View Full Version : Beck...made the cover of TIME lol

09-18-2009, 08:04 AM

On Sept. 12, a large crowd gathered in Washington to protest ... what? The goals of Congress and the Obama Administration, mainly — the cost, the scale, the perceived leftist intent. The crowd's agenda was wide-ranging, so it's hard to be more specific. "End the Fed," a sign read. A schoolboy's placard denounced "Obama's Nazi Youth Militia." Another poster declared, "We the People for Capitalism Not Socialism." If you get your information from liberal sources, the crowd numbered about 70,000, many of them greedy racists. If you get your information from conservative sources, the crowd was hundreds of thousands strong, perhaps as many as a million, and the tenor was peaceful and patriotic. Either way, you may not be inclined to believe what we say about numbers, according to a recent poll that found record-low levels of public trust of the mainstream media.


09-18-2009, 08:48 AM
The MSM has no clue what this country is thinking.
Neither does the government. Funny one of the teasers right above Glen's head reads: The Meltdown One Year Later: Why the System is Still Broken.

Really funny that they can print the two stories and not have a clue how they are the same one.

09-18-2009, 09:55 AM
when I was a kid TIME was such an important magazine, it had substance and was relevant.

Now? I can't remember the last time I even saw a TIME magazine. Maybe in the doctors office. Beck is far more relevant now than sell-out members of antique media like TIME.

09-18-2009, 10:14 AM
With Time, it all about the money.
They charge for every issue, while Glen's show costs viewers nothing.

09-18-2009, 12:47 PM
With Time, it all about the money.
They charge for every issue, while Glen's show costs viewers nothing.

What!? With TIME and Newsweek and all the rest of the liberal rages, it's all about selling mags? It's all about making money? Who would have ever thought? (Well...we no that no lib would have.) :rolleyes:


09-18-2009, 12:53 PM
Fear not, Boxcar, with the real Americans paying attention to government now, rags like TIME are on.........

09-18-2009, 12:55 PM
Fear not, Boxcar, with the real Americans paying attention to government now, rags like TIME are on.........
yes the REAL 'Merkins" like old brain dead Palin describes.

Idiot America by Charles P. Peirce is a book people are sorely in need of reading along with Unscientific America by Mooney

09-18-2009, 01:10 PM
His book chronicles the liberals, not the Americans.