09-27-2008, 08:57 PM
As America heads towards this election it seems that anything and everything is being analyzed, scrutinized, measured up and on and on and on. Hell, I watched a show on TV the other night that made fun of Sarah's glasses.

I think that all of the candidates are maturing as the election rolls around and I also think that in the end, regardless of which side of the aisle you are on, you are going to have to confront the idea of the "decency of our elected officials". We are going to have to believe that at least in their heart they are trying to do the right thing.

This election seems to be "puffing" a lot of nonsense into the air and misdirecting our citizens perspective.

I think we all need to start asking ourselves about which candidate will preserve America's souvereignity. Which candidate will do the right thing.

Wall Street takes on bad loans and then cries for their mama and guess what, we have to bail them out along with some foreign banks as well. Did government ever bail your butt out?

That is not right. Let the market settle this.

Which candidate will do the right thing?
Which candidate will genuinely protect our freedoms.
Which candidate has the best chance of going after the "bad guys".
Who do you really trust to do the right thing.

All I am asking is for everyone, regardless of your beliefs and affiliations, to help clear the smoke. Calling people names, and arguing trivia is smoke considering the important issues that should be discussed.

The media is of no value. I have never seen such lopsided and outright poor journalism in my entire life as compared to this election.

When it comes time to vote all I am asking is that you forget the trivia and concentrate on the important issues. Come January one of them is our next president and I don't think we can afford to make a mistake


09-27-2008, 10:41 PM
I agree with you, especially about the media coverage of this race, which has been disgraceful.

09-27-2008, 11:36 PM
The media is of no value. I have never seen such lopsided and outright poor journalism in my entire life as compared to this election.

After what I have seen in the last month, If the first amendment was a person I would punch him in the mouth!

09-28-2008, 12:07 AM
one thing for sure, i don't think that anyone is going to envy the job the next president is going to have. along with the economy being a total mess, there are some friction points going on in the world today. i would hate to have to make decisions reguarding pakistan if the ### hits the fan.

again, my opinion only, out of the 4 candidates we have president and vice president, sarah palin seems to have the most common sense. she could be what the doctor ordered. it seems to me that the mccain ticket is above board. he sounds like he loves this country. i like the way he is not afraid to criticise the current administration even thought it is the same party as his.

the guy is not a righty or lefty, he is an open book. i hope he is the same person after he gets elected. we need him

09-28-2008, 12:08 AM
Agree - the entire media is a disgrace. There is no integrity, honesty, or objectivity on any channel. If I see one more "panel of experts" I am going throw up. Call them what they are...."Hoards of hacks."

Vince McMahon and the WWE are more believable than the news.

09-28-2008, 12:23 AM
"You remember when I said how I was gonna explain about life, buddy? Well the thing about life is, it gets weird. People are always talking to ya about truth. Everybody always knows what the truth is, like it was toilet paper or somethin', and they got a supply in the closet. But what you learn, as you get older, is there ain't no truth. All there is is bullshit, pardon my vulgarity here. Layers of it. One layer of bullshit on top of another. And what you do in life like when you get older is, you pick the layer of bullshit that you prefer and that's your bullshit, so to speak."--Bernie LaPlante (the movie "Hero")

09-28-2008, 12:33 AM
Last night at the debate,I was anxiously awaiting to hear one of the candidates assert some leadership on the Bush adminstration 700 billion dollar proposal to bail out the financial system. The opportunity was there for both candidates.Did anyone of these suits consult with anyone other than the clowns in congress and the Bush administation that are a party to this disaster.If they did, what did they learn? Granted, this debate was foreighn policy, but did you notice how fast they wanted to move past the the central issue of the day and on to anything else.Is it that they are so incompetent in this area that they are unable to think for themselves? Don't we deserve their thoughts on the ship called America that is taking on water and is in danger of sinking and taking the rest of the world with it.
McCain was threatening to cancell the debate so he could save the nation from those big bad dudes on Wall Street. Obama was on his way to Ole Miss and would keep in touch with Paulson by cell phone and would send some text derivative bets if requested.Both of these clowns are a cartoonist dream.If the issue in your mind is whether the next president is a Washington establishment insider, former war pow, or a black former community activist, state senator and trainee U.S. senator, or is willing to offer more free services while on your dime, or wants to mount more machine guns on his SUV to deter terrorists, you are completely distracted from the imminent crisis that confronts America.
IMO neither of these Presidential candidates has the resolve to pull America out of this mess. We need economic reforms, down-sizing of the Federal government, revised tax code and withdrawal from a war-based economy. So the deception will continue. You are being conned, and a huge bill is being rung up on the public credit card that you and your children will have to pay.

America is on the brink of becoming a second-rate nation. With the devaluation of the American dollar, the moneyed nations, China, Japan and India on and on, that provide America with most of the goods that consumers buy, are thinking of buying other currencies. When this occurs, you can start growing your own food, chop down trees for heat,walk and ride a bike, take sewing lessons and brew your own beer! :bang:


09-28-2008, 12:37 AM
When this occurs, you can start growing your own food, chop down trees for heat,walk and ride a bike, take sewing lessons and brew your own beer! :bang: .

so, you have met my in-laws in Upstate NY?

They do it and are very happy................ :lol:

09-28-2008, 12:43 AM
EXTREMELY WEAK CHOICES EITHER WAY............yikes, are we in trouble....

09-28-2008, 12:53 AM
so, you have met my in-laws in Upstate NY?

They do it and are very happy................ :lol:

Then you have somene you can move in with--but will YOU be happy !

BTW I was born in upstate NY and my Uncle and Aunt basically lived off the land. It was a good life.

09-29-2008, 12:57 AM
EXTREMELY WEAK CHOICES EITHER WAY............yikes, are we in trouble....

Nahh....now Kerry and Bush....those were some seriously weak choices. Had to choose the lesser of two evils there....

McCain, not such a weak choice in my opinion. The guy seems quite thoughtful, quite open, and yet also quite determined in many of his beliefs. There's an intensity level brewing just below the surface that I like to see...

Obama, never mind that his political beliefs are pretty much 100% the opposite of mine, just is not battle tested at a time when a rookie won't cut it in my opinion...

There's a reason Palin is on the undercard...that's where Obama deserves to be as well.