View Full Version : The Elephant Sanctuary

05-20-2009, 01:17 PM
I hope at least 1 person here reads the ellies stories and also learns by watching the live elliecams. This forum is dedicated to the rescue of circus and zoo elephants. I have been a member of the ellie forum for awhile now and it is a good site. You can watch the ellies on live cam, they have a discussion board that covers everything from ellies to day to day life, other animals, etc. If you saw the story on Tarra and Bella, that is just one of the elephants that lives out her life at Sanctuary. These people are to be commended for all they do to help with animal rescues.

http://www.elephants.com/ (http://www.aimoo.com/url.cfm?link=ZgmYUeFlurTFdkRctl5khJl810WfZkB1)

05-20-2009, 03:18 PM
that is a really cool site, thanks.
I think it's is a worthwhile cause. They're magnificient creatures.

05-20-2009, 04:53 PM
Yes they are. The Sanctuary is heartbroken right now as one of their oldest residents has just passed away. But she at least had a lot of good years there. They also had a bull they just rescued but for him, the help came too late. But he did get to know the little pleasures of being allowed free mobility and fresh food.

If you scroll to the bottom and click contact us, they will give you free membership to join in the discussion forum where you can learn about the "girls" there in great detail. I have learned a lot about elephants in just a couple short years...they are truly amazing....

05-23-2009, 02:36 AM
It is like Escape to Chimp Eden.....elephant-style!