View Full Version : Lighter Side

07-27-2003, 08:37 PM
Heard a good line in a movie today...I am always frank and earnest when it comes to women. In NY, I am Frank, in Chicago, I am Earnest.
Ole Bill died and his three friends, Joe, Jack, and Sid were at the funeral.
"Poor old Bill....I owed him $500 and never paiud him back. I feel so bad, I am going to pay him back right now." With that, he opened his wallet and threw five qoo dollar bills into the coffin.
"I owed him $500 too." said Jack. He too opened up his wallet and peeled out $500 and threw it into the coffin.
Sid looked at his two friends and declared,"I, too owed old Bill 500 big ones."
With that, he pulled out his checkbook, wrote out a check for $1500, threw it into the coffin, and took the $1,000 dollars in cash out and stuck it in his pocket.

07-27-2003, 08:55 PM
hahahahahahahahahahahaha.....nice ones Tom!