View Full Version : Reid Lies, Rush Calls Him Out

10-02-2007, 11:52 AM

The lying weasel Harry Reid really stepped in it when he went to the Senate Floor and lied about Rush Limbaugh.
Rush Calls him out. Will Reid have the guts to face him? Prob not. Just go to the above link and read thefirst two items.

10-02-2007, 12:03 PM
Rush is 100% correct - I listened live.
Not one of the leftist media whores quoted himin context, but then, that would not serve thier defeatist agenda.

Reid is a disgrace to America.
I say, deport the bastard.

10-02-2007, 12:26 PM
Not only that, but Brian Ross of ABC, a week earlier was talking about the same thing. I don't see Harry denegrating him or ABC.

10-02-2007, 01:04 PM
Not only that, but Brian Ross of ABC, a week earlier was talking about the same thing. I don't see Harry denegrating him or ABC.

Ross is small game compared to Limbaugh.


10-02-2007, 01:34 PM

by Harry (the Fart) Reid.

the fear, my opinion, comes into play when we think about how anyone can conclude just what "the Fart" is trying to say.

to me, this type of thinking has been around a long time, but to be so much of a songbird (in such a position, congress) with his polluted dirt lies is a NEW ABSURDITY.

can anyone honestly say they could ever ever ever trust "the fart".

King Ritchie
10-02-2007, 02:50 PM
Although, that fits well too.

For those who don't know - Media Matters was created by Mrs. Bill Clinton - need I say more? Moveon.org is supported by the communist George Soros.

I, too, listen to Rush everyday. Ding Harry and his friends are picking on the wrong person to mess with. GO RUSH!

10-02-2007, 02:50 PM
Petty politicians shouldn't be called "farts". They should be called, "steaming piles of $h!t". :lol:

10-02-2007, 03:21 PM
Let's see if Dingy Harry has a set - Rush called him out today - asked him to come on his show and say to his face what he said on the Senate floor. And be prepared to prove it.

Harry is a liar, plain and simple.

King Ritchie
10-02-2007, 06:14 PM
Gibson on Fox had a whole segment on this today and was quiet favorable to Rush. He showed clips of Kerry, Durban, Reed and Murtha and what they had said on the floor over the past few months. Was wondering if any of the other news stations are showing any of this and what is their perspective? I know what Wolf Blizer did last night - shameful to report on information without verifying the facts.

10-02-2007, 07:02 PM
Talk radio hosts across the country, as of the last week or so, are coming under fire like never before.

I suspect this is just a part of a long term plan leading up the the national elections more than a year from now.

Liberals believe in free speach only when it's their turn to open their pie-hole.

10-02-2007, 08:04 PM
It's the "politics of personal destruction," practiced by one of the best in the business, a Clinton. Ask Vince Foster how it works.

10-02-2007, 08:18 PM
Can you blve, the same people who did not rebuke Moveon for thathorrible Petaus, Betray us ad, are rebuking Rush as being unpatriotic? Wakeup America.

10-02-2007, 10:29 PM
It is a deflection. News is bad for the dems and they need to get thier opwn failures and embarrasments off the news cycles. It is obvious all theses parrots were spoon fed what to say by the Soros Juggernaut as it rollsa over American freedoms. This bastards is adangerous son of a bithc who is an enemy of AMerica nad needs to to be stopped. His army of mindless zombies mach lock step to his commands - the democrat party is generally backed itself into a cormer where defeat and failure of AMerica ois thier only concern.
The dems have never, not one of them, supported our troops or looked out for the American people. They are puppets.

10-02-2007, 10:33 PM
Tom, they are puppets of Geo Soros, he funds most of these leftwing organizations who constantly smear Conservatives.

10-02-2007, 11:41 PM
Let's see if Dingy Harry has a set - Rush called him out today - asked him to come on his show and say to his face what he said on the Senate floor. And be prepared to prove it.

:lol: :lol: Yeah, he has a "set". No doubt rolled right up to his throat when he got wind of the challenge.

So much for that Gutless Wonder putting the "Fairness Doctrine" to practical use, too. :D

Harry is a liar, plain and simple.

As are the vast majority of politicians -- of all stripes. When politics is all about "me" -- about preserving power and a cushy career -- look out! "We the People" suffer as a result.


