbuagh,Beck,are in the entertainment business. If you take them seriously,you need your head examined.I prefer a stalemate in Congress over any legislation that is proposed by the Obama administration that further brings our country toward a nanny state. NO,NO,NO on the part of the Repugs is our only saving grace at this time.

10-20-2010, 04:12 AM
Note to Boxcar:
The title of this thread is grammatically incorrect. The second "are" in the title does not refer back to "Americans". It refers back to "What". "What" is collective and takes the singular. i know you don't like to hear the word "collective", but deal with it. :D

Amazingly, you wish to correct something that is "gramatically" incorrect and then you go and forget to capitalize "i" that starts your last sentence. :lol:

10-20-2010, 04:18 AM
In order to have a felony record, don't you have to be convicted of a crime? What crime was Obama convicted of? 25 plus years ago he did some cocaine. Not an ideal thing to do, but it was 25+ years ago. And how many other public figures did some drugs in their youth, but don't have the courage to own up to it?

You are hopeless. You just do not get it.Actually, I wish he would have been arrested 25 years ago, then we would not have to have this conversation.

10-20-2010, 04:41 AM
Palin,Limbuagh,Beck,are in the entertainment business. If you take them seriously,you need your head examined.

Risky, I like reading your posts. I don't agree with them much, but I read em and consider your points. But this is a doozy..........

These 3 people you have listed are a huge part of why things are going to go they way they will on Nov 2nd. It will be a referendum on their "act"

I am hedging on this huge Republican wave......but these three have been busting their tails for the last two years.......and it is going to be very interesting.

10-20-2010, 05:14 AM
Risky, I like reading your posts. I don't agree with them much, but I read em and consider your points. But this is a doozy..........

These 3 people you have listed are a huge part of why things are going to go they way they will on Nov 2nd. It will be a referendum on their "act"

I am hedging on this huge Republican wave......but these three have been busting their tails for the last two years.......and it is going to be very interesting.

What the hell are you doing up at 4:30AM or are you just getting up? Me, can't sleep--too much on my mind.
Limbaugh is a day time radio host and at least in NY most people are working when he is doing his thing. Yes,he is influential but in IMO is overrated and at times hard to take. Beck is entertaining and needs a long vacation. Palin is not very bright unless I am missing something.I know you are a "news junkie" and a lot of your links turned me on to some interesting sites. I thank you for that.
"Doozy" could be--to each his own.

10-20-2010, 08:07 AM
Palin has a better record endorsing candidates than Obama.
The dummy.

10-20-2010, 01:40 PM
...Excuse me Sir, this country has always had a progressive tax scale...

I suppose you can parse the sentence out a few ways, but I'd be interested in learning about progressive taxation as a generally accepted principal here prior to 1913.

10-20-2010, 03:05 PM
Palin,Limbuagh,Beck,are in the entertainment business. If you take them seriously,you need your head examined.I prefer a stalemate in Congress over any legislation that is proposed by the Obama administration that further brings our country toward a nanny state. NO,NO,NO on the part of the Repugs is our only saving grace at this time.

With all due respect, your logic is flawed. Why would the entertainment profession necessarily preclude anyone from being a politically astute observer and/or opinion-maker? Not everyone in show biz is of the ilk of a Whoopi or Alec Baldwin, etc. Surely, you're not suggesting that smart people only listen to the fish inside the bowl, are you? After all...those on the outside have the distinct advantage of seeing the bigger picture. ;)


10-20-2010, 03:08 PM
Amazingly, you wish to correct something that is "gramatically" incorrect and then you go and forget to capitalize "i" that starts your last sentence. :lol:

That's easy to explain. Like a little, immature puppy, he got so terribly excited that he found a minor error that he wet himself, and in his haste to clean himself up, he forgot to proof-read his own post. :lol:


10-20-2010, 04:54 PM
Amazingly, you wish to correct something that is "gramatically" incorrect and then you go and forget to capitalize "i" that starts your last sentence. :lol:
My brain knows what's right; it's my fingers that are stupid.

10-20-2010, 05:10 PM
My brain knows what's right; it's my fingers that are stupid.

Too bad your internal conflicts aren't limited to just those two parts of you. :D


10-20-2010, 07:51 PM
Just look at this face, has the same look that Adolf Hitler had.
Do you think he can get votes now?

10-21-2010, 03:39 AM
Just look at this face, has the same look that Adolf Hitler had.
Do you think he can get votes now?How many years must go by before these repulsive yet constant Hitler references can be put to rest? We saw it with Bush, hell, I saw it with Rudy Giuliani when he was mayor of NYC. At its best, it's ubiquitous and boring. At its worst, it is wholly ignorant and disgustingly disrespectful to those who suffered at the hands of that genocidal monster.

