View Full Version : According to MOSt Pugs posting...this is OK

sammy the sage
07-30-2009, 09:16 PM
the EXCUTIVE's earned that money...yeah...the BILLIONS and billions of dollar's of YOU and I taxpayer's BAIL-OUT money...

a WHOLE list of banks that GAVE whilst LOSING their proverbial shirt...glad you liked giving the FREE ride...cause I sure as %$#@ don't! :mad:


07-30-2009, 10:15 PM
Here is the correct link---It is enough to make you puke.


07-31-2009, 03:09 AM
I'm a cynic, it's the politicians who make me want to puke. Posturing, posing and preening - telling everyone how terrible it all is, while not doing anything about it. (That would include the merry bands of thieves on either side of the aisle.)

The American people will believe anything so the pols tell them what they want to hear. They'll have forgotten by next week anyhow.

07-31-2009, 03:50 AM
I'm a cynic, it's the politicians who make me want to puke. Posturing, posing and preening - telling everyone how terrible it all is, while not doing anything about it. (That would include the merry bands of thieves on either side of the aisle.)

The American people will believe anything so the pols tell them what they want to hear. They'll have forgotten by next week anyhow.don't worry about anthing, the politions and big business's are going to straighten out
"the health care crisis".

these people are your friends, they will give you 2 nickles for your quarter

07-31-2009, 05:17 AM
the EXCUTIVE's earned that money...yeah...the BILLIONS and billions of dollar's of YOU and I taxpayer's BAIL-OUT money...

a WHOLE list of banks that GAVE whilst LOSING their proverbial shirt...glad you liked giving the FREE ride...cause I sure as %$#@ don't! :mad:


Actually, I don't think you will find ONE repug on here who says "its ok to pay these executives those HUGE bonuses while our tax dollars are providing the company a security umbrella" unless their is legal contracts which deem it.

What you will find is repugs and conservatives (like myself) saying is that the GOVERNMENT SHOULD OF NEVER BAILED THEM OUT TO START. I never once had a say in where the gov't put my tax dollars as far as tarp was concerned.

But to the point of your post, I do NOT think the government has any right to dictate to ANY company how much they should or should not pay to their employees. Of course it becomes a whole other ball of wax once tarp was passed out. The government has become the owners is essence of these companies. But look at contracts.....how many of these Execs as the article mentions were under contract? Did the contracts specify bonuses? If so, then the government in my opinion does not have the right to dismantle those contracts.

07-31-2009, 05:47 AM
Here is the correct link---It is enough to make you puke.


What is really funny is that people will still run over themselves to pay an income tax to the federal jurisdiction out of fear that if they don't, they must report to jail in the morning. :lol:


07-31-2009, 08:07 AM
If the bonuses were part of the pre-agreed to compensation package and not tied to performance ( poor idea) then yes, they should have been paid.

The bottom line here is that we never should have bailed out any of them because as we have seen, it was not needed.

If they were going to get bail out money, then the government should have taken tim eto work out all the details and restircition - including bonues - BEFORE they ever passed taht stupid bill, that I hasten to remind everyone, the current DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT told us all was urgently needed that week and that we could not waste any time. So stick your repug comments and put the blame where it belongs - on the democrat congress who passed the bill and the democrat candidate that forced it through. Bush signed it, his bad, but he signed a democrat bill.


07-31-2009, 08:53 AM
Actually, I don't think you will find ONE repug on here who says "its ok to pay these executives those HUGE bonuses while our tax dollars are providing the company a security umbrella" unless their is legal contracts which deem it.

What you will find is repugs and conservatives (like myself) saying is that the GOVERNMENT SHOULD OF NEVER BAILED THEM OUT TO START. I never once had a say in where the gov't put my tax dollars as far as tarp was concerned.

But to the point of your post, I do NOT think the government has any right to dictate to ANY company how much they should or should not pay to their employees. Of course it becomes a whole other ball of wax once tarp was passed out. The government has become the owners is essence of these companies. But look at contracts.....how many of these Execs as the article mentions were under contract? Did the contracts specify bonuses? If so, then the government in my opinion does not have the right to dismantle those contracts.

Your response is too well thought out and reasoned for those on the left to understand it. They go with what feels good rather than what is right. Until they start to think again, they will never understand the issues at hand.

07-31-2009, 12:07 PM
There are many contracts that have been and will be "broken" lawfully.

If in the process of "earning" your contracted bonus amount , you as a CEO ran your company into the ground to earn that bonus , did you carry out the terms of your contract?

Where in that contract did it state that one could kill the company to earn ones bonus?

If such a contract was written would it be enforceable if challenged?

If through prior inside knowledge one cashed out but not before urging others to hang in for the long run recovery that you knew (inside knowledge) was not coming did you "earn" your bonus based on that misrepresentation?

If via emails and corp documents it was apparent that you and others knew you were engaging in fraudulent behavior did you "earn" the bonus from those actions?

If it was easier to keep dancing while the music is playing than to take hard truths and act on them, did you REALLY "earn" your bonus?