10-03-2007, 02:36 PM
oh gees.

i was so much counting on Hillary, but now she''l have to outPACE "the Fart".

never gonna happen now.:(

10-06-2007, 07:54 AM
Rush Limpbag was obviously criticizing veterans who don't agree with him.
Just before the phony soldier comment


LIMBAUGH: Mike in Chicago, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER 1: Hi Rush, how you doing today?

LIMBAUGH: I'm fine sir, thank you.

CALLER 1: Good. Why is it that you always just accuse the Democrats of being against the war and suggest that there are absolutely no Republicans that could possibly be against the war?

LIMBAUGH: Well, who are these Republicans? I can think of Chuck Hagel, and I can think of Gordon Smith, two Republican senators, but they don't want to lose the war like the Democrats do. I can't think of -- who are the Republicans in the anti-war movement?

CALLER 1: I'm just -- I'm not talking about the senators. I'm talking about the general public -- like you accuse the public of all the Democrats of being, you know, wanting to lose, but --

LIMBAUGH: Oh, come on! Here we go again. I uttered a truth, and you can't handle it, so you gotta call here and change the subject. How come I'm not also hitting Republicans? I don't know a single Republican or conservative, Mike, who wants to pull out of Iraq in defeat. The Democrats have made the last four years about that specifically.

LIMBAUGH: Mike, you can't possibly be a Republican.

CALLER 1: I am.

LIMBAUGH: You are -- you are --

CALLER 1: I am definitely a Republican.

LIMBAUGH: You can't be a Republican. You are --

CALLER 1: Oh, I am definitely a Republican.

LIMBAUGH: You are tarnishing the reputation, 'cause you sound just like a Democrat.

CALLER 1: No, but --

LIMBAUGH: The answer to your question --

CALLER 1: -- seriously, how long do we have to stay there --

LIMBAUGH: As long as it takes!

CALLER 1: -- to win it? How long?

LIMBAUGH: As long as it takes! It is very serious.

CALLER 1: And that is what?

LIMBAUGH: This is the United States of America at war with Islamofascists. We stay as long -- just like your job. You do everything you have to do, whatever it takes to get it done, if you take it seriously.

CALLER 1: So then you say we need to stay there forever --

LIMBAUGH: I -- it won't --

CALLER 1: -- because that's what it'll take.

LIMBAUGH: No, Bill, or Mike -- I'm sorry. I'm confusing you with the guy from Texas.

CALLER 1: See, I -- I've used to be military, OK? And I am a Republican.

LIMBAUGH: Yeah. Yeah.

CALLER 1: And I do live [inaudible] but --

LIMBAUGH: Right. Right. Right, I know.

CALLER 1: -- you know, really -- I want you to be saying how long it's gonna take.

LIMBAUGH: And I, by the way, used to walk on the moon!

CALLER 1: How long do we have to stay there?

LIMBAUGH: You're not listening to what I say. You can't possibly be a Republican. I'm answering every question. That's not what you want to hear, so it's not even penetrating your little wall of armor you've got built up.

Sorry guys but Limbag of La Anal Cyst believes that anyone who disagrees with him must be a dem in sheep's clothing and that dems all want to wave the white flag ala Munich. And he doesn't believe that anyone who holds the views that this caller holds could possibly have been in the military.

Typical right wing drivel
So many Chamberlains, so little time! :lol:

10-06-2007, 11:55 AM
so h'cap, the demrats can call Petraus a betrayer but Limbaugh can't question a caller he thinks is phony? Harkin has his nerve too, he was caught lying about his efforts in the military a long time ago. Hillary's husband was a draft dodger and so ad infinitum, and none of the demrats questioned or came out against that horrible ad that moveon took out in the NY Times. Limbaugh has been an ally of the U.S. Military over 20 yrs and is on Armed Forces Radio at the request of the Troops! So, you and the demrats argument is:

10-06-2007, 12:30 PM
Did the smelly cheese ever participate in the madness known as military service?

Oh yeah a cyst on his buttocks. The extent of his brain tissue no doubt.

10-06-2007, 12:43 PM
It seems to me, "If you can't convince them, confuse them." :lol:

10-06-2007, 01:00 PM
Rush Limpbag was obviously criticizing veterans who don't agree with him.
Just before the phony soldier comment

Typical liberal ploy -- deflect, change the course of the topic. What the heck does this have to do with the context of the specific phone conversation in which the "phony soldier" was made? Two different conversations, knucklehead.