10-21-2010, 06:18 AM
How many years must go by before these repulsive yet constant Hitler references can be put to rest? We saw it with Bush, hell, I saw it with Rudy Giuliani when he was mayor of NYC. At its best, it's ubiquitous and boring. At its worst, it is wholly ignorant and disgustingly disrespectful to those who suffered at the hands of that genocidal monster.

My Bad, your point "genocidal monster" is correct because its in a whole different class. I should have tried to say the look was not very Reganesque with head high and righteous looking.

10-21-2010, 11:31 AM
Gotta admit, PA, BO surely does look demon-possessed. That mug could appear in any Exorcist-type movie with absolutely no touch-ups required.


10-21-2010, 12:27 PM
With all due respect, your logic is flawed. Why would the entertainment profession necessarily preclude anyone from being a politically astute observer and/or opinion-maker? Not everyone in show biz is of the ilk of a Whoopi or Alec Baldwin, etc. Surely, you're not suggesting that smart people only listen to the fish inside the bowl, are you? After all...those on the outside have the distinct advantage of seeing the bigger picture. ;)


Where did I say that "anyone" in the entertainment business could not be politically
astute and because of their position sway public opinion. I was specifically referring to Limbaugh, Beck and Palin. None of these personalities have sway with me personally, yet I know a nationwide market exists for their conservative commentary on contemporary news, events, and social trends.I take nothing away from their success and know their audiences enjoy listening to and debating political opinions. Their"style" is not for me,that's all ---no logic flawed.

10-21-2010, 01:08 PM
Where did I say that "anyone" in the entertainment business could not be politically
astute and because of their position sway public opinion. I was specifically referring to Limbaugh, Beck and Palin. None of these personalities have sway with me personally, yet I know a nationwide market exists for their conservative commentary on contemporary news, events, and social trends.I take nothing away from their success and know their audiences enjoy listening to and debating political opinions. Their"style" is not for me,that's all ---no logic flawed.

Then neither should their nationwide audience have their heads examined, which was your condescending attitude. More than a few people believe they perform a great service to this country (especially Rush and Beck) in that they'll provide news and insights that will appear rarely if ever in the mainstream media. People like them are truly Viable Alternative News to the MSNBC-type or NPR-type liberal pablum offered up to the public.

Palin,Limbuagh,Beck,are in the entertainment business. If you take them seriously,you need your head examined.


10-21-2010, 01:24 PM
My Bad, your point "genocidal monster" is correct because its in a whole different class. I should have tried to say the look was not very Reganesque with head high and righteous looking.Try working on "filth" next.

10-21-2010, 01:35 PM
Gotta admit, PA, BO surely does look demon-possessed. That mug could appear in any Exorcist-type movie with absolutely no touch-ups required.

BoxcarSo not a Hitler comparison. A devil comparison. I see you are taking your marching orders from el Bimbo Rushbo



10-21-2010, 02:31 PM
It still beats who is speaking through BO. Whatever it is certainly doesn't reside in heaven. ;)


10-21-2010, 03:28 PM
Do you think Linda Blairs' head really spun 360 degrees and levitated her bed by evil means? Do you ghost hunt? How about chasing Dybbuks? ( דיבוק )

You and your fatso pal rushbo are 2 superstitious loonies.
Oh yeah, I forgot you do expect to be around for rapture time. Will rush be elevated as well or does he pay extra an extra weight penalty? Hope God doesn't have a bad back.

10-21-2010, 04:42 PM
Do you think Linda Blairs' head really spun 360 degrees and levitated her bed by evil means? Do you ghost hunt? How about chasing Dybbuks? ( דיבוק )

You and your fatso pal rushbo are 2 superstitious loonies.
Oh yeah, I forgot you do expect to be around for rapture time. Will rush be elevated as well or does he pay extra an extra weight penalty? Hope God doesn't have a bad back.

First your blatant Intolerance as expressed by your pejorative phrase in your last post. Now your religious BIGOTRY is showing by a country mile. I don't have any idea of what else you could possibly do to fly your true colors of Hate, except wish all your political opponents dead, possibly. (Are you a card-carryin' member of 1010 by chance?)

