08-17-2009, 07:57 PM
Okay I been away for awhile and I know there has been a million posts about this issue and so and so, but this about me, no ego here, but bear with me...

I am 46, I think, 427 lbs and growing and have been diagnosed with sever sleep apnea, from a free study, thank God, and also given a FREE CPAP MACHINE TOO, from a group trying to help drivers with sleep apnea, and maybe they may be tring to get rid of overweight drivers too, can't blame them as falling asleep is the biggest cause of accidents with us truck driver, and sleep apnea may be why, so why not study it and find out, and maybe help to fix or limit it in the future, in the meantime I am very greatful, the study and machine could've easily been about 10 grand, where do I get that, hitting the superfrecta from the Ky. Derby, definetely not my bank account.

Questions I have about this new plan Obama is trying

1. People like me, overweight ( Morbid Obesity), can't get regular insurance without paying 10 times what normal people pay,(and I kinda understand why, too) and then still not be covered for halve the issues any way, and when I went to use my coverage I was tolds this and that were no longer covered, this after 2years of paying onto it, and when I statred they were covered, things like pre screening for cancer and other thing 45 year old men need to to do, seems to me to be illegal, but apparently it is standard practice to change things after they sell it to you, and nobodys does shyt about it, WHY?

Sorry that was a rant, not a question, sorry this subject is very personal and pissed me off so much, 2yrs of paying and when I go to use it, sorry sir not covered, not covered, not covered, and sure after the 1st 20 grand of your own money, then we cover it, standard pre-screens like colonoscopy, yeah that one, but needed by all men my age, will save me in the long run, but not covered, cost to do it about 4500.00, same with other cancer screenings 5-10 grand I am told, but now they are not covered anymore.

1. Will Obama's plan help me get the pre-screening I need at a cost I can afford, to me prevention is better than dealing with it later years, isn't it?

2. What is Obama's plan, to me I can not figure it our, why is that, can any one else? Seriously, he's states you can keep yours if you like it, well I felt like I was robbed, so what about me?

3. Self Employed, Independent Contractor, what are my options? When sick goto the hospital and pray they will help me without insurance, not likely, lift for dead most likely.

4. Medicare , VA or other major medical groups ,what happens to them?

5. Is there hope for me in this plan at all, besides lose weight and I am working on it now, after being given a second chance with this free cpap machine I'd be a fool not to change things and try, wouldn't I, of course, so any help or advice throw it my way, email or call, I don't care I need support on this front, cause this battle is no joke, I quit smoking after 20 some years 2 packs a day, but used Chantix to help me quit, but quit I did, and then put on 100+ lbs afterwards too, dag nabbit, so what I need now is to lose about 150 or more pounds and get fit again, IF I CAN, BIG WORDS, but so far are very hard to follow, extremely hard to follow thru with, driving this truck all day sitting on my fat azz doing nothing but eating sleeping and driving, over and over again, no wonder I am 400+lbs, damn.

Another Rant sorry, but is there hope for people like me, the obese of this country, we all know people like me, we are everywhere, we're a country of fat people, compared to other countries we are, but right now I am concerned about me 1st, and then maybe I can help others, but me 1st, to proove it can be done, kinda...

So for now as I must go, does Obama's plan have a hairballs chance of helping me at all, or just regular people, or people on welfare?

Steve 'StatMan'
08-17-2009, 08:13 PM
I personally am concerned that a national plan will limit what overweight people eat (I'm down to around 310 from 370 myself.) Local goverment in L.A. tried to limit fast food restaurants in parts of their town. Government insurance and staying covered, might consider peoples legal choices of food or drink (alcoholic or not) to increse costs to the program and therefore try to impose limits, bans, restrictions, or added preminums (I too have no insurance, don't want my old work mates who had same plans I used to have lose their coverage by it getting dropped so the employees can fall back on a public plan.) To some degree, overweight people may be the only group in america that it is not considered illegal or at least still isn't considered non-PC to discriminate or at least freely insult publicly. Will the people of the same political party/ideology that railed against the 'publics loss of rights' because someone from the government might accidently hear their phone call while trying to listen in on the bad guys, be just as dilligent about not having peoples rights to consumer food/beverage choices taken from them when a public/mandatory health insurace plan is implemented?

08-17-2009, 08:40 PM

Let me state that during my recent unemployed time, I was told by some companies that my BMI was to big to work for them. I guess they have the right, it is the US and we have the right , but then again do they, I don't care I found a job, as I wasn't going to not find one, I work for a living and will always do so unless the lottery gods smile on me.

But what do you think the BMI of our goverment is, look into congress, my lord the BMI in there, why are they called Fat Cats??

Yes , I am unsure on the percentage of overweight people in this country , about a third maybe, but it is pretty high I'm thinking, costing us billions on health care too, but could probally be better used if , AND ONLY IF, used differently, maybe a little preventive care, more push to help overweight than too ostracize them. But who am I, just another fat guy...


Towns banning fat people from this and that, where did our rights go,

Steve 'StatMan'
08-17-2009, 08:53 PM
Ah the nice pleasant song, Don't Worry Be Happy.

I have and idea for of a spoof of this song, where I'd flip the musical score upside down, ala how the Star Wars Theme is just the Born Free score flipped upside down. The words, I'd change to, So Worry, Feel Crappy. and the ooh ooh ooh sining part instead of pleasanlty going down in scale, goes nervously upward, and the soothing ooh ooh ooh part is replaced by ohh, ohhh, ohhooohhhhh, and maybe some no's.

(So worry....Feel Crappy....ohhhhhh, oh oh ohhh oh nooo, oh oh oh oh oh-oh no, oh oh oh oh noooooo!) ;)

08-17-2009, 10:51 PM
This will be Obama's new FOOD Czar! :eek:

NJ Stinks
08-17-2009, 11:00 PM
Obama's health reform includes not denying people health insurance no matter what pre-existing condition exists. I believe that covers being overweight.

Your best hope is a government option because I can't see private insurance companies not charging you an arm and a leg.

Bit that's me - a zany liberal who wants a public option.

08-17-2009, 11:06 PM
You need to listen carefully to what he says, and what he said previously.
Being serious here, not just yakking.

08-18-2009, 12:37 AM
Obama's health reform includes not denying people health insurance no matter what pre-existing condition exists. I believe that covers being overweight.

Your best hope is a government option because I can't see private insurance companies not charging you an arm and a leg.

Bit that's me - a zany liberal who wants a public option.

With a Public Option things like weight, sex, pre-existing conditions, age etc. are not a factor.

Profit is not the game.

08-18-2009, 01:03 AM
This will be Obama's new FOOD Czar! :eek:

NO Soup for YOU !!!!


08-18-2009, 05:38 AM
A lot of the debate depends on whether you think health care should be a private consumption good (like a car) or collectively financed and available to everyone on equal terms?

Morally, I have trouble putting a different *value* on human beings based on their income.

I also notice that in discussing this subject, most people don't seem to understand the difference between socialized insurance and socialized medicine.

The only system in the world I can think of that has "socialized medicine" is our VA system for veterans. And the British system.

All the other countries that American's mistakenly believe have socialized medicine don't..............they have socialized insurance, but a completely open delivery system----for-profit and enterprise driven.

