View Full Version : The Lie

08-10-2008, 10:25 AM
It is no longer a question of whether but when humanity will be united both economically and politically under a one-world government.

To be deluded into believing "the lie" that we are warned will seduce the entire world into accepting the antichrist will affect one's eternal destiny(2 Thessalonians 2:4

No one is going to take over the world by conspiring to do so.Far more important than knowing the individuals and groups involved is understanding the common lie that deceives them all.The mastermind behind the scenes is satan himself,and the world takeover is his move.Even so,that can only come when God allows it.

We must not forget that Antichrist will be far more than a military/political dictator:He will also be the revered and worshiped head of an unprecedented official world religion.The world's loyality to him will be of of a religious nature.His takeover of the world is above all a spiritual event toward which Satan has plotted since the Garden of Eden.Those who overlook that fact miss the real significance of antichrist and are more likely to fall prey to the deception by which the world will be seduced into worshiping him.

Humanity is being conditioned to accept a coming world ruler who will have the psychic powers from satan to "prove" that he has indeed "realized" his own "godhood."

08-10-2008, 11:02 AM
Satan will give him supernatural powers to back up his claim that he is the first human to have achieved the full potential of our alleged inherent godhood.

Antichrist will symbolize the Godhood they all hope to achieve.It is important to remember that everyone will know that they are not worshiping the God of the Bible.They would not worship the true God,because to acknowledge His existence would be to admit their own inferiority and total dependence upon Him.To acknowledge Antichrist as God,however,is to reaffirm their own claim to godhood.He has simply "realized" ahead of others what all hope to achieve;and the fact that he has reached this goal is proof that all can reach it.

The entire human race(except for those few who will resist and pay for it with their lives)will worship a mere man as God.Earth's inhabitants at that time will not recognize this claim as the outrageous lie of a diabolical counterfeit.It will seem to be the sincere revelation of truth from the very Savior the world desperately needs.2 Thessalonians 2:11,And for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe the lie.....

08-10-2008, 11:33 AM
What is most important for us to understand is that the glue that will hold Antichrist's empire together is the universal acceptance of what the Bible calls "the lie" that man is God.The consequences ought to be obvious:If we claim that we are God,we have demeaned the very concept of God.We haven't lifted ourselves up to God's level,but have dragged God down to our level.

Daniel 11:32-37

The new world religion of antichrist will be thought of as scientific.This new religious science will promise to lead humanity into the experience of its own divinity,that each of us is "God."This basic lie of the serpent in the Garden of Eden will seem to be validated by the godlike psychic powers the antichrist will manifest and the whole world will pursue.It will be a religion of self-love and self-worship,centered in man himself and oriented to man's personal success rather than to the glory of the true God. 1 Timothy 2:4.....The Seduction of Christianity,Spiritual Discernment,Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon 1985

08-10-2008, 11:57 AM
Didn't services start at 10am?

Why aren't you there praying? Or has Satan taken control and prevented you from attending, thereby ensuring that you are destined for eternal damnation?

08-10-2008, 12:13 PM
what a crock

Marshall Bennett
08-10-2008, 01:22 PM
what a crock
As bizzare as this may seem , I agree with you . :lol:

08-10-2008, 05:30 PM
God's probably taking the day off. See if you can spot him in the stands at Del Mar.

The book says he treats taking a day off kinda seriously. But you know what would be really worrying? You run into God at the track and you say "Hey there, God, how ya doing?" And he shrugs and says "Awww.... just about breaking even, I think."

08-10-2008, 07:11 PM
And if y've gotcher money on Investorater, y'k'n GO to the trapdoor.

08-10-2008, 08:01 PM
When the Middle East, then Africa is controlled by big biz via world organizations.

08-10-2008, 08:27 PM
And for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe the lie.....

It seems to me that this totally absolves us then. I mean if God makes us believe it, how can he then turn around and cry foul? Well, I guess he can, because he's God so he can do what he wants, but it's not exactly kosher, is it?

08-10-2008, 09:14 PM
The only crock here is mocking someone for their faith. That is childish. I don't agree with him and think he is working with a gross misrepresentation of the scripture, but mocking him is really lame. Question him and challenge his assertions and make the discussion something of substance rather than schoolyard namecalling

08-12-2008, 06:49 AM
Investoraters' assertions require not only a huge leap of faith, but an even greater leap into his gross manipulations of the bible. And as well implications that other more proven forms of understanding the world are worse than his black and white conclusions.

I am all for everyone believing anything they choose. But to accept....
The new world religion of antichrist will be thought of as scientific.This new religious science will promise to lead humanity into the experience of its own divinity,that each of us is "God."....pretty much cast doubts on the scientific method indiscriminately.

What Mr. Investorater has done is placed faith philosophically into the realm of empiricism-something faith is not well equipped to deal with- by prognosticating. And by saying broadly science is the deciever, has asked for a stiff rebuttal.

Considering for the moment that no specific biblical prophecies have actually panned out, and whereas the scientific method has done exceptionally well, his use of faith to claim future events seems misplaced to say the least. If he had shown one event to have been successfully predicted by his Dispensationalism, his literal black and white world might be scorned less.

08-12-2008, 05:49 PM
warning against antichrists-1 John 2:26

08-12-2008, 06:28 PM
What is most important for us to understand is that the glue that will hold Antichrist's empire together is the universal acceptance of what the Bible calls "the lie" that man is God.The consequences ought to be obvious:If we claim that we are God,we have demeaned the very concept of God.We haven't lifted ourselves up to God's level,but have dragged God down to our level.

Daniel 11:32-37

The new world religion of antichrist will be thought of as scientific.This new religious science will promise to lead humanity into the experience of its own divinity,that each of us is "God."This basic lie of the serpent in the Garden of Eden will seem to be validated by the godlike psychic powers the antichrist will manifest and the whole world will pursue.It will be a religion of self-love and self-worship,centered in man himself and oriented to man's personal success rather than to the glory of the true God. 1 Timothy 2:4.....The Seduction of Christianity,Spiritual Discernment,Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon 1985

That totally describes Scientology. So maybe Tom Cruise is the Antichrist?

08-12-2008, 07:49 PM
Maybe Obama is the anti-Christ.

08-12-2008, 11:26 PM
When I was in high school, long long ago in a galaxy far far and away, I had a chemistry teacher and we discussed evolution and scientific reason verses religion, ie, divine creation.

His answer was that scientist are trying to explain away the fear they have when they have to stand before Christ and explain what they were trying to do.

Like he said, all answers are found in the bible and the fact you don't understand them doesn't matter.

I believe that if each of us concentrated on being decent people we would not need big government and hence, there would not be this fear.

just my humble opinion


08-13-2008, 03:50 AM
www.barackobamaantichrist.blogspot.com (http://www.barackobamaantichrist.blogspot.com)
www.topix.com/forum/state/ok/T6LC6ESI3S0DET45G (http://www.topix.com/forum/state/ok/T6LC6ESI3S0DET45G)
www.o.bamapost.com (http://www.o.bamapost.com)
www.nostradamusonline.com/?a=375 (http://www.nostradamusonline.com/?a=375)

Just the messenger. Make your own opinions from these elucidations and prognostications.