And what do I believe about the "underworld"? I believe as the Christ did -- the same fella you love to quote when you think it's to your advantage:

Luke 8:27-33
27 And when He had come out onto the land, He was met by a certain man from the city who was possessed with demons; and who had not put on any clothing for a long time, and was not living in a house, but in the tombs. 28 And seeing Jesus, he cried out and fell before Him, and said in a loud voice, "What do I have to do with You, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg You, do not torment me." 29 For He had been commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For it had seized him many times; and he was bound with chains and shackles and kept under guard; and yet he would burst his fetters and be driven by the demon into the desert. 30 And Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" And he said, "Legion"; for many demons had entered him. 31 And they were entreating Him not to command them to depart into the abyss. 32 Now there was a herd of many swine feeding there on the mountain; and the demons entreated Him to permit them to enter the swine. And He gave them permission. 33 And the demons came out from the man and entered the swine; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake, and were drowned.


10-21-2010, 05:27 PM
And what do I believe about the "underworld"? I believe as the Christ did -- the same fella you love to quote when you think it's to your advantage:

Luke 8:27-33
27 And when He had come out onto the land, He was met by a certain man from the city who was possessed with demons; and who had not put on any clothing for a long time, and was not living in a house, but in the tombs. 28 And seeing Jesus, he cried out and fell before Him, and said in a loud voice, "What do I have to do with You, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg You, do not torment me." 29 For He had been commanding the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For it had seized him many times; and he was bound with chains and shackles and kept under guard; and yet he would burst his fetters and be driven by the demon into the desert. 30 And Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" And he said, "Legion"; for many demons had entered him. 31 And they were entreating Him not to command them to depart into the abyss. 32 Now there was a herd of many swine feeding there on the mountain; and the demons entreated Him to permit them to enter the swine. And He gave them permission. 33 And the demons came out from the man and entered the swine; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake, and were drowned.

BoxcarListen Mr Preacher. If you really knew what the above passage meant you would be a totally different person. And a truer Christian. I actually explained it to you a while ago but you obviously don't remember

Hint: it has nothing to with evil spirits other than those you yourself have created

10-21-2010, 05:44 PM

Hey Boxcrap.

Is this you and your dog? It is isn't it!

Shame shame, making the DOG pray for it's meals.

There's a special place in hell for people like you.:lol:

10-21-2010, 06:20 PM
Listen Mr Preacher. If you really knew what the above passage meant you would be a totally different person. And a truer Christian. I actually explained it to you a while ago but you obviously don't remember

Hint: it has nothing to with evil spirits other than those you yourself have created

Actually, I think you made a lame attempt at interpreting one of several other passages in which Jesus encountered demons. However...if you want to make yourself really useful, you could try contacting PETA to see if you could bring Jesus up on animal cruelty charges at this late date. That action would carry more weight and give you more credibility than any of your twisted, distorted, convoluted, perverted allegorical interpretations do.


10-21-2010, 06:31 PM

Hey Boxcrap.

Is this you and your dog? It is isn't it!

Shame shame, making the DOG pray for it's meals.

There's a special place in hell for people like you.:lol:

Really? Do you not know that all of creation gives praise for God's goodness?

Ps 69:34
Let heaven and earth praise Him,
The seas and everything that moves in them.

The dog and the rest of creation have more spiritual sense than you do. And if you think there's a special place for me, what does that say about mockers like yourself?


10-21-2010, 11:48 PM
It still beats who is speaking through BO. Whatever it is certainly doesn't reside in heaven.
Must say this though, if Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ and has Satanic guidance, then Lucifer must be pretty damn dumb. With all the bumbling and screwups that BO has exhibited would have thought that Old Scratch would have done a better job at directing his protege. Besides that, do they really use teleprompters in Hell?:confused:

10-21-2010, 11:57 PM
Must say this though, if Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ and has Satanic guidance, then Lucifer must be pretty damn dumb. With all the bumbling and screwups that BO has exhibited would have thought that Old Scratch would have done a better job at directing his protege. Besides that, do they really use teleprompters in Hell?:confused:

The AC? No way. But who says all demons are smart? :D


10-22-2010, 12:36 AM
Really? Do you not know that all of creation gives praise for God's goodness?

Ps 69:34
Let heaven and earth praise Him,
The seas and everything that moves in them.

The dog and the rest of creation have more spiritual sense than you do. And if you think there's a special place for me, what does that say about mockers like yourself?


Hey BC, here's one for you:

'The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides with the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men (like you). Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, (certainly not a right wing conservative principle) for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon those with great vengeance and with furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know that my name is SLEWIS when I lay my vengeance upon thee.'
ezekiel 25:17 (with slight moderation by Samuel L Jackson, and myself:D )

10-22-2010, 06:00 AM
Try working on "filth" next.