Medicare, on the other hand, is a single-payer system. And, surveys show people are quite happy with it.

So.......how many people who discuss/debate this have studied, in detail, the Swedish, Japanese, Taiwanese, British and German systems, and can compare them studiously?

Most of what I hear people talking about where I live is based on very limited, and often mythical, information.

08-18-2009, 06:48 AM
This might sound very harsh, but its the truth. Your immediate concern should have nothing to do with whatever health insurance plans there are, from Washington or anywhere else. You need to take responsibility for your own well being and lose 200 pounds. No one can or will do that for you. While some people have larger frames than others, no human being was meant to weigh 400+ pounds. Your well being is in your hands. Take control of your life and lose the weight, then worry about the other stuff.

08-18-2009, 07:16 AM
Good to hear your out there driving around, still.
This site reviews the state sponsored possiblities:

Here in NY State there is an insurance pool offered called Healthy New York.

Folks that live in NY state are elligible if they need health insurance and are low income, or have recently lost employment. It works very well, and provides choices of three providing companies. The companies are mandated by the state to offer specific coverages.

As for a Federal Government Mandated Single Payer system, I would rather see the states run their systems with Federal money/guidelines offered as support.


08-18-2009, 11:53 AM
This might sound very harsh, but its the truth. Your immediate concern should have nothing to do with whatever health insurance plans there are, from Washington or anywhere else. You need to take responsibility for your own well being and lose 200 pounds. No one can or will do that for you. While some people have larger frames than others, no human being was meant to weigh 400+ pounds. Your well being is in your hands. Take control of your life and lose the weight, then worry about the other stuff.

Isbets, you are right 1000%, I am responsible for me, and as stated before, quitting smoking was easier, and that was a 2 pack a day habit for over 20yrs, but then I used Chantix to help me, and it worked well for me, been over a year now and no thoughts of ever smoking again, but the weight exploded.

Still anyone running a fat camp out there let me know, (PREFERABLY IN THE ISLANDS SOMEWHERE) and not your ordinary lose 20lbs camp, no no no, a camp for people that need to lose weight 200lbs or more, a real fat camp.

Or any Doctor out there willing to do a lap-band surgery for a poor old truck driver, as your yearly charitable case, feel free to call me immediately, and I will be right there, as the Mexican going rate for Lap-band sugery is here...

But hitting the super at the Spa would pay for this, but what about Obama's new health plan, would it cover this surgery, or a Fat Camp atmosphere, or going somewhere to have the , as I say ... The Boot in your Azz motivation needed to make one actually change there habits and do what is needed to actually lose weight, like a fat camp, unlike some people who have a normal life and have the family for the support group, but for people like me who have no one, and no support group, we get sick of trying this and that, and then falling off the wagon, and then getting even bigger than before, you know what I mean, lose 5 lbs and put on 25lbs, one step forward and 3 steps back scenario, or look at these prices for a fat camp, ridiculous...

Think Obama will pay for this, hell no, I know I can't afford it either, but some people need that enviroment to kick start them into doing what is needed to begin the journey to losing and keeping the weight off, I know I am one of those people, I need help getting started and need a support system to do it, and more importantly, will need to get out fo this truck long enought to hget something done, whether diet and excerise or surgery, both will require time out of the truck, and when you live in a truck , getting out of it isn't that easy. so what options do Obama's plan give me, just curious.

You see I looked into what I need to get back into shape or lose weight, and come to the conclusion that without help and support I may never be able to do it, a cop out , no not really, just the truth, as I have done this before and know the results, so I looked into what may work, and yes they may not work either, but they are my next options, or so I think, ...

Water and Walking ....the beginnings to...

The Wonderful Way to Weight Loss, true enough and when that can't be acheived thru no self discipline, then what????


08-18-2009, 12:27 PM
Patrick, I am not meaning to pick on you, but you've hit one of my biggest pet peeves. You've spent decades killing yourself and you know that losing an enormous amount of weight is hard work. But, you say that you can't motivate yourself to do it, and you either need a doctor to do surgery on you for free, or have the government pass a plan that will pay for you to go to a fat camp. Why on earth should anyone go out of their way to help you? Its pretty obvious that with the attitude you currently have you will not keep any weight off and everyone else's efforts on your behalf will be a waste of time. You need to step up and take care of yourself. As I said, you probably spent decades killing yourself. You need to choose to live.

08-18-2009, 01:48 PM
Patrick, I am not meaning to pick on you, but you've hit one of my biggest pet peeves. You've spent decades killing yourself and you know that losing an enormous amount of weight is hard work. But, you say that you can't motivate yourself to do it, and you either need a doctor to do surgery on you for free, or have the government pass a plan that will pay for you to go to a fat camp. Why on earth should anyone go out of their way to help you? Its pretty obvious that with the attitude you currently have you will not keep any weight off and everyone else's efforts on your behalf will be a waste of time. You need to step up and take care of yourself. As I said, you probably spent decades killing yourself. You need to choose to live.

True enough, your point is almost right on the mark.

Why help those who can not help themselves, does cancer strike only those who can help themselves.

What about alcoholics, drug addicts, smokers, can they help themselves, of course you may say yes they can, but can they all really help themselves, or do halve of them even care enough to try?

You already know I kicked the smoking habit, but did you know I also kicked drinking and drugs too, drinking over 25 years ago and drugs over 15 years ago, and then smoking about 1 1/2 years ago, so that was a pretty tall order my friend, those 3 things kill so many people in this country each day, but I got a handle on them, and not that easy either, but I did.

Now I am obese, and yes I am having a ffffffffing hard time to get a handle on this situation, my attempts have gone by the wayside, almost like I've given up, and yet I know I do not want to give up, but what do I do??

Have you been in my situation, have ever drank , did drugs , smoked, been really obese, if not then how would you know what we go thru, conquering 3 out of 4 so far is quite an accomplish I am told, but it does me no good if I can not get the 4th in order and very soon too.

Now can I help it if I work just enough to not qualify for free medical care, should I quit working and become a bum and then apply to get medical care, no not me, I work for a living, not much of one , but I do work for it, what do you do, not that it matters really, as I am not attacking you, just asking...

You see how expensive the alternatives are for me, Lap-Band Surgery, (not the preffered method I wish for, but...), about 5 grand or so in Mexico, what's that one nice Super or Pick 4 in New York, heck maybe even a Tri or Pick 3, and what do I call this my Horse Health Care Plan, hit and live , lose and die, but the sad part is many people are probally doing just that and it is sad.

Does everyone have their life planned out for them, no, some have to overcome alot, some never overcome it, well I am trying to, and almost have, the last hill is for me almost too hard to climb, why I do not fffffing know why, but it just is, am I giving up no, but I am looking for what may work, don't I have that right, why not a government paid for operation, I paid my taxes for over 40 years, don't I deserve it, I think so.

Also there are plenty of people who take these surgeries and get better and stay that way, why do you suppose I will gain it all back if I lose it, I think I would keep it off, and would do my best to keep it off, but could I promise it would stay off , no I could not, and would not, but would only say it would be my best intentions to keep it off. Plenty of people had these procedures and are doing well now, then there is Jared, 2 words for jared, fffff you , oooops , that was probally a jealous reaction, but an honest and heartfelt one, as he prances around , and yet I am still wobbling around, and getting no where fast, but life is not fair is it?

