View Full Version : "War Games" - does it apply?

07-06-2008, 02:54 PM
I just rewatched this 20+ year old movie. Got a few chuckles when it came to some of the computer related stuff -- the IMSI (sp?) PC, the tech working on a tape drive when their trying to break into the WOPR, etc.

The overarching point was some games can not be won, so, the only "winning" move is not to play -- checkers or global thermonuclear war. Kind of a cinematic version of MAD.

The situation with THG, the ADW companies along with the CHRB/TOC makes me think if things continue to proceed as they are now, there will not be any winners.

Agree or disagree?

Tom Barrister
07-06-2008, 07:09 PM
The only winners are the politicians and lobbyists.