View Full Version : Hey Horseplayers! How about a Quiet Riot?

09-12-2009, 03:12 PM
The days of shutting Horseplayers up with Fan Appreciation Day where you can get a dollar hot dog and a dollar beer need to be over! Whether you bet $40 a day or $4,000 a day there are things you can do as an individual Horseplayer to change things. Here is one example of what you can do when you see something that needs to be changed.

There is no organization or group that’s gonna hit a home run and win the game for you. The truth is that when you see something in Horse Racing that you know is wrong you have to make a call or send an email and express your dissatisfaction in a clear, concise, and assertive manner (without being vulgar or rude).

From my experience when you send an email to a Racing Executive or Racing Official that they don’t like they will most often delete it. However, if you send the same email to that Racing Official or Racing Executive and CC it to two Racing Reporters and their Editors from two competing Newspapers or Racing Publications you will most likely get a response. Racing Officials and Racing Executives read the emails but the trick is to let them know that someone besides you is paying attention.

One recent example is the thread on a Race at Golden Gate where there was a very suspicious ride. Many people from the Board sent emails and some made phone calls. A couple of weeks later the rider was given seven days for the ride!

If you have a telephone, computer, and email, you have some power to change things if you’re persistent! Over time things can and will get done!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW2J_UZ8lQU ;)