I actually have, but you keep surfacing.

10-22-2010, 06:17 AM
I actually have, but you keep surfacing.Try to control yourself. Maybe remove the "F" key from your keyboard.

Oh I forgot, then you would be "ast4522"

10-22-2010, 06:34 AM
Gotta admit, PA, BO surely does look demon-possessed. That mug could appear in any Exorcist-type movie with absolutely no touch-ups required.

BoxcarI see you bought a new tee shirt.


10-22-2010, 07:13 AM
Gotta admit, PA, BO surely does look demon-possessed. That mug could appear in any Exorcist-type movie with absolutely no touch-ups required.

Howsabout that ole' time Southern Strategy workin' out fer ya??

1-Racist E-Mail Tied to Candidate for Governor

Carl P. Paladino, a Republican candidate for governor from Buffalo, drew fire on Monday for racist and sexually explicit e-mail messages ..included pornographic images and what appeared to be a video of Africans dancing in traditional dress that was titled “Obama Inauguration Rehearsal.” Another, a picture of a cargo plane crashing into the ground behind a group of black people, was prominently captioned with a common racial epithet for African-Americans.

2-The Republican candidate for state Senate in the 52nd District said Wednesday night that black men "find it more lucrative to be able to do drugs or other avenues rather than do education."

10-22-2010, 11:22 AM
I see you bought a new tee shirt.


Even if this were true, I would have bought it with MY money, not someone else's because I felt entitled to it. So, I suppose that would me a lot smarter than any of you Entitlement Addicts, wouldn't it?

And if I'm with stupid, then what does that say about you?

Eccl 10:2-3
2 A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man's heart directs him toward the left. 3 Even when the fool walks along the road his sense is lacking, and he demonstrates to everyone that he is a fool.

And how much more so, every time you decide to walk up and down this forum spouting your nonsense?


10-22-2010, 02:25 PM
the fear and anxiety keep bringing you back to the keyboard huh?

10-22-2010, 05:49 PM
Boxhead, how about quoting from a source you actually understand? Your act is getting old quickly

10-22-2010, 06:25 PM
Boxhead, how about quoting from a source you actually understand? Your act is getting old quickly

How 'bout you making a concerted effort to screw your head on straight and then make an honest effort to understand? One can only Hope for such a Change in you. :rolleyes:

Here allegorize this:

Ps 92:6
A senseless man has no knowledge;
Nor does a stupid man understand this:


Let's Roll
10-22-2010, 06:48 PM
I am amazed at the amount of text generated by a militant leftest typing with one raised, clenched fist in the air the entire time.


10-22-2010, 06:54 PM

I studied religion with many. For some reason there was never a need for displaying one's raging ego in every conversation. To display by stale repetition, words in place of real understanding.

Your faith would be served better not hanging it in the public square with every post A few clever brushstrokes on the canvas' surface but missing the mark....
. The subject of the painting

10-22-2010, 07:17 PM

I studied religion with many.

I'm almost afraid to ask but I l'll bite: Many what? And where did you study? In Roach Motel? :lol: :lol: I trust you included a few Praying Mantids in the group? I know what a big fan of diversity you are. :lol:

For some reason there was never a need for displaying one's raging ego in every conversation. To display by stale repetition, words in place of real understanding.

Trust me: My ego is fraction of the size of yours. You're just jealous that you have only your Human Secularism upon which to rely. And everyone in- the-know knows that worldly religion is as lifeless as an Egyptian mummy napping inside some pyramid.

Your faith would be served better not hanging it in the public square with every post A few clever brushstrokes on the canvas' surface but missing the mark....
. The subject of the painting

Waxing a wee bit hyperbolic aren't you? "Every post"? :rolleyes: (Oh, wait...I get it: Your counting my tag lines. :rolleyes: )


10-22-2010, 09:12 PM
Waxing a wee bit hyperbolic aren't you? "Every post"? :rolleyes: (Oh, wait...I get it: Your counting my tag lines. :rolleyes: )
BoxcarIf I counted your tag line, you have more words here on off topic than Tom's 50,000+posts.
I'm almost afraid to ask but I l'll bite: Many what? And where did you study? In Roach Motel? I trust you included a few Praying Mantids in the group? I know what a big fan of diversity you are.
Many thank you. I try not to parade my beliefs.
But here are some studies.

Hindu meditation and Vedanta
Sufism and Meveivi Turning The ‘Mukabele’
With monks at a Christian monastery
Judaic law and Kabbalah

For some reason all believed colorfully displaying apparent "knowledge" publicly,repetitiously and loudly was a tip off to a man's inner spiritual understanding. And lack thereof

I don't think you realize just how transparent you are.
Particularly to those that don't quite practice your brand of egotistic sanctimony so loudly and so often.

