View Full Version : Wikileaks founder hunted by Pentagon

06-11-2010, 08:29 PM
So what do you think about Julian Assange, Wikileaks Founder, being hunted by the Pentagon?

He's the guy who published the "Collateral Murder" (their term -- not mine) videos where the Apache helicopter attack left several noncombatants dead, including two Reuters employees and three civilians.


06-12-2010, 06:18 PM
Here's a link to video. Warning -- graphic violence

06-12-2010, 06:32 PM
including two Reuters employees.

Maybe Reuters doctored the video. Maybe their employees aren't dead. :rolleyes:

06-12-2010, 10:55 PM
Anything is possible -- especially when it comes to digital media.

11-19-2010, 01:44 AM
He now has a rape warrant out for him


11-19-2010, 01:54 AM
Very interesting case.

By the way, what happened to the link to the video I posted?

11-19-2010, 02:09 AM
Wikileaks founder hunted by Pentagon

If I were Julian Assange I'd be very concerned. The Pentagon is also looking for that Osama fellow. :rolleyes:

11-19-2010, 02:16 AM
If I were Julian Assange I'd be very concerned. The Pentagon is also looking for that Osama fellow. :rolleyes:
Try & keep up. Sweden wants him over rape allegations.

11-19-2010, 02:58 AM
So the Pentagon wants him for uncovering and the Swedes want him for not covering up.

11-19-2010, 03:22 AM
WOW.... I watched the video and all I can say is WOW (in a bad sense).
Now I know the thread was specifically about J Assange and the pentagon looking for him and I will give my thoughts as well.

I have mixed emotion being prior military regarding this video and other things wiki-leaks has published. I believe in free speech. So, from that aspect, I believe people have a right to know whats going on over there. My first problem arises as wiki-leaks seem to ONLY release the negative side of what happens in war.
There are several HUNDRED THOUSAND troops over there. I would hate to think that the great majority, 99% I would think, who are performing outstanding duties, would be classified into what happened in this video.

Secondly, its easy to be on the outside looking in and pass judgement on this apache crew and their actions. But, until you have been fired upon, in a hostile environment, please don't think you know how they should act. I am fully aware of the rules of engagement. I am also fully aware of how it feels to be in a "hot" area. EVERYONE seems to be the enemy when bullets are flying.

Thirdly, although we as a country try our damndest to avoid these situations, it is WAR. Bad things happen in war. Collateral damage WILL happen. Its the nature of war. Although trying to minimize it, it does and will continue to happen.

Lastly, regarding the video, I am a little disturbed by the audio. I hope that is not actual audio. To me, I would think this crew needs to be grounded. Not sure I would take the punishment much further due to the fog of war...but they need to understand that based on rules of engagement, they did not follow protocol. We can not just go around, without thinking, and shoot everyone and anyone. They were in an apache (well off the ground, and I say that as they didnt seem to be in eminent danger). They could of taken a few extra seconds to think. Taking a life is not an easy thing to do. Those are memories that last a lifetime. We should , when possible, make sure thats the decision we should be making.

As to J Assange...I think if he wishes to release this stuff, he has an OBLIGATION to release both sides. Not just the negatives. As to the pentagon looking for him.....well, J Assange is just as responsible for that which happens as the guys pulling the trigger. What I mean by that is I believe that he is probably having people there seeing these videos as well. That's got to be causing more anger on the ground which in turn puts a soldier in more situations of confrontation. If I was on the ground as a soldier, some man comes running at me in anger because he believes I killed his son, wife, daughter, etc etc, now I am forced to make potentially another decision which could turn out bad.

Its kind of a no win situation for our troops...

11-19-2010, 04:19 PM
The Pentagon is also looking for that Osama fellow. :rolleyes:I seriously doubt it.