View Full Version : Redneck Neighbor From Hell

Dave Schwartz
04-21-2003, 03:25 PM
Apparently, this website is based on a true story!



04-21-2003, 07:59 PM
aah gee. thanks Dave . oh man I couldnt keep the mouse straight and click at the same time it was so funny. and when he showed the picks of the mailbox I fell out and then when the picture of that 8 foot shrine of JC standing on top of his mailbox came into full view, I couldnt take it, thats just comedy at its height. this guy, I dont know, either you love em or ya hate em, and you cant hate em. to much man to mucking fuch. good laugh Dave. thanx.

04-21-2003, 08:09 PM
aah gee. thanks Dave . oh man, I couldnt keep the mouse straight and click at the same time it was just to funny. and when he showed the picks of the mailbox I fell out and then when the picture of that 8 foot shrine of JC standing on top of his mailbox came into full view, I couldnt take it, thats just comedy on its own. this guy, I dont know man, Allen Funk would have definintly come out of retirement for this one. to much Dave to mucking fuch. good laugh.

04-22-2003, 01:13 PM
This guy's neighbor seems to be a composite of about 3 of my neighbors.

04-29-2003, 01:34 AM
Boy, that cracked me up. It reminded me of our former next door neighbor.

We live in a nice, moderate neighborhood in L.A. This guy took over the house after his grandmother died (she was quiet.) First off, he and his wife/girlfriend/whatever had knock-down, drag-out screaming fights. Oh, joy! Added to that, he was a plumber and felt it was necessary to toss pipes, equipment and whatever else into his van into at all hours of the night. One of our bedroom windows was next to his driveway. Yippee!

When we mowed our front lawn we would, as considerate neighbors, sweep-up the grass that got on his driveway. Along with the grass would be cigarette butts, chicken bones and all sorts of crap. Gross!

One day as I was coming home from work, there were 2 fire engines in front of our house. Seems that two main limbs broke on the city's tree in front of this guy's house narrowly missing ours. Gee, think maybe it wasn't such a good idea for him to climb up that tree to hang a pinata for his party over the past weekend? Mind you, these trees are over 60 years old and a big selling point of our street. His had to be removed entirely and replaced with a dinky sapling.

So, so happy he's gone! Our new neighbors have 3 kids and they're a heck of a lot quieter than he ever was!


04-29-2003, 06:35 AM
bummer. he retired the page.