View Full Version : Racetrack Data from Pitlak Group - question about variable names??

03-14-2008, 10:35 AM
Hello -
I am an assistant prof at the University of Wisconsin-Madison doing research in the area of how bets are priced. Some time ago I purchased a CD from ebay entitled "Racing Database - 2004" from "Pitlak Group http://sports-bet-advantage.com". I had not taken this data to seriously as it came from ebay, but I did recently have a look at it, and had a question for anyone in the group who might be able to help me out. The data contains quite a few variables that are abbreviated, and hence I do not know what the variable names mean. I am pasting a list of the variable names in the data in the space below - if anyone has any insight into the definitions of the variable names that are not self-explanatory (i.e., odds), any help translating would be greatly appreciated. In particular I am wondering if any of these variables allow me to measure how "experienced" a horse is, i.e., in how many races it has run or something of the like (perhaps the horse's age captures this?). I am not sure if these are standard abbreviations, or if anyone else has experience with this particular data source. My email address is agandhi@ssc.wisc.edu.

date track race distance surface racetype name weight weightrank ltime ltimerank earnings earnrank stretch stretchrank speedratg speedratrank mline mlinerank spdpts spdptrank exspd exspdrank cspeed cspeedrank lblengths lblengthrank daway dawayrank avdaway avdawrank dawratio dawratrank blengths actodds finish nmentries V1 V2 C2 C2rank Vsus Vsrank VAve Varank XF XFrank ERatio Age Sex Kind