View Full Version : Big Brother is watching.

01-03-2009, 12:30 AM

Now they want to legislate how far we drive. This tax is really fair to pizza delivery workers, traveling salesmen, and couriers isn't it?

01-03-2009, 01:56 AM
Quite the BB agenda..........:eek: .....piece by piece, inch by inch.....


01-03-2009, 10:17 AM

Now they want to legislate how far we drive. This tax is really fair to pizza delivery workers, traveling salesmen, and couriers isn't it?

And as LK just said, inch by inch, piece by piece will go our liberties. But you won't hear a peep out of the Left about how pinko, leftist policies are infringing on their freedom.

Big Gov wants to tell us how far we can drive. It want to tell us what to eat. It wants to tell us what to listen to on the radio ("fairness doctrine"). It wants to tell us that we can't even smoke in the privacy of our homes. It wants to tell what kind of light bulbs to use in our homes. And very, very soon, it will mandate what kind of cars we must drive. It wants to control our speech via political correctness. And the list goes on and on. Do we hear anyone here on the Left complaining about how our liberties are being eroded?
No, of course not. We only here the mindless drivel about how Bush's Patriot Act was the greatest freedom-killing legislation ever passed. :bang: :bang:


01-03-2009, 10:39 AM
Yeah this is pretty dumb tax. If something like this happened in Oregon i'd move back across the river.