View Full Version : Hillary headed to Supreme Court

06-28-2008, 02:40 AM
John Kasich was hosting the O'Reilly show Friday night and he did an interview with Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania. During the Interview he asked Rendell if the rumors were true that Obama had agreed to retire Hillary's Debt and put her on the Supreme Court if she got behind his campaign? Rendell didn't deny it..........he didn't confirm it..........but he didn't deny it.

So, can Hillary do more damage on the Supreme Court, than she could have done as President?

how long before we start seeing Supreme Court opines authored by Hillary..................

06-28-2008, 06:56 AM
John Kasich was hosting the O'Reilly show Friday night and he did an interview with Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania. During the Interview he asked Rendell if the rumors were true that Obama had agreed to retire Hillary's Debt and put her on the Supreme Court if she got behind his campaign? Rendell didn't deny it..........he didn't confirm it..........but he didn't deny it.

So, can Hillary do more damage on the Supreme Court, than she could have done as President?

how long before we start seeing Supreme Court opines authored by Hillary..................

Lets put the partisanship aside for now -- I assume most of you would rather see Frank Stronach run horse racing than Clinton on the Supreme Court.

First of all, that Rendell did not deny it means nothing. He's not in on Obama's inner circle. He's not in a position to confirm or deny ANYTHING. Like Sgt. Schultz would say, "He knows NOTHING. NOTHING!" Yes, he's close to Clinton, but I doubt she would let that little secret out to anyone.

So I think this will be an issue Republicans will try to use to energize the base. Nothing wrong with that. I would do the same thing on my side.

But on a purely strategic level, I've thought of that -- what would satisfy Hillary that she would aggressively campaign for Obama - who she plainly thinks is beneath her. Help retire her campaign debt? Check, but is that enough for her?

No way will she will Veep.

And with a Democratic Senate -- probably a majority of four to eight (or even more if things break like they did for Reagan in 1980 and the GOP in 1996), she can probably win confirmation.

On the other hand there really are a whole lot of more qualified people out there than her. When is the last time she practised law?

Historically, however, there are plenty of precedents for an appointment of this kind so Obama can call on those previous examples as justification.

A Republican president appointed former President William H. Taft as Chief Justice in the 20s. He turned out to be one of the most conservative justices ever. Lincoln appointed his Sec. of Treasury -- a former senator -- to the High Court. The Dems did the same thing as well.

So I wouldn't put much stock in what Rendell says, but it's fun to speculate. And I emphasize the word SPECULATE.

06-28-2008, 08:45 AM
John Kasich was hosting the O'Reilly show Friday night and he did an interview with Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania. During the Interview he asked Rendell if the rumors were true that Obama had agreed to retire Hillary's Debt and put her on the Supreme Court if she got behind his campaign? Rendell didn't deny it..........he didn't confirm it..........but he didn't deny it.

So, can Hillary do more damage on the Supreme Court, than she could have done as President?

how long before we start seeing Supreme Court opines authored by Hillary..................

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing throughout the entire primary season.

Could you imagine HillyBilly with all that power that has been centralized in the executive branch over the last 20 years? Even Billy would be chomping at the bit for that one and she'd get the national health care thingy done too with a dem controlled congress.

With 2 lib commies running for Prez (now we gotta hear McCain talking about global warming?) it might be time to move to a real conservative country like France.


06-28-2008, 09:30 AM
I can almost see her pinned down in the parking lot, trying to get inside. :lol:

Ok, I guess that puts a very large check mark next to McCain's name now!

Dave Schwartz
06-28-2008, 11:33 AM
It makes you realize that, while a President has power to shape things for 8 (seemingly long) years, a Supreme Court Justice has that power for a lifetime.

06-28-2008, 01:26 PM
The supreme court was put in place to keep this nation from ever becoming truly great. No nation can achieve greatness with a corrupted, uncontrolled cancer like the court. It must be removed from the Constitution.

I am very serious - the court prevents democracy and is bad for everyone.
Especially one filled with a bunch of morons too stupid to assume room temperature. Most of them ceased being worthwhile life forms decades ago.

06-28-2008, 08:20 PM
The supreme court was put in place to keep this nation from ever becoming truly great. No nation can achieve greatness with a corrupted, uncontrolled cancer like the court. It must be removed from the Constitution.

I am very serious - the court prevents democracy and is bad for everyone.
Especially one filled with a bunch of morons too stupid to assume room temperature. Most of them ceased being worthwhile life forms decades ago.
Speaking as a Commie/pinko/lib/socialist Tom, I am deeply ashamed you ever would call yourself a conservative. Ashamed for real conservatives that is.

There are some standard principles of the Constitution that both liberals and conservatives will both agree. The three divisions of government including the judicial branch is one. It demonstrates the practical political genius of the founders understanding balance of power through checks and balances.

Tom, I think when you tire of ranting against "Commie/pinko/lib/socialists/etc.", you then go all out and rant against ALL government. It is understandable that conservatives rant against government. And even more understandable that they prove their case-that government can't work-when they get voted into office and commence to show they were right all along. :cool:

06-28-2008, 08:38 PM
[QUOTE=JustRalph]John Kasich was hosting the O'Reilly show Friday night and he did an interview with Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania. During the Interview he asked Rendell if the rumors were true that Obama had agreed to retire Hillary's Debt and put her on the Supreme Court if she got behind his campaign? Rendell didn't deny it..........he didn't confirm it..........but he didn't deny it.

So, can Hillary do more damage on the Supreme Court, than she could have done as President?

how long before we start seeing Supreme Court opines authored by Hillary..................[/QUOTE

A refresher with "Cliff Notes" or Supreme Court Justices for Dummies would be a likely start.

06-28-2008, 09:00 PM
Hcap - if you're going to channel P.J. O'Rourke, just use the quote:

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.


06-28-2008, 09:41 PM
How many of you remember Whitewater? Seeing how Hillary was involved in that scandal can she really be nominated for a seat in the Supreme Court?

I do believe I am starting to understand why politicians are interested in gun control.


Dave Schwartz
06-28-2008, 10:58 PM
First we have this...

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.

Then we have this...

I do believe I am starting to understand why politicians are interested in gun control.

I just can't stop laughing. :lol: :lol:

Brings to mind:

Nominated for Quote of the Year is the statement made by Texas Congressman Dick Armey when asked, "If you had been in President Clinton's place would you have resigned?"
Armey's reply: "If I had been in the president's place I would not have gotten the chance to resign. I would have been lying in a pool of my own blood, looking up and listening to my wife say, "How do you reload this thing?"

06-29-2008, 12:20 AM
Hcap - if you're going to channel P.J. O'Rourke, just use the quote:

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.


:lol: :lol: :lol: That's great! The parties of Evil and Stupid at work with our tax dollars, always looking out for our best interests.


06-29-2008, 11:34 AM
So I think we now know George Bush's legacy.......he put two very qualifed people on the court, who did thier jobs and protected out rights.

And now we McCain haters have to stop and think......maybe hold our noses.
But does anyone who values freedom and rights want an Obama putting people in that cancer-ward we call the Klown Kourt?

These geezers are old enough, we don't need any of them any greener!