ISBETS, you may be right and I understand you point, but understand mine too, not all things are as easy as they appear to be, this issue of obesity for me is not a joke, and not taken lightly ( NICE PUN) by me, either. My control of this situation baffles me beyond all logical reasoning, but it still is there and am I still have trouble getting in under control, sorry that it bothers you and it should , but how do you think I feel, I mean really, think about that okay....


08-18-2009, 03:31 PM

I see thin people eating really bad stuff, yet nobody accuses them of slowing killing themselves.

None of us can be *quite* sure what we've *done* over the decades to kill ourselves slowly. Simply breathing the air, or drinking the water, and certainly, the stuff I see people eating, as well as lifestyles and relationships that are chaotic and unhealthy.

There but for the grace of god go I. ;)

I have trucker friends, most people don't know how absolutely difficult it is to live on the road and eat healthy. All those places to stop n' eat with a big rig are starchy greasy spoons. :)

You quit smoking, and that is something to be proud of. Try to put yourself back into that mind frame, and I have no doubt you will prevail at losing weight, too! You are obviously a strong person! Good luck to you. I hope you reach some of your goals.:ThmbUp:

NJ Stinks
08-18-2009, 05:36 PM
PK, I'm no picture of health myself but here's a few tips I picked up along the way:

1. Consumer Reports said: a) prime rib is most unhealthy beef out there (lots of fat). Sirloin is the healthiest beef out there. b) glazed donuts are about the worst things you can eat.

2. WeightWatchers said the following about Thankgiving meals: a) stuffing should be avoided at all costs and b) egg nog is another disasterous tradition around holiday time.

Probably obvious stuff but just thought I'd share it. :ThmbUp:

08-18-2009, 06:00 PM
Here is some info from the mayo clinic....
www.mayoclinic.com/health/weight-loss/MY00432 (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/weight-loss/MY00432)

But as LS has pointed out....you can't rely on others. You are responsible for your own health.

08-18-2009, 06:09 PM
Read Eric Schlosser's great book Fast Food Nation....You will become aware of how tainted the food supply is and all the chemicals you are ingesting.

08-18-2009, 07:58 PM
But as LS has pointed out....you can't rely on others. You are responsible for your own health.

Curious......do you have a chronic illness, or have your small children or loved ones ever come down with cancer or a really tragic, drawn-out illness?

Because I've noticed that people who have this 'can't rely on others' philosophy haven't been there.

Volunteer at hospice, or a major children's hospital. And, tell a teenager, looking forward to going to the prom, who is instead in the cancer ward, that he is reponsible for his own health. All he wants is a shot at getting to actually have a first date, and that it not be with the coroner.

There is a tremendous amount of "relying on others" happening in these places. (And, in life in general). nd, it's not always about money. When you are dying, money is about as useful to one's human spirit, as TOILET PAPER.

We should, if our compassion is intact, be able to care deeply about other people....enough to want to help them...... not judge them.

PT said, "does cancer strike only those who can help themselves?"

Many people, who haven't been humbled by the unforseen and tragic, are under the *delusion* that they have their lives under control, all tied up neatly in a little bundle. Good for you. HOpe it all works out.

08-18-2009, 09:47 PM
Curious......do you have a chronic illness, or have your small children or loved ones ever come down with cancer or a really tragic, drawn-out illness?

Because I've noticed that people who have this 'can't rely on others' philosophy haven't been there.

Volunteer at hospice, or a major children's hospital. And, tell a teenager, looking forward to going to the prom, who is instead in the cancer ward, that he is reponsible for his own health. All he wants is a shot at getting to actually have a first date, and that it not be with the coroner.

There is a tremendous amount of "relying on others" happening in these places. (And, in life in general). nd, it's not always about money. When you are dying, money is about as useful to one's human spirit, as TOILET PAPER.

We should, if our compassion is intact, be able to care deeply about other people....enough to want to help them...... not judge them.

PT said, "does cancer strike only those who can help themselves?"

Many people, who haven't been humbled by the unforseen and tragic, are under the *delusion* that they have their lives under control, all tied up neatly in a little bundle. Good for you. HOpe it all works out.

Ummm winter....first off, please dont act as If I am not compassionate. And yes, I have had people in my life, around me, and friends I know DIE horrible deaths. Some due to their OWN faults (such as drunk driving) and some due to uncontrollable diseases such as CANCER. So have I experienced that, YES I HAVE. But please, lets not compare being overweight to cancer. Most cancer patients dont have a choice, as in the children you mentioned. And for the Obese children, they rely on adults to teach them discipline and nutrion.
I myself, used to be a heavy drinker during my military days. But, that was MY CHOICE. Just as it was my Choice to QUIT. In patricks case, I think the guy deserves to be as healthy as anyone. But thats PATRICKS CHOICE.
Sometimes we allow our compassion to get in the way of reality. Its easy to get on a horse racing forum (by the way has happened before in the case of betting and programs) and talk about how "i need help". But if I can get on the internet and come to a horse racing forum to ask for help, why couldnt I let my fingers type a few different words and ALL THE HELP IN THE WORLD IS AT YOUR FINGER TIPS ON THE INTERNET.
Here...let me help as I did above.....
www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/pyramid/ (http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/pyramid/)

There are thousand of sites about nutrition and eating healthy.
I gave a site above....and one in my first post. And if somehow you got offended by ls and myself telling him that he has to take ownership of his health, well so be it. But I can assure you of this....if he is dependent on this government to take care of him, well I will leave it as to say he is in better hands if he takes care of himself.

08-18-2009, 09:55 PM
PK, I'm no picture of health myself but here's a few tips I picked up along the way:

1. Consumer Reports said: a) prime rib is most unhealthy beef out there (lots of fat). Sirloin is the healthiest beef out there. b) glazed donuts are about the worst things you can eat.

2. WeightWatchers said the following about Thankgiving meals: a) stuffing should be avoided at all costs and b) egg nog is another disasterous tradition around holiday time.

Probably obvious stuff but just thought I'd share it. :ThmbUp:

I would add French Fries to the avoid list. I don't think I've ever met a French Fry lover who was in good shape.

08-18-2009, 10:26 PM
Okay , people , please let us not get at each other here, I am my own person, and I am responsible for me, this is true, and yet when the vices came around I HAD MY HNAD OUT AND TOOK THEM ALL , BUT ONE STILL HAS CONTROL OF ME, ONLY ONE, THE OTHERS I GOT UNDER CONTROL.

When one has a substance abuse problem they goto treatment for it, rehab.

Some can kick those habits by themselves, but most can not, yet most insurnaces cover these issues, do they not, yes they do....

Smoking has many many places for you to get help, I found what worked for me and quit a 20+ year habit and will never smoke again.

Gambling, not a problem, as I have it under control, and only use bankroll's when I can afford to, never money for bills.

So Gambling, drinking, drugs , smoking all vices and all under control, some took 20 years to tackle, but they are under control, and it took help, medical help for some, but obesity is like some of these too, and outside help may be needed to get it under control, why is that so hard to grasp.