But I will agree that Rush was "wrong" on one thing: He should not have said the caller wasn't a Repub. What he should have said was that the caller was a RHINO 'cause there are plenty of those in D.C., so there's no reason to think these pathetic lowlife forms don't exist in other parts of the country, as well.


10-06-2007, 01:11 PM
He has a case against Harry "Hard To" Reid, but let's not get carried away. Listen every day ? :sleeping: :sleeping: Jeez, I'd rather watch CSpan, even 'Leave It to Beaver.'

Harry thinks, as do all "good soldiers," that as the cause is just, all is fair.


What's the point in changing the subject ? Limbaugh looked like a fool in your excerpt, but do you only pull things like that out when you feel your "side" is being attacked ? It was kinda funny, and maybe it deserved its own thread ? :confused:

10-06-2007, 01:15 PM
I am re-reading Huxley's great follow up work Brave New World Revisited and he describes FOX news/political radio pundits to a "T:" Keep the population uneducated and emotional, present the guise of opposing views but simply shout them down....or, as O'Reilly is fond of saying: "cut his mike."

10-06-2007, 01:30 PM
Keep the population uneducated and emotional, present the guise of opposing views but simply shout them down....or, as O'Reilly is fond of saying: "cut his mike."

"When even one American - who has done nothing wrong - is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth - then all Americans are in peril." -Give 'em hell Harry!

10-06-2007, 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by hcap
Rush Limpbag was obviously criticizing veterans who don't agree with him.
Just before the phony soldier comment

There ya go - another one who condems without so much as fact one. Obviously? To a fool - like YOU - who has no idea what Rush said, just following along lock-step like the mindless herd he is a part of. What Rush was talking about - and I heard the entire dialouge, both says - was the phony soldier that Dr. Evil Soros invested $720 thousand dollars promoting. The one who claimed he witnessed all these atrocities committed by our troops, when in fact, he washed out of boot camp and NEVER saw Iraq. That phony, Hcap. You might remeber the first time this was tried - the phony then was called John Kerry.

It amazes me how many libs have jumped in line here on this issue to prove to the world what ignorant, stupid bastards they are - since a 2nd grader could easily uncover the facts here. Yet here comes hacp, almost two weeks late shouting LOOK AT ME - I'M DUMBER THAN DIRT!:lol:

10-06-2007, 07:23 PM
The demrats stepped in it when they didn't condemn moveon for it's ad denigrating a real american hero now they stepped in it again trying to skapegoat Rush. Guess they'll never learn, thank God. Who needs their Socialism?

10-07-2007, 05:27 AM
Tom sez...There ya go - another one who condems without so much as fact one. Obviously? To a fool - like YOU - who has no idea what Rush said, just following along lock-step like the mindless herd he is a part of.The dialogue I posted was a verbatim transcript.

Here's more Limpbag after Brian McGough, the Purple Heart recipient who challenged him on his "phony soldiers" comment. This is what Rush said: Whoever pumped him full of these lies about what I said and embarrassed him with this ad has betrayed him. They're not hurting me, they're betraying this soldier. Now, unless he actually believes what he's saying, in which case it's just so unfortunate and sad when the truth of what I said is right out there to be learned.
Limbaugh said on October 2: This is such a blatant use of a valiant combat veteran, lying to him about what I said, then strapping those lies to his belt, sending him out via the media in a TV ad to walk into as many people as he can walk into."

Limpbag could not use his phoney soldier routine, so he resorts to a Manchurean candidate argument.

McGough was brainwashed?

Now Mr Boxhead chimes inBut I will agree that Rush was "wrong" on one thing: He should not have said the caller wasn't a Repub. What he should have said was that the caller was a RHINO 'cause there are plenty of those in D.C., so there's no reason to think these pathetic lowlife forms don't exist in other parts of the country, as well.
If I recall, a large percentage of soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are now against the bush plan. I bet of that large percentage many are Republicans. Are they all RHINO?

Methinks, (.... notice Box I am using one of your high falutin' pretentious crapola expressions... ) the acronym should be


Republicans Actually Sane And Not Stupid

King Ritchie
10-07-2007, 10:18 AM
Tom sez...The dialogue I posted was a verbatim transcript.

Here's more Limpbag after Brian McGough, the Purple Heart recipient who challenged him on his "phony soldiers" comment. This is what Rush said: Limbaugh said on October 2:

Limpbag could not use his phoney soldier routine, so he resorts to a Manchurean candidate argument.

McGough was brainwashed?