If the business community and the country is to run on "it's ok as long as we get out before the SHTF" is that a contract worth enforcing?

There was massive fraud and still is and many in the country were duped into believing in that fraud and debt fueled party. The results will be with you for many years.

I hope it's worth it.

07-31-2009, 12:18 PM
Your response is too well thought out and reasoned for those on the left to understand it. They go with what feels good rather than what is right. Until they start to think again, they will never understand the issues at hand.

And its very revealing that no lib is appalled by the government's desire to run rough shod over those contracts, since the right to contract is a fundamental right not like some phony, trumped up nonsense such as "gay rights" or "health care" rights, etc.

When the government wants to trample underfoot our right to contract, then you know this country is in rapid descent mode.


07-31-2009, 01:03 PM
A contract is only as good as the word and integrity of it's parties.
No wonder dems have no respect for contracts.This is virgin territory for them.

07-31-2009, 01:34 PM
There are many contracts that have been and will be "broken" lawfully.

If in the process of "earning" your contracted bonus amount , you as a CEO ran your company into the ground to earn that bonus , did you carry out the terms of your contract?

Where in that contract did it state that one could kill the company to earn ones bonus?

If such a contract was written would it be enforceable if challenged?

If through prior inside knowledge one cashed out but not before urging others to hang in for the long run recovery that you knew (inside knowledge) was not coming did you "earn" your bonus based on that misrepresentation?

If via emails and corp documents it was apparent that you and others knew you were engaging in fraudulent behavior did you "earn" the bonus from those actions?

If it was easier to keep dancing while the music is playing than to take hard truths and act on them, did you REALLY "earn" your bonus?

If the business community and the country is to run on "it's ok as long as we get out before the SHTF" is that a contract worth enforcing?

There was massive fraud and still is and many in the country were duped into believing in that fraud and debt fueled party. The results will be with you for many years.

I hope it's worth it.

Your right about contracts being "broken" legally. And I guess I didnt make my remarks clear enough. For a contract to be broken in my opinion, it needs to be between the TWO parties within said contract. NOT for the government to step in and deem what is right or wrong. Who is to say that our jobs are not next? Where does it stop. I recieve bonuses that are incentive based. We attain certain goals and I recieve a percentage bonus. I do NOT need the government telling me or the company which employs me that "my bonus" is too high or too low. Thats an agreement between the company and myself ALONE!

07-31-2009, 02:04 PM
Your right about contracts being "broken" legally. And I guess I didnt make my remarks clear enough. For a contract to be broken in my opinion, it needs to be between the TWO parties within said contract. NOT for the government to step in and deem what is right or wrong. Who is to say that our jobs are not next? Where does it stop. I recieve bonuses that are incentive based. We attain certain goals and I recieve a percentage bonus. I do NOT need the government telling me or the company which employs me that "my bonus" is too high or too low. Thats an agreement between the company and myself ALONE!

Excellent reply! (I hate it when someone beats me to the punch.) ;)

But you're absolutely right. Only parties to a contract have a legal right to t, amend it,terminate it or whatever. If some third party can step and break contracts to which it is not a party, then we're sunk as a nation. The government would have absolute power to do anything it wants. We can kiss our freedoms good-bye.


Black Ruby
07-31-2009, 02:20 PM
So if a company becomes unviable, the government either lets it die, or does like the FDIC does with bad banks, which is take it over, clean it up, and sell what's left. Never should have been bailouts, especially if you let the rascals and thieves stay in control.

Andy Jackson had it right: Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves.

07-31-2009, 02:39 PM
So if a company becomes unviable, the government either lets it die, or does like the FDIC does with bad banks, which is take it over, clean it up, and sell what's left. Never should have been bailouts, especially if you let the rascals and thieves stay in control.

Just as a bad tree cannot produce good fruit and is only good for cutting down to the ground and its wood used for the fire, so, too, bad companies either go through the well established bankruptcy process or die. Those should be the only two options. Shareholders, etc. will have to weather the short-term storm, which would be far preferable to waiting for a much bigger and more disastrous storm that will surely result with short term, unstable props, a/k/a life support systems.


07-31-2009, 02:40 PM
In fairness, many of these employees’ compensation packages are bonus driven and people are saying these folks should not work for free, but if your company went bankrupt and had to get stolen taxpayer money to keep going, do you still deserve that money? After all, it is not coming from the company anymore.

07-31-2009, 02:49 PM
In many cases, yes, if that is part of your compensation package, you deserve to get it if you fulfilled your end of the contract and are not an owner.

So if a company becomes unviable, the government either lets it die, or does like the FDIC does with bad banks, which is take it over, clean it up, and sell what's left.

The government has no right to do anything. They do not own the companies and have no right to tell those who do what to do. We have time-tested procedures to handle bankruptcies that are fair to all parties, and more importantly, that all parties are familiar with when they enter into constitutionally protected contracts. That is how investors evaluate risk vs reward. What Obama did with GM and Chrysler was STEAL the assets and turn them over to the UAW as payment for support.