Many attempts have been tried by me to lose weight, and I failed so far, but give up no, get help yes, what is available to me, surgery , yes it would help , maybe, fat camp, like Rehab, controled enviroment, make me change my behavior, by changing my environs, yes it might work, why is that bad , isn't rehab the same thing, if not why not???

asking for medical help should be my right, even if I am poor, and being poor is a by product of me, by not being smart enough to wark and save like many people, I have the Murphy Touch, yet the Law guys touch. I go bust in my business's , but at least I work hard and try, unsuccessfully, but it only takes one time to get things clicking, and persistance in this trucking thing may still pay off one day if and when I ever put this truck on with the right company or find a few private shipper s and pull their freight , and I have come close a few times to be under bid each time , so , like my weight, it is not going away by itself, and since I am now aware that I need more professional help to deal with it, shouldn't I try to get it, of course and I will try, but most options require money, some require insurance that covers it, but being an independent contractor I have no insurance and can not afford it, and when I did have it for 2 years waiting to use it, all the while paying for it 300 a month mind you, and then go to use , nothing is covered at all, nothing I was told would be covered was covered, so over 7000 in insurance payments wasted, this should be criminal, but NO IT IS STANDARD PRACTICE FOR THEM, AND WHO GET FFFFFF'D , ME, STUPID OLD ME.

So yes I think the goverment owes me some help here with this issue, istead of condemning me , like many here want to do.

fat people make me sick, me too, and I want to change, but need help to do it, not BS about being resposible for me and getting my weight under control, well sometimes it ain't that easy , sorry.

More later, but does this make sense, now , can you see my side a little better now, desire and doing are not the same thing, and vices are vices, any and all can do you in.


08-18-2009, 10:36 PM

Not to derail the conversation, but you are a driver.......are you seeing any signs of the so-called "green shoots" that the financial cheerleading media and Ben Bernanke talks about? Are your number of loads increasing? Business picking up at all? So far, the stock market rally of the past 5 months looks based strictly on technicals and short covering.

08-18-2009, 11:35 PM

Not to derail the conversation, but you are a driver.......are you seeing any signs of the so-called "green shoots" that the financial cheerleading media and Ben Bernanke talks about? Are your number of loads increasing? Business picking up at all? So far, the stock market rally of the past 5 months looks based strictly on technicals and short covering.

No I am not seeing inprovement yet. Some say things are Okay, but no one has yet to add a shift or up production yet.

If they make houses as readily avaible as new cars are going to be, then maybe things will pick up, because as housing goes so goes everything else.

Stop building new houses and many many things shut down, begin building new again and things will definetely pick up, guaranteed....

Only time will tell.


08-19-2009, 02:08 AM
Okay , people , please let us not get at each other here, I am my own person, and I am responsible for me, this is true, and yet when the vices came around I HAD MY HNAD OUT AND TOOK THEM ALL , BUT ONE STILL HAS CONTROL OF ME, ONLY ONE, THE OTHERS I GOT UNDER CONTROL.

When one has a substance abuse problem they goto treatment for it, rehab.

Some can kick those habits by themselves, but most can not, yet most insurnaces cover these issues, do they not, yes they do....

Smoking has many many places for you to get help, I found what worked for me and quit a 20+ year habit and will never smoke again.

Gambling, not a problem, as I have it under control, and only use bankroll's when I can afford to, never money for bills.

So Gambling, drinking, drugs , smoking all vices and all under control, some took 20 years to tackle, but they are under control, and it took help, medical help for some, but obesity is like some of these too, and outside help may be needed to get it under control, why is that so hard to grasp.

Many attempts have been tried by me to lose weight, and I failed so far, but give up no, get help yes, what is available to me, surgery , yes it would help , maybe, fat camp, like Rehab, controled enviroment, make me change my behavior, by changing my environs, yes it might work, why is that bad , isn't rehab the same thing, if not why not???

asking for medical help should be my right, even if I am poor, and being poor is a by product of me, by not being smart enough to wark and save like many people, I have the Murphy Touch, yet the Law guys touch. I go bust in my business's , but at least I work hard and try, unsuccessfully, but it only takes one time to get things clicking, and persistance in this trucking thing may still pay off one day if and when I ever put this truck on with the right company or find a few private shipper s and pull their freight , and I have come close a few times to be under bid each time , so , like my weight, it is not going away by itself, and since I am now aware that I need more professional help to deal with it, shouldn't I try to get it, of course and I will try, but most options require money, some require insurance that covers it, but being an independent contractor I have no insurance and can not afford it, and when I did have it for 2 years waiting to use it, all the while paying for it 300 a month mind you, and then go to use , nothing is covered at all, nothing I was told would be covered was covered, so over 7000 in insurance payments wasted, this should be criminal, but NO IT IS STANDARD PRACTICE FOR THEM, AND WHO GET FFFFFF'D , ME, STUPID OLD ME.

So yes I think the goverment owes me some help here with this issue, istead of condemning me , like many here want to do.

fat people make me sick, me too, and I want to change, but need help to do it, not BS about being resposible for me and getting my weight under control, well sometimes it ain't that easy , sorry.

More later, but does this make sense, now , can you see my side a little better now, desire and doing are not the same thing, and vices are vices, any and all can do you in.


Patrick....listen...I really don't want this to come across as personal although by using your story to try to explain, it will come across as personal and for that I apologize in advance.
I will try to explain each area of concern I think you have. Now keep in mind you say and continue to say that we cant "grasp" what you referring to. Let me address this by saying that I think it is you that is having the problem grasping things. What I mean by this is you tell your story as if your the only one who has had or currently has these problems. There are millions of people with all kinds of problems. So yes, we understand. I myself gave up alcohol completely after a friend got killed in an auto wreck due to alcohol.
You also go on to say "many attempts have been tried by me to lose weight but give up no, get help yes"...so youve gotten help in the past? What kind of help? The reason I ask is with todays internet, the world is literally at your fingertips. You can find thousand up on thousand of resources on excercise, eating healthy, nutritional facts etc etc. But, I really get the feeling that you dont want those options. You go on to mention surgery but I can tell you of another friend who had the bipass surgery. Yes, she lost weight. And guess what? Because SHE could not control her habits, she is just as big now as she was prior to the surgery and 20+ grand less in her pockets.
Then you go on to talk about the " stupid ole me", the "I am poor", the "by product of me not being smart enough to work and save money", the "i go bust's in my business". and the list goes on and on.
I know this is going to sound harsh...but dude, tighten up your boot straps and stop feeling sorry for yourself. The same thing happened in another thread.
The insurance piece you referred to about paying 7000 dollars and then not being covered, well its the policy holders respponsibility to know what is in their policy and whats covered and whats not covered. Although I do agree with you that the insurance industry is not looking out for you or anyone else. Thats why it is so important to know what is in your policy.
Also millions of americans have to pay those premiums so your not alone in that aspect.
You also talk about how the health help and most options require money. But a few paragraphs up you talk about how you gamble with bankrolls when you can afford to. Maybe you should re-evaluate your priorities. Utilize your bank rolls towards the help you need versus looking for that big derby trifecta.
Have you look at places like Brookhaven? Its an obesity clinic in NY. There are alot of clinics like that that have low cost and success rates. Remember the world is at your fingertips. I am just trying to give you a few examples.
I would also like to ask how you feel the goverment owes you? This part I had a hard time understanding.
But, I truly do wish you the best. It will be an uphill battle. But it takes mental strength and a true desire to succeed. Can you get there? I have no clue. Thats your choice. But I do want you to know that I do wish you the best in your endeavors.