Now Mr Boxhead chimes inIf I recall, a large percentage of soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are now against the bush plan. I bet of that large percentage many are Republicans. Are they all RHINO?

Methinks, (.... notice Box I am using one of your high falutin' pretentious crapola expressions... ) the acronym should be


Republicans Actually Sane And Not Stupid

Typical libreral mombojombo. I listen to Rush everyday and I know what he said and what he meant. For you to twist his words to satisy your justification of hate is simply typical liberal. You guys lie or distort everything that does not suit your needs - you are shameless. You may be able to fool the idiots and other liberals but you don't fool me.

King Ritchie
10-07-2007, 10:19 AM
Rush Limpbag was obviously criticizing veterans who don't agree with him.
Just before the phony soldier comment


LIMBAUGH: Mike in Chicago, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER 1: Hi Rush, how you doing today?

LIMBAUGH: I'm fine sir, thank you.

CALLER 1: Good. Why is it that you always just accuse the Democrats of being against the war and suggest that there are absolutely no Republicans that could possibly be against the war?

LIMBAUGH: Well, who are these Republicans? I can think of Chuck Hagel, and I can think of Gordon Smith, two Republican senators, but they don't want to lose the war like the Democrats do. I can't think of -- who are the Republicans in the anti-war movement?

CALLER 1: I'm just -- I'm not talking about the senators. I'm talking about the general public -- like you accuse the public of all the Democrats of being, you know, wanting to lose, but --

LIMBAUGH: Oh, come on! Here we go again. I uttered a truth, and you can't handle it, so you gotta call here and change the subject. How come I'm not also hitting Republicans? I don't know a single Republican or conservative, Mike, who wants to pull out of Iraq in defeat. The Democrats have made the last four years about that specifically.

LIMBAUGH: Mike, you can't possibly be a Republican.

CALLER 1: I am.

LIMBAUGH: You are -- you are --

CALLER 1: I am definitely a Republican.

LIMBAUGH: You can't be a Republican. You are --

CALLER 1: Oh, I am definitely a Republican.

LIMBAUGH: You are tarnishing the reputation, 'cause you sound just like a Democrat.

CALLER 1: No, but --

LIMBAUGH: The answer to your question --

CALLER 1: -- seriously, how long do we have to stay there --

LIMBAUGH: As long as it takes!

CALLER 1: -- to win it? How long?

LIMBAUGH: As long as it takes! It is very serious.

CALLER 1: And that is what?

LIMBAUGH: This is the United States of America at war with Islamofascists. We stay as long -- just like your job. You do everything you have to do, whatever it takes to get it done, if you take it seriously.

CALLER 1: So then you say we need to stay there forever --

LIMBAUGH: I -- it won't --

CALLER 1: -- because that's what it'll take.

LIMBAUGH: No, Bill, or Mike -- I'm sorry. I'm confusing you with the guy from Texas.

CALLER 1: See, I -- I've used to be military, OK? And I am a Republican.

LIMBAUGH: Yeah. Yeah.

CALLER 1: And I do live [inaudible] but --

LIMBAUGH: Right. Right. Right, I know.

CALLER 1: -- you know, really -- I want you to be saying how long it's gonna take.

LIMBAUGH: And I, by the way, used to walk on the moon!

CALLER 1: How long do we have to stay there?

LIMBAUGH: You're not listening to what I say. You can't possibly be a Republican. I'm answering every question. That's not what you want to hear, so it's not even penetrating your little wall of armor you've got built up.

Sorry guys but Limbag of La Anal Cyst believes that anyone who disagrees with him must be a dem in sheep's clothing and that dems all want to wave the white flag ala Munich. And he doesn't believe that anyone who holds the views that this caller holds could possibly have been in the military.

Typical right wing drivel
So many Chamberlains, so little time! :lol:

Typical libreral mombojombo. I listen to Rush everyday and I know what he said and what he meant. For you to twist his words to satisy your justification of hate is simply typical liberal. You guys lie or distort everything that does not suit your needs - you are shameless. You may be able to fool the idiots and other liberals but you don't fool me.

10-07-2007, 12:14 PM
Typical libreral mombojombo. I listen to Rush everyday and I know what he said and what he meant. For you to twist his words to satisy your justification of hate is simply typical liberal. You guys lie or distort everything that does not suit your needs - you are shameless. You may be able to fool the idiots and other liberals but you don't fool me.

