View Full Version : Revelation

05-04-2008, 11:39 AM
As we know these member names of ours can be ignored,and so I rest my case,from some personal perspective-Rater....Enough said....Isaiah 55:8,II Peter 3:1-10,I Corinthians 1:18-31,Psalm 103....Warren Wiersbe,Be Victorious 1985-The book of Revelation of Christ Jesus has challenged and fascinated bible students for centuries.In my own library,I have dozens of commentaries on this book,and no two authors completely agree on anything.It would be unfortunate to get so lost in the details of this stirring prophecy that we miss its tremendous and overarching truth:in Christ Jesus,we are overcomers!....John wrote this book to encourage first-century Christians who were experiencing great suffering.In every age of the church,Revelation has brought comfort and hope.Why? Because its symbols are timeless and may be understood by believers in any period of history;because its promises are eternal and may be trusted by all believers.It is a universal book.John saw nations and peoples Rev.10:11;11:9;17:15 as part of God's program.Revelation is the climax of the Bible.All that began in Genesis will be completed and fulfilled in keeping with God's sovereign will.He is Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the ending Rev.1:8.What God starts,He finishes.

05-04-2008, 04:08 PM
have you been studying at the Church of Dr. Bronner's Magical Peppermint Soap? (http://iconocla.st/dr.bronner/)

05-14-2008, 11:02 AM
For our edification-Can't claim any of this didn't,doesn't,or won't apply to me in my past,present,or future:2 Timothy 3:1-7..2 Thessalonians 2:1-12,Isaiah 14:12-16,Acts 1:1-11...The phrase,hypostatic union,is a theological term which describes the twofold nature of Jesus.Here's what it means:In the one Person of Christ Jesus there were two natures-undiminished deity and true humanity.These two natures are never confused in essence or function,and Christ will have this double nature from the day He assumed it in the manger in Bethlehem,throughout all eternity..I mention the hypostatic union because it's often the key to understanding why He said what He did in the gospels.He sometimes spoke with reference to His deity as when He said(John 10:30).But most of the time He spoke from His humanity(John 14:28)..In Jesus' humanity,He is subject to the Father because the Father is greater than His humanity.But in His deity,He is coequal with God the Father because He is of one essence with Him....Hal Lindsey 1974

Dave Schwartz
05-14-2008, 12:53 PM

Where do you find this stuff?


05-14-2008, 03:54 PM

The good Dr. really does make some damn fine soap. I think they claim you can use it for everything from shaving to brushing your teeth, but I have to admit I haven't tested it beyond its generic soapiness.....fair warning tho, if you put a bottle of this in your shower, expect to have guests burning through all your hot water as they try to finish reading the damn thing.


Dick Schmidt
05-14-2008, 08:55 PM
The Chickenman is right. Fine soap, weird label that can keep you amused for a long time. I think it is a hippie leftover, but it cleans everything and makes your dog smell really really good.


Never raise your hand to a child....it leaves your groin exposed.

05-14-2008, 10:27 PM
Did someone say soap?

Let's sing right out for Grandma's Lye soap...
