View Full Version : Deomcratic Help

07-11-2003, 08:24 PM
I feel a sort of pity fo rthe Democrates this el;ection, what with no vaible candidates on the horizon. Their most promising guy is McCain, but he is a republican (in name anyways).
So I thought, hey, let's make this sporting at least - the 2000 election was a thriller, right down to the photo finish (hehe).
So I offer this strategy to the donkey-party to help them improve the public's perception of their candidates.
Two words.....
Laugh In!
Remember the wall where all the cast would open up those little doors and tell a joke, them close the door?
Well, we put each of the candidates behind a door, and let them go at it. The great debate! Maybe we actually get Rowan and Martin to host is and ask questions. Bin Laden could be hiding behind one of the doors!
Maybe we could get Goldie Hawn to be a plant behind one of the doors - no! Wait! She might steal the primaries, after all, she does have political experience (she starred in Protocal!)

Dada da da da -dada da dada- dada da da da DA! Bananas!
Look that up in you Funk and Wagnels!

The public is bound to warm up to the candidates after this show. But if they don't , then the next step is to rent a cornfiled, hire Buck Owens...........He He he HAW HAW!