View Full Version : Alexander Cockburn, Now Fully Senile ?

08-15-2010, 02:47 PM
Allie baby,

Your Creators Syndicate piece, Looks Like the End of the Gold Rush, is truly, staggeringly bad. Not just the usually mediocre style, but the tears spilled over the boilerplate laundry list of poor slackers, scofflaws and colored folk --- you, my man, are losing it.

Coming in for especial scorn, hatred even, are "[judges in] Texas or anywhere in the South," the U.S. Marines, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, the rich in general, anyone that might want to oust illegal aliens, and by implication, anyone that believes the beer shooting spree guy should lose his job for "pinching beer." :lol: ... :( .

Seek help, me Irish brother. do look alike, after all.]