Try being silent inside and you will hear your silliness for yourself. Others who have attempted to deal with their own inner DEMONS-and their a Legion of them- have learned when some of the noise is quieted inside it is a bit easier to hear others' very very noisy demons. One common demon in all of us takes credit all the time for "spiritual" insights. And wants others to see just how holy and wise he really is. I told you previously you should not pray in public. Close the door and Mr Sanctimonious Demon who likes to pray so everyone can hear his piety will loose some of his steam.

10-22-2010, 09:22 PM
If I counted your tag line, you have more words here on off topic than Tom's 50,000+posts.

Many thank you. I try not to parade my beliefs.
But here are some studies.

Hindu meditation and Vedanta
Sufism and Meveivi Turning The ‘Mukabele’
With monks at a Christian monastery
Judaic law and Kabbalah

For some reason all believed colorfully displaying apparent "knowledge" publicly,repetitiously and loudly was a tip off to a man's inner spiritual understanding. And lack thereof

You've always been a huge consensus fan, haven't you? Just remember where that broad path leads, Mr. 'cap. That's the path the "MANY" travel upon. If you choose, feel free to call that huge super highway Consensus Route 666.

P.S. And never forget: I'm only as "narrow-minded" as Jesus was -- your favorite holy man...sometimes.

10-23-2010, 01:54 PM
I'm almost afraid to ask but I l'll bite: Many what? And where did you study?
Judging by the tone and content of his posts, would say that the study of Liberation Theology under the Reverend Jeremiah Wright could be a logical assumption. Except of course that the theology part has been cast aside and the liberation part elevated.

10-23-2010, 02:18 PM
Judging by the tone and content of his posts, would say that the study of Liberation Theology under the Reverend Jeremiah Wright could be a logical assumption. Except of course that the theology part has been cast aside and the liberation part elevated.

Pretty much the same thing could accurately be stated about Islam. Both are political ideologies with religious trappings.


10-24-2010, 10:11 AM
Judging by the tone and content of his posts, would say that the study of Liberation Theology under the Reverend Jeremiah Wright could be a logical assumption. Except of course that the theology part has been cast aside and the liberation part elevated.I see you know about as much as boxhead.

Liberation is really what it is all about. But you two have no idea about who is to be liberated and from what.

Liberation Theology is not my focus. Liberation is.

However Liberation theology has it's place. You guys do remember the role of the Church in Poland during the fall of communism? There are other regimes that oppress people. Nothing wrong with moral and religious objections.

You guys go on and on and on and on here from a religious perspective about just how bad Obama and the dems oppresses everyone. And how we must be liberated. Just that you gentlemen have no empathy for the poor working as slave labor in corporation dominated factorys or plantations in South America pr Asia

10-24-2010, 10:30 AM
"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist (/wiki/Communist)."
Dom Hélder Pessoa Câmara: Roman Catholic Archbishop (1909-1999)

10-24-2010, 10:51 AM
Get ready to be called just that by the religious right here.
Anyone expressing concern for "anchors" (the poor ) has got to be a Marxist Anyone who thinks having children work 14 hour days in Asian sweatshops for rich global corps is a true American Entrepreneur

10-24-2010, 11:00 AM
Gee, two moronic posts in a row.

Pretty shabby debating skills, boys, when you continually post lies knowingly. You are both good little dems, though, lock-stepping your way through life, having your thoughts emailed to you so you don't have to waste all time thinking. Frees up time for.....moronic postings! :lol:

Hey Rookies, how much have you contributed to deserving Americans this year? Or do you just export BS?

10-24-2010, 11:04 AM
Damn...all this time I held the Peruvians responsible for what's wrong in our country :rolleyes:

Turns out it's us!

10-24-2010, 11:07 AM
Only half of us. Guess which half? :lol:

10-24-2010, 11:15 AM
Only half of us. Guess which half? :lol:
Half? You think it's that many...?

10-24-2010, 11:21 AM
[QUOTE=Tom]Gee, two moronic posts in a row.

Pretty shabby debating skills, boys, when you continually post lies knowingly. You are both good little dems, though, lock-stepping your way through life, having your thoughts emailed to you so you don't have to waste all time thinking. Frees up time for.....moronic postings! :lol:

Hey Rookies, how much have you contributed to deserving Americans this year? QUOTE]

Indeed, I did- at the Spa! :lol:

And here at home Tommy Boy, of course I do- to various charities and orgs associated with the needs of the mentally challenged.

