View Full Version : Look what the Supremes started now!

07-19-2008, 03:20 PM
Looks like that uphold on the 2nd amendment a couple of weeks ago is going to have some wider reaching issues rather than just some city gun bans.


I don't see what the problem is - considering everything, the guy says that he is reformed and needs protection.

What if he wants to do some "hunting"?

But having 15 is a bit over the top unless the Al Qaida has been walking down his town streets or loitering in front of the 7-11!


07-19-2008, 04:17 PM
The Supremes didn't start anything....they just re-affimed what always was.
Like ALL other social situations, this is the realm of the legislative branch, NOT the judicial.

07-19-2008, 06:43 PM
They lost their rights when they got convicted.

If you want to put an end to this idiocracy move those felons next door to one of these judges who has kids.

Then lets talk about rights.
