View Full Version : The Democratic Underground Motto

11-24-2009, 02:01 PM
Never let the truth get in the way of a good America-trashing rant!


Face it or don't but America is a corrupt and criminal shell of a country

We destroyed ourselves and only a few people even recognize it, and the few who do are limited to sites like this one. Mainstream "Amurika" is just fine with torture, throwing women under the bus, hating gays, illegal wars, bailing out criminal banks and lying and cheating to get ahead.

We've devoured ourselves and let ourselves become delusional and dumbed-down propaganda-reactive robots. Everybody hates each other now, gen-whatever hates older or younger people, corporations hate citizens and vice-versa, government works largely for itself and not people, intellectuals are minimalized and largely ignored, consumerism is what matters to most people.

We let criminals of all sorts go free now, as if we're a lawless 3rd-world country. Guess what? We are.

People REALLY need to see the garbage on this site to realize how misguided, destructive and divisive the philosophies and attitudes of the left-wing "purists" are.

At least the poster got one thing right - government works largely for itself. And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, is EXACTLY why it needs to be limited to essential services, and not counted on as a universal band-aid.

11-24-2009, 02:07 PM
Our own JustRalph frequently puts on his HAZMAT suit and goes into that cesspool of idiocy to pull out some rough gems. I used to visit it once in a while, but I came away thinking that those people shouldn't be allowed to vote, which isn't very noble, so I just quit. The depth of their stupidity is absolutely amazing.