How about you capitalist boy ???

BTW, I've known about that quote for well over a decade....

10-24-2010, 11:50 AM
Gustavo Gutiérrez Merino, O.P., (born 8 June 1928 in Lima) is a Peruvian theologian and Dominican priest regarded as the founder of Liberation Theology

Gutiérrez Poverty is the result of unjust and sinful social structures: "Poverty is not fate, it is a condition; it is not a misfortune, it is an injustice. It is the result of social structures and mental and cultural categories, it is linked to the way in which society has been built, in its various manifestations."

Of course according to PA righties, poverty ain't nothing a good kick in the butt can't take care of.

Surprise, surprise trickle down economics didn't work for the poor of most countries where the rich moneyed class controlled the political process. I guess the invisible;e hand only works when the rich have a conscience. Conscience according to Gutiérrez to must be allowed as part of the poltical process.


10-24-2010, 12:33 PM
"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist (/wiki/Communist)."
Dom Hélder Pessoa Câmara: Roman Catholic Archbishop (1909-1999)

You and the bishop you quote are both out to lunch. I, for one, would never call anyone a communist for merely asking why the poor have no food. However, I might call someone a communist who believes it's morally right to take the fruits of other people's labors to pay for that food.

The stingy Left finds it so easy to be generous with other people's money.


10-24-2010, 12:39 PM
Gustavo Gutiérrez Merino, O.P., (born 8 June 1928 in Lima) is a Peruvian theologian and Dominican priest regarded as the founder of Liberation Theology

Gutiérrez Poverty is the result of unjust and sinful social structures: "Poverty is not fate, it is a condition; it is not a misfortune, it is an injustice. It is the result of social structures and mental and cultural categories, it is linked to the way in which society has been built, in its various manifestations."

Of course according to PA righties, poverty ain't nothing a good kick in the butt can't take care of.

Surprise, surprise trickle down economics didn't work for the poor of most countries where the rich moneyed class controlled the political process. I guess the invisible;e hand only works when the rich have a conscience. Conscience according to Gutiérrez to must be allowed as part of the poltical process.


Okay..."SO"....when are you going to sell ALL YOUR worldly possessions and lay the proceeds on the steps of the WH with a note to your messiah to distribute the money as he sees fit -- most especially to all the greedy ObamaBucks maniacs out there?

Be sure to let us know when you intend to do this, as I'm sure more than a few us would want to be there recording the event with our cameras.


10-24-2010, 01:29 PM
Liberation theology has nothing to do with selling all of ones' worldly goods. It does however ask the filthy rich abusive ruling class that has oppressed their poor population unjustly for years in many third world countries, to sell some of theirs

Sort of like republican donors and the Koch brothers :D

10-24-2010, 01:51 PM
Liberation theology has nothing to do with selling all of ones' worldly goods. It does however ask the filthy rich abusive ruling class that has oppressed their poor population unjustly for years in many third world countries, to sell some of theirs

Sort of like republican donors and the Koch brothers :D

So...you believe as Karl Marx did -- that the rich corporations have their boot on the necks of the poor working class, right? You realize that is one of his foundational premises to communism, right?

And, yes, it has everything to do with setting the example, otherwise you leftists amount to nothing more than hypocritical, white-washed, stench-filled tombs filled with rotting corpses! Listen to yourself, you hypocrite! You have the audacious temerity to dictate to others what you think they need to do with their money, while you smugly and proudly pound your chest with one hand pretending to be the champion of the planet's poor, while with the other all but breaking that arm patting yourself on the back for how well you did playing the Robin Hood game.

A thief is a thief, you hypocrite! Out of one side of your mouth you condemn the rich for allegedly stealing from the poor, while out of the other side you applaud the state for stealing from the wealthy, under the force of law, and in the name of "social justice". When did two wrongs ever equal a right!? :bang: :bang:

If YOU are so concerned about the poor, then YOU personally exercise charity toward them and don't worry about what other people are doing or not doing. Quit being a holier-than-thou, sanctimonious, self-righteous moral busybody. Your phoniness is so transparent.


10-24-2010, 05:07 PM
And here at home Tommy Boy, of course I do- to various charities and orgs associated with the needs of the mentally challenged.

How about you capitalist boy ???

BTW, I've known about that quote for well over a decade....

1. I thought as long as you keep sticking you nose into AMERICAN business, you might have had the decency to kick it a bit, you know, skin in the game? Frankly we don't need Canadian input here, foreign-boy.