08-19-2009, 06:39 AM
Curious......do you have a chronic illness, or have your small children or loved ones ever come down with cancer or a really tragic, drawn-out illness?

Because I've noticed that people who have this 'can't rely on others' philosophy haven't been there.

Volunteer at hospice, or a major children's hospital. And, tell a teenager, looking forward to going to the prom, who is instead in the cancer ward, that he is reponsible for his own health. All he wants is a shot at getting to actually have a first date, and that it not be with the coroner.

There is a tremendous amount of "relying on others" happening in these places. (And, in life in general). nd, it's not always about money. When you are dying, money is about as useful to one's human spirit, as TOILET PAPER.

We should, if our compassion is intact, be able to care deeply about other people....enough to want to help them...... not judge them.

PT said, "does cancer strike only those who can help themselves?"

Many people, who haven't been humbled by the unforseen and tragic, are under the *delusion* that they have their lives under control, all tied up neatly in a little bundle. Good for you. HOpe it all works out.

We're not talking cancer. We're not talking a tragic disease that struck a child. We are talking about someone who has spent decades eating his way to over 400 pounds and now wants the government to pay for him to lose weight. Do you see any problems with that? Its not a matter of compassion. Can you see the difference there? If you can't, then you have no idea what compassion is.

08-19-2009, 06:10 PM
Ummm winter....first off, please dont act as If I am not compassionate. And yes, I have had people in my life, around me, and friends I know DIE horrible deaths. Some due to their OWN faults (such as drunk driving) and some due to uncontrollable diseases such as CANCER. So have I experienced that, YES I HAVE. But please, lets not compare being overweight to cancer. Most cancer patients dont have a choice, as in the children you mentioned. And for the Obese children, they rely on adults to teach them discipline and nutrion.
I myself, used to be a heavy drinker during my military days. But, that was MY CHOICE. Just as it was my Choice to QUIT. In patricks case, I think the guy deserves to be as healthy as anyone. But thats PATRICKS CHOICE.
Sometimes we allow our compassion to get in the way of reality. Its easy to get on a horse racing forum (by the way has happened before in the case of betting and programs) and talk about how "i need help". But if I can get on the internet and come to a horse racing forum to ask for help, why couldnt I let my fingers type a few different words and ALL THE HELP IN THE WORLD IS AT YOUR FINGER TIPS ON THE INTERNET.
Here...let me help as I did above.....
www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/pyramid/ (http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/pyramid/)

There are thousand of sites about nutrition and eating healthy.
I gave a site above....and one in my first post. And if somehow you got offended by ls and myself telling him that he has to take ownership of his health, well so be it. But I can assure you of this....if he is dependent on this government to take care of him, well I will leave it as to say he is in better hands if he takes care of himself.

and YET, with the proliferation of "help" out there , along comes the rapid increase in the problem the "help" is to solve.

Strange that..........?

Of course, some would say that to give up drinking alcohol is one thing- to go cold turkey on eating --- another.

You know there is more and more coming out along the lines of the "obesity drama" being just that.

For Patrick , i would say, don't worry about the weight and losing it.

Get on an exercise program,even it it's just walking a mile or two a day or every other day.

Try to eliminate one or two processed foods if you can , but don't stress out over it.
Don't beat yourself up if you backslide.

The FOODS themselves are MADE-DESIGNED to HOOK you.

cj's dad
08-19-2009, 06:28 PM
Obama's health reform includes not denying people health insurance no matter what pre-existing condition exists. I believe that covers being overweight.

Your best hope is a government option because I can't see private insurance companies not charging you an arm and a leg.

Bit that's me - a zany liberal who wants a public option.

What planet have you recently arrived from- could you please quote the page in the health care proposal that states this fact- I will be eagerly awaiting your reply.

NJ Stinks
08-19-2009, 07:37 PM
What planet have you recently arrived from- could you please quote the page in the health care proposal that states this fact- I will be eagerly awaiting your reply.

HR Resolution 3200, Division A, Title I, Subtitle B, Section 111, bottom of page 19 titled "Prohibiting Pre-Existing Condition Exclusions".

08-19-2009, 08:30 PM
Wait until they tell you that you have to lose 50 pounds before you can get coverage for anything. Or that you have to take a pain pill instead of surgery because of your age.

08-20-2009, 12:38 PM
many ins plans already have conditions such as you are looking for in them.

surgery is denied all the time- health assessments/wellness programs are required or you pay more and / or get less.

nothing wrong with that either for a gvt plan or a private one.

common sense.

to reduce costs you have to reduce something!

Mike A
08-29-2009, 04:04 PM
Hi, Patrick...

Here's the cliff notes version of what I'd like to say:

1. Kicking drugs, AND alcohol, AND cigarettes... years ago?
--Obviously a tremendous accomplishment. Period.
My respect for people who do this is off the charts.

2. Diet is much more important than exercise when it comes to losing weight.
Don't run away yet :) ...please bear with me:

3. When I say "diet" do I mean the typical "going on a diet" thing, as in simply eating less? NO. Our biochemistry, as affected by the particular foods we eat on a regular basis, and NOT the amount, is the biggest single factor that determines whether most of us will stay close to our ideal weight. Believe me, I could elaborate endlessly, but:

4. Alright, I said cliff notes version, so here it is (for now):
Whole foods, real foods. --You NEED to find a way to ADD them to your diet. WHOLE GRAINS, VEGETABLES, fruits...EXTRA VIRGIN olive oil..(and etc etc, but I said cliff notes, so I'll attempt to spare everyone) All at once? If you can, all the better, if not...man at least...go out and BUY that loaf of whole wheat bread...next time you see that Micky D's burger headed towards your mouth..get rid o' the bun and slap some o' that whole wheat bread around that baby. Try some hummus on whole wheat bread..you can put a ton of extra virgin olive oil on it..actually tastes pretty good.

5. Cut down on junk, though, especially, oh burgers, fries (anything with LOTS of saturated fat. Oh, and ANY amount of trans fat IS. VERY. BAD.), high fructose corn syrup (Soda! Cut DOWN on the soda, PLEASE!)

6. Exercise? Especially for someone 400 plus pounds? --Walk. End of story. Exercise IS the most important factor in losing weight......but ONLY if you never move! Diff between getting out and taking a walk and building up slowly if you have to to an hour-a-day or whatever, and not moving much at all?---infinite for all practical purposes! Running around killing yourself for hours a day like a Navy Seal on speed at boot camp like they idiotically have 400pounders do on "shows" like "The Biggest Loser"? ..Well, idiotic! Dangerous and counterproductive to put it mildly.
Get out there and walk, and leave the exercise thing at that.. PLEASE focus on WHAT you are EATING.

7. Water. Hydration. Super-important. ..But don't indescriminately drown yourself...wait till you're a little hungry (i.e. last meal has digested..say 3 hours) then drink maybe 2-3 cups water on empty stomach allowing about 15 minutes for absorbtion for each 8 oz before you eat..and when you eat, sure, you can drink (water, or whatever), just know that drinking a LOT with meals can sometimes interfere with digestion.

8. Other important stuff to look into (ideally you can add most of these things now, if not, fine, go at your own pace) whole-food supplements, vitamins, FRESH vegetable juices...get a juicer at some point.