Anyone who listens to this clown everyday does very little thinking for oneself and hangs the label "liberal" on anything they disagree with. There are many shades of gray to any point.

10-07-2007, 12:37 PM
46, coming from you it's a laffer, son. You're the educated guy that can't confront anyone with your own words and parrot the liberal blogs over and over.
Actually, Rush found a niche and filled it. Conservatives had no voice whatsoever until Rush came along. He's popular because he reflects OUR views and not the other way around. Now talk radio has grown and prospered and the libs are terrified. They have the TV except for Fox. They have the Newsp[apers except for the Wall St Journal, but that's not enough. Now they are trying to stifle the free speech of Rush and others. So go away, little zilly, unless you grow some cojones and wat to discuss this at length.

10-07-2007, 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by King Ritchie
Typical libreral [sic] mombojombo. I listen to Rush everyday and I know what he said and what he meant. For you to twist his words to satisy your justification of hate is simply typical liberal. You guys lie or distort everything that does not suit your needs - you are shameless. You may be able to fool the idiots and other liberals but you don't fool me.
Hey the King is in the building with a "second" opinion of his first post. :lol: I guess the all that liberal "mombojombo" is just too much to handle.

YOU evidently also have a second chin, abdomen and butt.


Hey but what do I know I'm a shill for George Soros and his pinko commie squad.
I just got paid for posting the Limpbag transcript verbatim.

On my way to Geneva to deposit bucks in an unnumbered commie account.
I guess all yer dil-a-gent re-search 'bout me and 46 was not a weed induced hallucination. Let me guess you didn't inhale?????

10-07-2007, 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by King Ritchie

Hey the King is in the building with a "second" opinion of his first post. :lol: I guess the all that liberal "mombojombo" is just too much to handle.

YOU evidently also have a second chin, abdomen and butt.



You will be hearing from my attorneys in short order. You used my copyrighted FAT ELVIS photo without my permission. I hope you have a BIG FAT WALLET! :lol: :lol:

P.S. You should see me in my "speedo".

10-07-2007, 02:18 PM
How much did you pay to copyright that photo? Whatever the fee, you obviously paid too much! Looking at that photo too long would make a lobotomy fun. :bang:

Meanwhile here is Da King, King Ritchie researching diligently from his "Do I have a second?" thread


46zilzal has posted a total of 8,707 times with 8622 being nothing but left-wing blogs.

hcap has posted a total of 2,768 times with 2652 being nothing but left-wing blogs.

I have done the research and it can be proved that they are paid by move-on.org for the number of posts they make and they actually have posted on numerous other sites. This is how they make their living.

My question is why are they allowed to put forth their hatred of the USA on a horse racing site? I vote that they either be completely removed or make a new topic just for political blogs. Do I have a second?I guess any making fun of rush is also un American? How about Bill O or John Gibson??
Two other bags of foul smelling............

10-07-2007, 03:04 PM
Once again, hcap misses the bottom line.
Half of the story is not going to cut it, hcap - you have to take the whole thing in context of two days. Sww, you short-attention span libs hav eto understand that life is not a sound byte, It is many bytes, sometimes many days in a row. You have to learn to pay attention for longer than 5 seconds. You have leaern to see how differnet things relate to each other. Your "Bush is bad" mentallity and trying to force everything to fit that reality explains why you libs have so littel to offer.

Go to Rush''s website, or YouTube - ALL the converstation relating to this are posted, word for word as broadcast. And 46, so far, not one single lib has had the brain capacity to do that. So stick your comments up your arse you elitist SOB. You, of all people, have shown no ability to think or discuss anything intelligently on this board. Your dodging facts and posting cartoons shows how little you really understand of the real world.

10-07-2007, 04:41 PM
Tom, this is what I said and I was NOT referring directly to "the phony soldier comment". I said just before. I was putting things in context. And I didn't even say soldier(s).

Are you denying Limpbag said this? Specifically to this republican caller?Rush Limpbag was obviously criticizing veterans who don't agree with him.
Just before the phony soldier comment


LIMBAUGH: Mike in Chicago, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER 1: Hi Rush, how you doing today?

LIMBAUGH: I'm fine sir, thank you.

CALLER 1: Good. Why is it that you always just accuse the Democrats of being against the war and suggest that there are absolutely no Republicans that could possibly be against the war?

