View Full Version : What does it take?

10-03-2007, 07:52 PM
Control both houses of Congress.
Supposedly have the vast majority - 70%+ of the MAerican people behind them.

Yet after 55 attempts to bring the troops home, they have failed 55 times.
After 9 months in office, they have only passed 80 some bills, 36 of which renamed things like post offices.

They have failed to deliver on every campaign promise except raising the minimum wage, and that one onlt because Bush threw them a bone.

They attemtped to smear Rush Limbaug, but anyone with a pulse can see that there is no debate on this issue - Reid lied and hardly anyone even bothered to look at the full context - which I personally listened to on both days in question.

So my question is.....what does it take for this bunch of rutabegas to accomplish anyting.

What does it take for this juggernaut of the people's choice to do anything?

Two of our horsemen keep calling Bush studpid for word mixing, but so far, he been playing wasck-a-mole with a congress so inept they can't get out of their own way.

I wish I was as dumb as Bush is!

Bwaaaaaahaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaaaa:lol::lol: :lol:

10-03-2007, 08:32 PM
that these demonrats can't do anything - just think, they want to tax us for the Iraq war next


Also cool that the Repukes can't do anything either - looks like both political parties are just a hang-out for the rich and the powerful to keep accumulating air miles, free trips, and free dinners

You can't get more boring than the 50 or so people running for Prez - serves us right though, letting it get this way.


10-03-2007, 10:16 PM
Here's a very scary thought - and I am deadly serious, too.

Out of a nation of around 300 million people, two families - Bush and Clinton - have been in the WH, either as prez or vice, for the last 28 years, and a possiblilty exists for another 8 years. Something is seriously wrong here.
The plan was for a Kennedy dynasty, save for a couple of bullets and a narrow bridge, there could have been 12-24 years back then.

10-04-2007, 02:09 AM
'pears ta me dat Congress is doing exactly what needs to be done... Nuttin'! Let's send them on a permanent paid vacation. The stock market will go gang busters and business will thrive with no congressional restrictions. Da military will kick the krap out of the Arabs and the boys will return home in 30 days. We'll be able ta bring back trans-fats, booze, tabaccy, prostitutes, SUV's, drugs and any other vices ya can tink of. It hasta git better. :lol:

10-04-2007, 09:56 AM
More than that actually Tom. After Bobby they wanted Gary Hart in 1976 (remember that guy?) and he was of course to be followed by Teddy.

10-04-2007, 10:20 AM
More than that actually Tom. After Bobby they wanted Gary Hart in 1976 (remember that guy?) and he was of course to be followed by Teddy.

Hart was an idiot.........getting caught on a boat with your girlfriend ........and the boat is called the "Monkey Business'


10-04-2007, 11:36 AM
Hart should try again. These days his behavior would be condoned, even encouraged bythe dems and a lot of their followers.

10-04-2007, 12:04 PM
Hart should try again. These days his behavior would be condoned, even encouraged bythe dems and a lot of their followers.

David Vitter is a Democrat? :confused:

10-04-2007, 12:20 PM
majji, ifyou don't think dems also on that infamous llist then i have some shares in a nice bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya. And I don't blve Vitter is a candidate for Pres. Nice try at the usual obfuscation that goes on here among certain folk.

10-04-2007, 12:38 PM
Out of a nation of around 300 million people, two families - Bush and Clinton - have been in the WH, either as prez or vice, for the last 28 years, and a possiblilty exists for another 8 years. Something is seriously wrong here.

Washington, 2016 (CNN) - The crowds milling on the White House Lawn are chanting "Laura, Laura, Laura" in anticipation of the President and the first gentleman to be making their arrival shortly. It is expected that President Bush will be announcing that her brother in law Jeb will take over Secretary of State.
Former President H. Clinton has declined attending the event saying that
"family affairs" rumored to be involving the former first gentleman require her attention. Elsewhere....

10-04-2007, 01:35 PM
majji, ifyou don't think dems also on that infamous llist then i have some shares in a nice bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya. And I don't blve Vitter is a candidate for Pres. Nice try at the usual obfuscation that goes on here among certain folk.


I never said that there are no Democrats on that cheaters' list. You only mentioned Democrats in your message.

Also, shouldn't 911 guliani and McCain be included in that cheaters' list?