A little cinnamon most days, soy milk with most meals, combined with high fiber, mostly whole food diet, will keep your blood sugar/ insulin levels very stable. Which is very important in losing weight, and in not getting type 2 diabetes...Yes, specifically cinnamon.

I can't believe I said clff notes.....

08-30-2009, 01:52 AM
Thank You Very Much

Your advice is spot on to my possible choices as I was given a 30 day weight loss kit with a box of bars, a tub of shakes powder, and vitamins, plus B12 drops I think, or some type of drops to help control appetite, I believe.

This plan involves 5 small meals/snacks thru-out the day, and my schedule makes this tough, impossible no I guess not, just excuses, it seems that I'd rather die than diet, yet I have no death wish, really, as tough as things are I see light at the end of the tunnel, not that light either, seriously, I enjoy life, not the obese person I am, but seem unable to do anything about it, why, stupidity, laziness, fear, what is it , please, no jokes here, why does my mind stop me from doing what I need to do, because I know what I need to do and have had tons of absolute awesome advice, yet , like the drunk who can't quit, or the smoker who tries and tries to quit , but never has success, that is me, yes I quit all those things but this one has me by the cojones, and my discipline is non-exisitent, why dag nabbitt can I not do what I need to.

This is not a pity parade here, but am I the only person who fails on diets, or does not get motivated enough to excersise, or get chaffed so bad when last tried to walk more than 10 minutes, or so unmotivated you are ashamed of yourself, because there really is no reason not to do something, so maybe there is something else here, a part of the brain fried during my drug days that no longer functions for me, it's possible..no?

Surgery, can't afford it, but could I do the required changes needed to succeed, I think so, as I'd have no choice, if I did not , then physical problems would occur, so I'd be forced to change my eating habits, that' one of the reasons for surgery, a last resort of sorts, because you couldn't do it on your own, sad and ridiculous, but true, over a million has had an obesity type surgeries and success is extremely high for them, why not me, then why do I feel a failure if I do this, which I can not afford yet anyway, working on it though.

I just do something and diet and excesise are not getting done by me, no reason why not , but I'm not , so what next die or try something more severe/drastic, and not feel guilty, but rather priviledged for being given a 2nd chance, I guess I could maybe see it that way, or so say the people wanting to do the surgery on me for a lap-band, not an actual suregry ...surgery, like cutting my stomach or something, as a lap-band can have the same affect and be easily removed if needed to be or wanted to be , after success, plenty of people ave removed their Lap-bands and are doing great now, why not me


08-30-2009, 02:08 AM
Boy that post sounded so pathetic, what a loser, snap out of it and lose the weight fat boy, words from my friend who just read the last post, of course he is in great shape, but yet he can't quit smoking, so where's the love, there isn't any for failures or lazy fat azz people who won't try is there, nope.

We are the people that others make fun of and secretly loathe, I KNOW, some are not so secret about it, and I can't blame them, yet it still does not make me want to get up and walk 2 miles, and drink only water and eat better foods, so fffing sad isn't it.

This is not surrender yet though, 1 hot blonde female live-in trainer needed, must work for free, and being willing to motivate fat guy to diet and excersise, not sure that would even work, normally that would be a psotion filled by a wife or better halve, I have none, did but divorced.

Is there a book here somewhere, I think the 400lb truck driving horse player is having a breakdown, and it isn't pretty, and getting to be embarrassing for me , especially putting all out here in public like this, on a horse racing forum, I must be nuts, oh well.


NJ Stinks
08-30-2009, 03:16 AM
Relax, PK. Everybody on this board has problems they are trying to overcome. You've got plenty of company in that regard even though it may not seem that way.

It seems to me that Mike A gave you some pretty good tips - dumping the white bread and drinking water before you eat sounds easy enough. Hell, I might try that myself.

You're the only truck driver I know who loves playing the horses. That makes you a maverick in my eyes.

Anyway, tomorrow is new day. Use it to your advantage.:ThmbUp:

08-30-2009, 09:14 AM
Relax, PK. Everybody on this board has problems they are trying to overcome. You've got plenty of company in that regard even though it may not seem that way.

It seems to me that Mike A gave you some pretty good tips - dumping the white bread and drinking water before you eat sounds easy enough. Hell, I might try that myself.

You're the only truck driver I know who loves playing the horses. That makes you a maverick in my eyes.

Anyway, tomorrow is new day. Use it to your advantage.:ThmbUp:

You may be right NJ Stinks, just kidding, no really not only Mike A, but many many more both here and in private all have given excellent advice and yet I still drive this truck and do very little to improve my situation, now weaning myself off Pepsi, very difficult for me, going to wheat bread , that is easily done, and other things like walking, how hard is it to walk, well become 425lbs and try it, with the cheap azz shoes I have and the other issues, chaffing being just one of them, but all these issues can be dealt with, buy a new pair of shoes, well I plan to when I can afford too, yes you heard right when I can afford to, which will be within 45 days or so if I keep working , overcoming the Chaffing, there are ways that a Pharmacist can tell me to do that will help, powder or cream, loose shorts or sweats, even calestenic's like I did in the army way back when, jumping jacks , streches, knee bends and etc..to get the cardio flowing, like aerobics today, just a little at a time until it becomes regular routine, doable right, of course, but while living out of a truck, I say no as an excuse, but it should still be doable while I live out of my truck, why not you ask, well I tried this stuff, and what happened I pulled a muscle or got tendinitis or something and almost couldn't drive the truck, whoich would really suck because i must drive to survive, I also tweaked my back too just doing knee bends, something popped, took weeks to heal or feel better, it may have never healed, as all these things that happened , I NEVER WENT TO A DOCTOR, WHY..COULDN'T AFFORD TO, but people say that with the help of a Doctor I could find the right excersise and regiment to do that would be okay for me, and with the doctors help we could forsee issues like pulled muscles and try to prevent them with advice from the doctor and or licesend physical therapist who can help me from doing this stuff wrong and pulling and pooping myself to death, and possibly injuring myself bad enough to not be able to drive, then what, no income, THAT SCARES ME, WOULDN'T IT YOU, if you income dried up, for me it did and it scared the hell out of me, I was almost homeless, about to lose my truck for lack of payments, had no job because of my sleep apnea, which is due to my overweight issues, but this I at least have undercontrol, and got a CPAP machine in the truck that I use and it is becoming 2nd nature using each night, red nose or not...so with all the help and advice , why I am still not doing what I need to, some things I am doing, but there are not the stuff I really need to do, the walking and excersing and the eating 5 little meals of the right foods, and drinking water only thru out the day and doing right, not having a Pepsi because I got heartburn and a pepsi works better than tums does,a nd alsmot immediately too, those are more excuses, which I can give you plenty of, excuses that is.

okay enough as I have gone on again, how bout breakfast this morning of scrambled eggs and oatmeal, with whole wheat toast and black coffee, well maybe splenda in it, and a dab of milk to cool it, and then only water. Yiou see that has been my intention for over a year or so, and when I get inside I order a real breakfast , at the TA truckstop the Long Haul, at the Petro the Double Skillet Ham, also at the TA the Meat Skillet, all great breakfast's but all have biscuits and gray and potatoes w/gravy and other things I do not need, why can't I eat what I should, no ffffing discipline, see how hard it is , knowing what to do and doing it are totally different, and yet they shouldn't be should they?


