View Full Version : Validity of track profiles

08-10-2009, 07:47 AM
I'm looking for the easiest,quickest,and best way to construct a track profile.I make my own pace/speed figures and note the class of each race.Is it better to break away cheaper claimers from higher priced ones and separate claimers from allowance runners? Of course distance and surface merit separation.I've always been loosely familiar with the "'types" that seem to do best but have been more than willing to go against the grain when an animal seems well-spotted.Do others do this,or do you faithfully adhere to the profile regardless?Also, should a profile be looked at as a short-term tool, or in need of constant adjustment according to the speed of the surface?Until this year, arlington's surface didn't vary much unlessit was wet,always faster,or hot and sunny,a bit slower.With the start of the 2009 meet Arlington acquired a polytrack tiller and depending on when they use it,surface speed varies much greater than in the past two seasons.ANY suggestions would be appreciated,thanks in advance.

08-10-2009, 09:14 AM
personal observation of track profile generation will lead you to having the best shot of them being worthwhile.
going against the crowd is the name of the game

08-10-2009, 09:42 AM
I didn't believe in track profiles until energy distribution. It makes a bias OBVIOUS. Great stuff the early/late balance numbers of Sartin methodology