View Full Version : Help parsing workout days

01-15-2010, 11:12 PM
I have a question, using the bris drf file, how does one go about calculating the days since the last workout?

01-15-2010, 11:52 PM
Do you work with VB.net? If so, you could use the tsTimeSpan object. (I don't think that's available in VB6, is it?). Or get the Julian date for the race date and the last workout date and then subtract. Of course you have to first parse out the year, day, month from the data field. If you don't feel like writing the code just Google "Julian date function in VB" and you'll have plenty to choose from.

Isn't there a DateDiff function? It's been a while since I tried to code in VB.

01-16-2010, 09:28 AM
Head- Thanks ! that is enough keywords for me to google my way to it.

I do use VB6 however I am a major roookie as to what its potentials are, (well .. were) I should really move on.

Java and jquery looks interesting?

01-16-2010, 10:45 AM
Do you work with VB.net? If so, you could use the tsTimeSpan object. (I don't think that's available in VB6, is it?). Or get the Julian date for the race date and the last workout date and then subtract. Of course you have to first parse out the year, day, month from the data field. If you don't feel like writing the code just Google "Julian date function in VB" and you'll have plenty to choose from.

Isn't there a DateDiff function? It's been a while since I tried to code in VB.

Bingo! this did it...

date11 = ""

date11 = date11 + Mid$(drf(2), 5, 2) + "/"
date11 = date11 + Right$(drf(2), 2) + "/"
date11 = date11 + Left$(drf(2), 4)

date12 = ""
date12 = date12 + Mid$(drf(102), 5, 2) + "/"
date12 = date12 + Right$(drf(102), 2) + "/"
date12 = date12 + Left$(drf(102), 4)

date111(countit) = DateDiff("d", date12, date11)

01-16-2010, 02:38 PM
You might want to be cautious using the "+" operator in a date statement. VB6 can be cruel in that area if using dates and text (or variants).

Yr = Val(Mid$(drf(102), 3, 2))
Mh = Val(Mid$(drf(102), 5, 2))
Dy = Val(Mid$(drf(102), 7, 2))

Date12 = Mh & "/" & Dy & "/" & Yr

01-16-2010, 03:17 PM
Thank You !

01-16-2010, 10:06 PM
If you need to know how to do it in Liberty basic let me know.

Handi :)