I'm hungry, will try the eggs and oatmeal, honestly

08-30-2009, 12:10 PM

The first 3 letters of the word "diet" are "die". That should give you an idea of why it is so hard to diet. It's painful!

Did you ever wonder how a supermodel or a jockey can have the willpower to eat so little? Or how a marathon runner gets the motivation to run 100 miles per week during training? Or why is Lance Armstrong motivated to work so hard during his training that racing in the Tour de France is easier for him than training?

All these people have learned to associate pleasure with something that a lot of us find painful. And they associate pain with what a lot of us associate pleasure with.

The two driving forces behind all human behavior are the need to avoid pain the desire to obtain pleasure. We avoid pain like the plague and move toward whatever we think will give us the most pleasure.

You need to create new associations in your brain. You need to "reprogram" your associations. Read about "Neuro-association conditioning" and "neuro linguistic programming".



You could probably use a personal "life coach". In a way, it is something like a sponsor from an AA meeting.

PM me if you are interested and I'll try to help you find something that works.

Steve 'StatMan'
08-30-2009, 04:13 PM
Suggestion on the chafing problem when walking - I had the same problem, and solved it by using lubricating the friction points with petrolium jelly (Vaseline, etc.) Found I needed to do that before any sizeable distance walk. Gradulaly worked myself up being able to walk 6+ miles without stopping, at better than a 3mph clip, despite being in the 320 range.

I also double-sock to reduce the problems with blisters-that does happen until callouses are built up.

I did one other thing when I first started walking, when I was in the 370 range-but since I'm tall, and family doesn't have history of heart disease, so this may not be good for you, it was tough on me at first. When I first started walking, rather than walk around my condo complex (I know, your varied locations are a factor), I lubed up, and walked down the local main street, that had park benches along the way. I was extremely winded and exausted after just the first half-mile. I sat down and gave my body a chance to return to normal, stop hurting and breathing to calm down. But in my case, rather than just go back home and get in 1 mile total, I walked another half-mile to the next bench further away from home, to put me a full 1 mile from home (along the main drag), meaning I was now forced to get 2 miles in, instead of just one (or walking 1 lap around the condo complex, and being able to quit & go home after less than 1/2 mile). Definitely needed all those breathing and rest breaks at first, and when I was finally home. Eventually cut down on a break at a time, added a little extra distance, etc. and gradually got the endurance and the distance, and through the foot blisters.

08-30-2009, 04:31 PM
Antidepressants are a chief cause of weight gain in this country, but it's not being brought to light. Come on Oprah!! There's a new wave of people trying desperately to get off them, having gained tons and tons of weight, and a new diagnosis "SSRI discontinuation syndrome," featuring brain zaps, etc etc. Anyway, not suggesting you are on them. Just noting this.

Please just try to lose a little weight a day. Dr Oz says reduce your diet by 100 calories a day! But I would say maybe 200-300 calories, just stay with that maybe? I wish you luck!!

I have a little luck with not eating after 5:00 pm and cutting out one or two things that are high calorie, but I don't even stick to it. If I don't have my pepsi, my tummy goes numb.

08-30-2009, 05:02 PM
As long as your brain perceives exercising and changing your diet as being more painful than living your current lifestyle it will be impossible to maintain any diet and exercise regimen.

You need to associate massive pain with continuing to live the way you are. When you feel so much pain with the way you are currently living that dieting and exercise feels less painful then you will begin to move in the direction of diet and exercise and away from your current lifestyle.

08-30-2009, 05:09 PM
I have no anti-deppressants in me, nope, I may get depressed, but deal with it the old fashioned way, head-on, yep confront it and do my best to snap out of it.

Now Lord willing I am getting somewhat better now that this company is aware of my slepp apnea and the health concerns that I have , and I feel in the near, real nea future we can sit down and come a working schedule that I may be able to stick to somewhat, thus allowing for a more doable mealtime and excersise time, wow Vasaline for thighs, messy but would work for sure as it was one of the suggestions from the Pharmicist at Wal-mart, Gold Bond powder too , then every step I emit a white powder, that'd be kinda funny to see, but not funny being the one doing it. 2 socks worked in the Army, and in Alaska , but now-a days, I think both the right shoes and socks, I should be fine, blisters, yeah maybe, but tough it out and they callus soon enough.

Now can I hire anyone to do this program for me as i will be too lazy for this stuff, no all great advice, and without anyone to give me that, KICK IN THE AZZ, to stay motivated, i last a day or 3 and then back to what's next, been that way for 3yrs now, okay, baclk to work.


08-30-2009, 05:25 PM
Now can I hire anyone to do this program for me as i will be too lazy for this stuff, no all great advice, and without anyone to give me that, KICK IN THE AZZ, to stay motivated, i last a day or 3 and then back to what's next, been that way for 3yrs now, okay, baclk to work.


My point exactly -- only it's not because you're lazy, it's because of the associations you have to making the lifestyle changes.

If you associate pleasure to the prospect of being thin, fit and healthy then you'll change. If you associate pain to exercising then you will stay the same.

It has nothing to do with being lazy. No one is lazy when it comes to doing something they enjoy.

It sounds like you enjoy working. So you're not lazy when it comes to work. Somewhere along the way you associated pleasure with things that aren't good for you.

You said you quit drinking, smoking and taking drugs. What do those all have in common? They change the way you feel by changing your physiology.

What does food have in common with drinking, smoking and drugs. It makes you feel good because it fills your belly -- which feels pleasurable. It slows your heart rate and relaxes you -- which feels pleasurable.

You associate pleasure to food and the effects are immediate.

I'm sure you've heard of "runner's high". That is the pleasure you feel when you are exercising and certain chemicals are released in your body. You can feel the same thing from briskly walking, by the way.

You need to change what you associate pleasure to.

You associate pleasure with working and pain to being unemployed. As a result, you are not lazy and you work hard.

You can do the same thing with every area of your life if you understand 1.) that pain and pleasure are the two driving forces behind all human behavior, 2.) if you understand the six human needs and 3.) if you understand the four levels of human behavior.

If you are truly interested in changing, PM me.

How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb? One. But the lightbulb has to want to change.

Now, a good motivational coach or psychotherapist can make you want to change if they understand how to apply psychological leverage.

Leverage is used to make a person change.

08-30-2009, 08:39 PM
Who would have ever thought they would read grown men discussing chafing of their thighs and cures for it on a horse racing message board?

25,000 to 35,000 people on Earth starve to death each day so take the money you are wasting each day on junk food and overeating and contribute it to charity. Maybe you will save a baby from starving to death and at the same time save the taxpayers from being forced to pay for your medical costs. An earlier post asked if Obama would pay for his self imposed medical problems. Why would someone not realize it is the taxpayers and not Obama who will end up paying the medical costs for people who have no self control.

08-30-2009, 09:23 PM
It's not really a self-control problem. It's a matter of what a person links pleasure to. The more pleasure someone associates to a feeling the more a person will exhibit behaviors that result in that pleasurable feeling.

Most people link massive amounts of pleasure to living -- the survival instinct.