2. Yes, I do, several in fact. I have always said that there are people deserving of help and I make sure a cut of my track winnings goes to them, sand the government.

3. What quote ar you talking about?

10-24-2010, 05:08 PM
Liberation theology has nothing to do with selling all of ones' worldly goods.

Agree, that would be Obama's economic policy. Sell them to eat.

10-24-2010, 05:30 PM
So box, it was only a matter of time before you started with your usual Marx rant. But surprisingly no biblical quotes

Ironically, it is staunch blinded John Birch birther type anti-communists like you that give free reign to policies that have enabled the real Marxists to flourish


While this led to an industry growing from this, it also came with some costs. One such cost was slavery.

Modern economists like to talk about the spin-off effects of certain commodities, that is the extent to which their production results in the development of subsidiary industries. … Sugar production also produced subsidiary economic activities; these included slavery, the provisioning of the sugar producers, shipping, refining, storage, and wholesale and retail trade.

… The slave trade was a major factor in the expansion of the sugar industries. … The growing demand for and production of sugar created the plantation economy in the New World and was largely responsible for the expansion of the Atlantic slave trade in the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. From 1701 to 1810 almost one million slaves were brought to Barbados and Jamaica to work the sugar plantations.

… [S]ugar became the focus of an industry, a sugar complex that combined the sugar plantations, the slave trade, long-distance shipping, wholesale and retail trade, and investment finance.

— Richard Robbins, Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, (Allyn and Bacon, 1999), pp. 215-216

Slave children were also used on sugar plantations.

Exploitation of many other resources in addition to sugar led to gross inequities in South and Latin America. The ongoing struggle of native peoples taken advantage of by YES GREEDY Corporations became fertile ground for real Marxists to agitate and organize against us. The cold war saw the Russians reap the benefits of ages of western exploitation One of the original cases of "blow back"

But it continues to piss off those still on the "corporate plantation"
If the cultural, health and economic problems with Coke’s colonization of Latin America weren’t bad enough, it also has a labor record that puts even most other multinational companies to shame. In Guatemala and Colombia, there is strong evidence that the Coca-Cola company actively supported the murders of union activists by paramilitary members at bottling plants run by its subsidiaries and contractors over the years. In Mexico, El Salvador and other countries there have also been ample allegations of the company using paramilitary strength to prevent unionizing and keep employees in line.

10-24-2010, 06:06 PM
So box, it was only a matter of time before you started with your usual Marx rant. But surprisingly no biblical quotes

Ironically, it is staunch blinded John Birch birther type anti-communists like you that give free reign to policies that have enabled the real Marxists to flourish

Yeah...all those in the Democrat Party. I didn't see any Marxists show up to the D.C. rally, but the Dems sure had their fair share show up at theirs. Not surprising, since so many libs share the same planks as Marx. In fact, you don't have to look any farther than in your nearest mirror to understand what I mean. While gawking at yourself, perform a self quiz to find out all the numerous ways you disagree with Marxist ideology. Be sure to get back to me on the test results, will ya? :rolleyes:

P.S. Did you know that sugar is bad for your teeth? If anything needs to be vigorously and religiously controlled by Big Gov, it's Big Sugar [Daddy]. (Or am I being redundant here?) :rolleyes:

10-24-2010, 06:40 PM
I notice you failed to comment on capitalist abuse in South and Latin America.

Typical. I post facts and you bellyache in your usual fact free rant way. Were you aware of that sordid history before I posted it. While you are reloading your anti anti anti anti anything left of the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY rant,,......

google United Fruit Company+exploitation

Capitalism 101 for boxhead and friends (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=United+Fruit+Company%2Bexploitation&btnG=Google+Search)

10-24-2010, 07:55 PM
I notice you failed to comment on capitalist abuse in South and Latin America.

Typical. I post facts and you bellyache in your usual fact free rant way. Were you aware of that sordid history before I posted it. While you are reloading your anti anti anti anti anything left of the JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY rant,,......

google United Fruit Company+exploitation

Capitalism 101 for boxhead and friends (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=United+Fruit+Company%2Bexploitation&btnG=Google+Search)

First off, I'm not interested in ancient history. And so what there's abuse by capitalists in South and Central America? There's plenty of abuse by governments down there and the rest of the world, too. :rolleyes:

Your problem is that you refuse to recognize the inescapable fact that those "evil capitalists" differ not a whit from their "benevolent" political counterparts. There are as many crooks (probably more!) in governments around the world than there are in the private sector. You have this non-stop pipe dream that politicians are far more morally superior to executives in the private sector. You're delusional. All mankind put their clothes on the same way. Human nature didn't suddenly reverse itself whenever a pol gets elected.


