View Full Version : Rules on diaplay odds

07-18-2010, 04:22 PM
I have a question about rules to display the 'display odds' in general - for example, if the actual odds is 59/1, is it displayed as 59/1 or 60/1? what are the rules to determine this? I think it might depend on the magnitude of actual odds as well. Are these rules universal or they depend on the tote systems as well?



07-18-2010, 04:38 PM
I thought that anything above 20-1 was rounded down to the next-lowest multiple of 5 for display purposes, but I may be wrong. (They wouldn't round up (as from 59-1 to 60-1 in your example), since that would be promising a minimum payoff that the amount actually bet could not support.)

07-18-2010, 06:16 PM
At least for Belmont, it is in increments of 1. For example, a 91-1 shot and 34-1 shot were shown on the screen display odds.

The odds are always rounded down, never up. For example a 21-1 shot could have odds of 21.00 to 21.99 of the given pool minus take.

07-18-2010, 10:00 PM
I have a question about rules to display the 'display odds' in general - for example, if the actual odds is 59/1, is it displayed as 59/1 or 60/1? what are the rules to determine this? I think it might depend on the magnitude of actual odds as well. Are these rules universal or they depend on the tote systems as well?


At most larger tracks, the odds are rounded down to the nearest whole number. So 59.6 to one would be displayed as 59-1....
You probably would see smaller tracks use the nearest 5 once it's over 20-1...

Dave Schwartz
07-18-2010, 10:29 PM
I thought that anything above 20-1 was rounded down to the next-lowest multiple of 5 for display purposes, but I may be wrong

It used to be that way years ago.

Above 30/1 was in bands of 5 until you got to 50/1 then it went in bands of 10.

Now everything is fully digital.

07-18-2010, 10:52 PM
From the answers above it seems that the rules for displaying win odds vary by track?

Are the ADWs applying any specific (ADW dependent) rules for display? Say Twinspires (Supertote) would display a 69/1 differently from a small track versus a large track?

Also are the display odds upper-bounded? ie can one see a 102/1 or is at most 99/1?

07-19-2010, 01:58 AM
Dave, what do you mean by 'it is fully digital'? do you mean if the win odds is 31/1, it will diplay as 31/1 and there is no rounding down anymore? Is this universally true in US?