I shot a video at Yale-New Haven hospital several years ago. The topic was cardiovascular diease. We videotaped a 35 year old man who was morbidly obese and hooked up to a heart lung machine. The machine was only a temporary solution. The man was not eligible for a heart transplant since he was obese (over 500 pounds and you need to weigh around 200) and there was no way he could stay on the machine long enough for him to lose enough weight. I think infection is a big problem.

He was so obese and ill that he was not strong enough to walk. For him, death was inevitable. However, the doctor caring for him told him that he only had two choices. One would be to take him off the machine and he would live as long as his body would allow -- probably weeks. Or, in order to have a chance at a transplant, he could actively and aggressively pursue weight loss.

The doctor asked him what he would like to do.

The patient removed the oxygen mask from his faced and whispered as loud as he was able, "Actively and aggressively".

Clearly, this man did not want to die.

We walked out of the room and the nurse started scoldling the doctor. She said, "You can't tell him that. He will never lose 300 pounds." The doctor, who had a lot of compassion and was very sad that he had to tell his patient the facts said to her in return, "You have to give him hope."

I assume this man died shortly, thereafter. Although, if a miracle took place, I didn't hear about it.

So while eating may be pleasurable, just think into the future and envision yourself hooked up to a heart-lung machine without the chance of a heart transplant. Your only choice is going to be how long do you want to stay hooked up to the machine.

08-31-2009, 09:43 PM
Who would have ever thought they would read grown men discussing chafing of their thighs and cures for it on a horse racing message board?

25,000 to 35,000 people on Earth starve to death each day so take the money you are wasting each day on junk food and overeating and contribute it to charity. Maybe you will save a baby from starving to death and at the same time save the taxpayers from being forced to pay for your medical costs. An earlier post asked if Obama would pay for his self imposed medical problems. Why would someone not realize it is the taxpayers and not Obama who will end up paying the medical costs for people who have no self control.

You know I understand your stance on this issue, but why can't you see my side too, I have this weight issue, solution... eat better and excersise, simple enough you'd think, but for me and millions others it is not that simple.

Winnings horse players need to study longer and keep great records, wager effectively, if you do all these then you can win, yeah right, not that easy is it, putting years of study and learning and still one does become a consistent winner, why?

Now say I was in shape , could I become the Yankee's shortstop thru practice and more practice, just practice hard each day and I will get better and can take Jeter's job from him, not a chance.

Now do I not pay my taxes , yes I do, did I not get taken advantaged of by the Insurance Compnay, yes I was misled, 2 years of premiums and when I went use the insurance to begin the 40 years Pre-screenings that we all need, the preventive stuff thats finds things early enough to save our lifes, well I was turned away and told I wasn't covered for that , or I had to 5000 for that and 4500 for that, and that was subject to the deductible of 5000, yet it did not count against any other deductible, you know what I mean tthis has happened to many many of us and the insurance companies get awy each and every ffffffffing day...........

Now after that experience you have the balls to say I do not deserve the health care I need to get better, rahter that be surgery ( lap band ) or a regimented program, Like fat camp, just like rehab for drugs, to get me to change my bad habits, well I say that is pretty damn self-fish of you.


Yes that was screaming, no cap locks that time, say hwat you will but I need help to lose this weight and it ain't cheap, nothing is, yet if I could pay it then I would but I can not, but yet I should still have the right to get the help yes, or what just die, that's nice of you.

WE all have issues and mine is my weight , which has led to many others problems, and as much as I want to change , i have yet to be able to change, or have yet to make my 1st million and then just pay for the stuff I need to do, apparently driving a truck doesn;t pay too well these days, you got a nice 200k a yr job for me, I'll be right over to get it.

Okay maybe motivation is needed, you are right , something is needed, life changes, and how many of us just pick up and change our lives, how many can do it, very few I promise you, some can but most can not , most do not know how, calling me a fat pig trying to milk the taxes payer dry , well that doesn't motivate me, but something else might, but I haven;t found it yet, maybe soon I will, but then what?

say I lose this weight I still have all those test that I should have done to help prevent or catch things earliy enough to stop them and or eliminate them, where do I pay for them, how dp I pay for them,I had insurance but when I WENT USE IT , THEY SAY NO, Awho else has this problem, I'm not the only one,I promise you that.

Got to cool off.....


09-01-2009, 12:07 AM
Here is something to motivate you. Google life expectancy and then fill in the blanks. When you get the answer print it out and stick it in your pocket.

No one can control how much you stick in your pie hole. Eat less and go for a long walk everyday for the rest of the few years you may have left.

Eat a maximum of 400 calories in a 4 hour period. More than 400 calories goes toward stored body fat. Stop drinking diet soda. The artificial sweetener will make you feel hungry. Eat nothing that could not be grown in your backyard. But a food calorie chart. An apple may have 80 calories. A big breakfast will have several hundred calories and some of it will be stored as body fat. To lose one pound of blubber you must burn over 2000 calories more that you eat.

If you get the government to pay for lap band surgery you cannot eat more that 600 calories a day for the rest of your life. Most of that will be in liquid form for the first several months.

09-03-2009, 09:03 AM
Here is something to motivate you. Google life expectancy and then fill in the blanks. When you get the answer print it out and stick it in your pocket.

No one can control how much you stick in your pie hole. Eat less and go for a long walk everyday for the rest of the few years you may have left.

Eat a maximum of 400 calories in a 4 hour period. More than 400 calories goes toward stored body fat. Stop drinking diet soda. The artificial sweetener will make you feel hungry. Eat nothing that could not be grown in your backyard. But a food calorie chart. An apple may have 80 calories. A big breakfast will have several hundred calories and some of it will be stored as body fat. To lose one pound of blubber you must burn over 2000 calories more that you eat.

If you get the government to pay for lap band surgery you cannot eat more that 600 calories a day for the rest of your life. Most of that will be in liquid form for the first several months.

Dr.Dutch thank you for your great replies I have appreciated all the genuine and sincere posts regarding my failure so far of losing weight, and yet again this week I started out Monday with a protien shake for breakfast and water thruout the day and some multi vitamins, went shopping to get diet food, a few slices of turkey, almonds and walnuts snack packs, single serving peaches, case of water, 20oz bottles ,natural peanut butter, oranges, special diet wheat bread, 1 slice only, raisins, skim milk, but what did I do Tuesday, I found a nice little whole in the wall fish and chip place, up here in NH, great NE chowder and haddock fish and chips, thou I did not eat the fries, as I had chowder instead, Day 2 and off the diet already, day 3 still in NH, went to river walk, met people and invited to nice italian dinner, lasagna and veal parm, so much for day3, back to day4 , still in NH and have not yet cheated today, but I just woke up too, so will go inside truckstop for coffee with skim milk and slpenda, maybe a muffin, or maybe a shake instead ,if no good muffins are left.

See how simple and easy it is for me to fall off the wagon here, but this time I will try to continue on and persisit til it takes hold and I begin to gain energy and start to lose weight ,and they say when that happens that I will then begin to enjoy the change and it will then spiral into a successful weight loss and better health situation for me,but be persisitent and keep at it,okay I am trying to, record for 4 days not good but, been sitting with nothing to do, now I must get moving to Plano Texas for the holiday wknd, so off I go.

wish me luck on this latest attempt, i really neeed it
