View Full Version : more business as usual....

03-05-2010, 03:30 AM
sitting at home tonight and reviewing the pps from yet another 2010 drubbing at delta downs and wondering how the figures in the track program ALWAYS seem to beat the more expensive moss/beyer figures when there is a disagreement..... and don't even get me started on the sam houston beyers.

anyhow i guess the terry vance pig venom "suspension" is officially underway since i came across a horse "previously trained" by terry w vance that is now being trained by terry b vance!!

tell me that this (like almost every beyer and moss figure in la/tex) is just another drf mistake....:rolleyes:

03-06-2010, 02:27 AM
also, i was reading dan illman's drf blog and saw where the highest beyer from the week of feb 22-28 was a 101 "earned" (of course) at sam houston by a five year old named fifteenlove. needles(s) to say it didn't take trainer jerenesto torrez long to improve on fifteenlove's "top" of 95 that he had achieved under his former trainer..... some guy named frankel.