View Full Version : Health Care Smelthcare

03-30-2010, 09:02 PM
ok, it would be great if I could or you could get it all for nothing but what are the chances of that happening? Do you want the Governrnent to be your provider? Maybe you do, but quess what, they only have YOUR money to spend on you, or do you think they have anybody else's money to spend on you? Why give them the privilege of spending your money for your own good? They care that much about you? Who says!

Put these clowns "out of business" by saying no it's my money I earned it and I paid for it and I can and will decide what to do with it. What am I missing?

03-30-2010, 09:10 PM
it ain't gullibility of the People so much as a lack of focus, that's coming-- and don't blame it on the Bible WHEN America survives and continues to lead the World. Got any better ideas? NEW Ideas innovation invention creative thought and discover do not come from imitators. Get in line. You may have a long wait.