View Full Version : Owner TIME Shares in horses.

07-05-2003, 08:06 AM
Someone raised the Thought that if a BETTING EXCHANGE took off in the US the way it has in England,,,,Tracks will suffer from lower handle. I agree. But i also agree with someone that stated that the BEST pressure on tracks is FREE MARKET pressure.

If they are forced to find creative ways for revenue raising.

I was thinking....Owner shares...similiar to time shares.
. Lets say I as an owner sell LIMITED and TIMED ownership interest in my horse. Lets just say...$1000.00 gets you "X"% of the NET PURSE money for 3 months,,,or 6 months,,,or a year?

Lets say I sell. 25 grand worth of temporary equity interest. I can do that every year. Regardless if my horse wins or lose's I will make the Money to feed and house the animal.

This idea is raw...and maybe others have thought it through a Little cleaner than I have. But consider this.

An Average horse is bought for $20,000. It races Lights outs and in three years wins a couple state bred stakes,,3 grade 3's , 2nd in a couple of grade 2's and roughly 450K in Purse Money.

NOW the horse might be worth 2.5 million in a sale for Private stud. So the Horse goes from being worth 20 grand to being worth 2 million.

There has to be a way...that this POTENTIAL to be worth 2 million can be capitailized on by the owners earlier. If they were able to SELL TEMPORARY interest along the way....they could realize the POTENTIAL in the form of CASH in his 2 nd and 3rd and 4YO campaign.

I know anyone can turn around and sell in interest in thier horse as we speak. But the Market is Private. If we "Publicized" the market...and made it a liquid market. One that the track runs just like a tellers window. Where anyone can walk up to the window, hand the Teller $1000.00 and buy a .5 interst in that horses next three races. Like I said...The idea is raw....But There HAS to be a way to do this, Its done everyday on Stock exchanges around the world. I buy an interest for $1000.00. The horse wins. My interest now might be worth $1500.00 or $2000.00 or more? It would be available for sale if I made it so, or I could hold my interest. The track and the OWNER get a small % of every transaction. So if my Share was bought sold ten times.....the track and owners would get a "TAX" on each transaction. Just like the Exchanges do.

Now with this example...The owners might have made more had they NOT sold any interest.... But with the VAST majority, the owners would be able to generate some REVENUE simply from Potential. This may help many owners bring in additional money on thier stock. Thereby lowering the pressure on the tracks to raise purses and takeout, and charge 6 dollars for a hot dog.

and on another side note. A horse was aquirred Privately 3 weeks before a race for $175 Grand. He won. I did'nt find out about the transaction until after the race. I seriously think...Just LIKE CLAIMS.....Private Transactions on PUBLICLY raced stock need to be reported and Printed in past performances.