View Full Version : This Canadian Handicapper Apologizes

03-19-2003, 04:47 PM
On behalf of approximately 1/2 of all Canadians, I apologize for the position taken by the Canadian Government, not to support the American led coalition to stop the mad man.

I know that everyone in the world is probably against war but that is not the issue. The issue is simply that Sadam is an evil person as defined by his own well documented actions of horror. All types of endeavours have been taken to stop him and his gang of thugs and murders, but without success.

As you all know that in life we rarely get the opportunity to call all the shots, so life is always good to us. ( just like handicapping a horse race) In the end or when it is time to make a final decision we must make it with the past perfomances and any other information that we have in our hands at that moment. In Sadam's case the only way to stop him before he obtains even greater killing capability is to act now.

I am glad that once again Americans have stepped up to the plate and are willing to pay the price of sacrifice. Thank you! This Canadian handicapper, my wife and three sons appreciate it and will never forget it.

03-19-2003, 05:20 PM
Damn fine of you Mezmac, and I won't pretend you speak for anyone beyond your family. That's enough for me. Perhaps you've heard the speech made by Canadian radio commentator Gordon Sinclair on June 5, 1973 after he became fed up with people bashing the US. If not, here are a couple of links for you.

Audio http://www.950kprc.com/mp3/gordonsinclair.mp3

text & more http://www.snopes.com/quotes/sinclair.htm

God Bless those that go in to battle and those that send them.

03-19-2003, 05:54 PM
On behalf of me, I appreciate your post, although you yourself have noting to apologize for. It is always nice to hear somethingnice about our country instead of the usual crap that come out of Euorpe - the dead continent.
I was extremely disappointed in the postions of both Canada and Mexico and I realize it is the governments and not the people speaking - it seems niether government actually represents their people - especially Mexico-the laughing stock nation of the western hemisphere. They are a nation of banditios and cowards and they know we will always protect them becasue we do not want a foerign nation on our southern boarder. Personally, I think we should invade them and make them a prison colony for their illegal army that currently occupies southern California.
The only good thing to ever come out of Mexico was an empty bus. As a nation, they are leeches and contribute nothing to the world. They are nothing more a butt-warmer to the US.
Canada at least has people with minds that think and they do contribute to the world. Proud to have you next door.
I go to Canada frequently and it is a beautiful country. I love visiting there. You would have to kill me to ever get me to go that filth factory of a country Mexico - unless I was carrying a M15 and wearing big boots! <G>

Dave Schwartz
03-19-2003, 06:10 PM

Thank you for the sentiment. It is appreciated.

I find it amazin that those who have nothing to apologize for are constantly apologizing for those that do.

Kind Regards,
Dave Schwartz

03-19-2003, 09:51 PM
Mezmac – I think the % is higher than that. Us so called red-necks out West are in support of the US at a much higher number. You have spoken for many of us thanks.

03-20-2003, 01:45 PM

You really need to stop holding back and tell us what you really think:D


03-20-2003, 10:01 PM

Thats very COOL.

I made a few remarks about Canada and the borders. Now I see from some news blups that Canada is pumping up its help on the border.

I would like to thank them for that.


03-20-2003, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by JimG

You really need to stop holding back and tell us what you really think:D

I gotta get over this shyness!

03-21-2003, 01:10 AM

We have a couple of members of our House of Representatives here that refuse to sign a resolution supporting the war effort because it contains language that Hussein is in material breach of UN resolutions. Too bad our Reps weren't at ground Zero "investigating" when that "material breach" hit Kuwait today.

You have nothing to apologize for, but the sentiment is greatly appreciated (I can't blame any nation for passively not showing their hand in the face of a veto, they have nothing to gain .... actively opposing the coalition is a different story)


03-21-2003, 11:22 AM
Would you cite the pool you are referring to?

03-22-2003, 11:13 AM
Boy what a disgrace that was the other night with the Montral Canadian fans booing the National Anthem..

03-22-2003, 11:18 AM
Isn't Montreal full of French people? Or is it Toronto?

03-22-2003, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by so.cal.fan
Isn't Montreal full of French people? Or is it Toronto?
I've been to Montreal...it is full of Sh......!
To HELL with Montreal-may the Greenlanders overun them.