10-24-2010, 08:00 PM
some days it like a water balloon fight on this board

10-24-2010, 08:17 PM
some days it like a water balloon fight on this board

Beats using darts. ;)


10-25-2010, 05:48 AM
some days it like a water balloon fight on this board

Ralph, here on this off topic section a Mexican standoff is what they need, we have the anger of the people right now to destroy their agenda on November 2. Personally I am enjoying the "shit the paints" mode they are in because its a setup to November 3 when the mean season will begin.

10-25-2010, 07:32 AM
Ralph, here on this off topic section a Mexican standoff is what they need, we have the anger of the people right now to destroy their agenda on November 2. Personally I am enjoying the "shit the paints" mode they are in because its a setup to November 3 when the mean season will begin.
"shit the paints"??
Van Gogh with diarrhea?

10-25-2010, 11:24 AM
"shit the paints"??
Van Gogh with diarrhea?


10-25-2010, 11:29 AM

Now, now. 'cap is only be true to himself.


10-25-2010, 11:39 AM
Now, now. 'cap is only be true to himself.


Actually... I sort of liked the idea of the Age of Defacation or Defacationism as an artistic style or period. The word "filthy" just seemed appropriate for some reason...

10-25-2010, 11:49 AM
some days it like a water balloon fight on this board
what do you mean "some" days?

10-25-2010, 11:58 AM


NJ Stinks
10-25-2010, 10:51 PM
Ralph, here on this off topic section a Mexican standoff is what they need, we have the anger of the people right now to destroy their agenda on November 2. Personally I am enjoying the "shit the paints" mode they are in because its a setup to November 3 when the mean season will begin.

I've got some bad news for you, Ralph. I'm voting next Tuesday.

10-25-2010, 10:58 PM
To speed up the process this years, republicans will vote Tuesday and Democrats will vote Wednesday. Just heard it on TV.

10-25-2010, 11:08 PM
To speed up the process this years, republicans will vote Tuesday and Democrats will vote Wednesday. Just heard it on TV.

Yes, and at that time the Dem(on)s can accompany all the Dead to the polling places they want.


10-25-2010, 11:32 PM
To speed up the process this years, republicans will vote Tuesday and Democrats will vote Wednesday. Just heard it on TV.
Thanks for that update, Tom. Wednesday is a much better day for me. :jump: :jump:

10-26-2010, 12:54 AM
Thanks for that update, Tom. Wednesday is a much better day for me. :jump: :jump:

But Tuesday will be a much better day for Americans. You're a day late and a dollar short as usual.


10-26-2010, 12:58 AM
I've got some bad news for you, Ralph. I'm voting next Tuesday.

I never expected any less.........

10-26-2010, 06:16 AM
Good I am glad you guys are voting, so November 3 you will be validated and believe the result. For the record I am not that religious however I do believe in god, this time around I think the religious right has figured out they can not vote only when they want to. Hey where is crap n' fade, no more bogus charts? Just remember voting on November 2 is part of it, shutting off the money is another part that must be done. It is filthy to think you can make more than half of a country pay, when voting on November 2 you will see how many want to pay for BHO filthy agenda.

10-26-2010, 06:47 AM
It is filthy to think you can make more than half of a country pay, when voting on November 2 you will see how many want to pay for BHO filthy agenda.Did somebody say filth?

NJ Stinks
10-26-2010, 01:02 PM
I never expected any less.........

Sorry, Ralph. I was responding to Fast4522 and mistakenly typed your name instead.

11-09-2016, 08:14 PM
It's hard to find anything to give Obama credit on. I would if I could think of something, but I can't. He is so out of step with this country it's ridiculous. Thankfully Republicans will take over congress now to mitigate this disaster. As I predicted such a long time ago, Obama will leave the country divided and his party in smoldering ruins. I still think there is some hope for the country to recover from his thuggish statist approach, but his party has been completely exposed and discredited. The task of fixing our problems in this country and avoiding a collapse are monumental. The tea party movement is one of our only hopes left. We did need change in 2008, we just went in the wrong direction. We went in the direction of making everything much worse. Its okay though, a big course correction is in store in a few weeks.
As predicted six years ago.

11-09-2016, 09:14 PM
Sorry, Ralph. I was responding to Fast4522 and mistakenly typed your name instead.

Funny how things worked out stinks?

11-09-2016, 09:22 PM
Americans are What are Wrong with America.

Case in point.