LIMBAUGH: Well, who are these Republicans? I can think of Chuck Hagel, and I can think of Gordon Smith, two Republican senators, but they don't want to lose the war like the Democrats do. I can't think of -- who are the Republicans in the anti-war movement?

CALLER 1: I'm just -- I'm not talking about the senators. I'm talking about the general public -- like you accuse the public of all the Democrats of being, you know, wanting to lose, but --

LIMBAUGH: Oh, come on! Here we go again. I uttered a truth, and you can't handle it, so you gotta call here and change the subject. How come I'm not also hitting Republicans? I don't know a single Republican or conservative, Mike, who wants to pull out of Iraq in defeat. The Democrats have made the last four years about that specifically.

LIMBAUGH: Mike, you can't possibly be a Republican.

CALLER 1: I am.

LIMBAUGH: You are -- you are --

CALLER 1: I am definitely a Republican.

LIMBAUGH: You can't be a Republican. You are --

CALLER 1: Oh, I am definitely a Republican.

LIMBAUGH: You are tarnishing the reputation, 'cause you sound just like a Democrat.

CALLER 1: No, but --

LIMBAUGH: The answer to your question --

CALLER 1: -- seriously, how long do we have to stay there --

LIMBAUGH: As long as it takes!

CALLER 1: -- to win it? How long?

LIMBAUGH: As long as it takes! It is very serious.

CALLER 1: And that is what?

LIMBAUGH: This is the United States of America at war with Islamofascists. We stay as long -- just like your job. You do everything you have to do, whatever it takes to get it done, if you take it seriously.

CALLER 1: So then you say we need to stay there forever --

LIMBAUGH: I -- it won't --

CALLER 1: -- because that's what it'll take.

LIMBAUGH: No, Bill, or Mike -- I'm sorry. I'm confusing you with the guy from Texas.

CALLER 1: See, I -- I've used to be military, OK? And I am a Republican.

LIMBAUGH: Yeah. Yeah.

CALLER 1: And I do live [inaudible] but --

LIMBAUGH: Right. Right. Right, I know.

CALLER 1: -- you know, really -- I want you to be saying how long it's gonna take.

LIMBAUGH: And I, by the way, used to walk on the moon!

CALLER 1: How long do we have to stay there?

LIMBAUGH: You're not listening to what I say. You can't possibly be a Republican. I'm answering every question. That's not what you want to hear, so it's not even penetrating your little wall of armor you've got built up.

Sorry guys but Limbag of La Anal Cyst believes that anyone who disagrees with him must be a dem in sheep's clothing and that dems all want to wave the white flag ala Munich. And he doesn't believe that anyone who holds the views that this caller holds could possibly have been in the military.

Typical right wing drivel
So many Chamberlains, so little time! :lol:

10-08-2007, 07:07 AM
What would Rush say to these Republicans? RHINO?


Below are the results of a three-day poll in the state of Iowa. Results are based on telephone interviews with 600 likely Republican cacus goers and 600 likely Democratic cacus goers, aged 18+, and conducted August 17-19, 2007. The margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points.

4. Do you favor a withdrawal of all United States military from Iraq within the next six months? (Republicans Only)
Yes 51%
No 39%
Undecided 10%

10-08-2007, 07:25 AM
And what would Limpbag say to this? More PHONEY soldier(s)?


"Since the start of the Iraq war in 2003, members of the U.S. military have dramatically increased their political contributions to Democrats, marching sharply away from the party they've long supported. In the 2002 election cycle, the last full cycle before the war began, Democrats received a mere 23 percent of military members' contributions.* So far this year, 40 percent of military money has gone to Democrats for Congress and president, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Anti-war presidential candidates Barack Obama and Ron Paul are the top recipients of military money."

"In the 2000 and 2002 election cycles, uniformed service members gave about three-quarters of their federal contributions to Republicans. The percentage dropped to 59 percent in the 2004 cycle and has remained there since. This shift toward Democrats is most visible among members of the Army, who gave 71 percent of their money to Republicans before the war began. So far this year, members of the Army have given a mere 51 percent to the GOP, spreading their contributions nearly evenly between the two major parties.

The drop in contributions to Republicans—which began nearly the second the war in Iraq did in early 2003—seems to suggest that there is a passionate group of people in the armed services who are looking for ways to express their opinion, said John Samples, director of the Center for Representative Government at the Cato Institute. "This [data] suggests that among the military, the people who feel most intensely about the Bush administration and the war in Iraq are negative about it," Samples said. "It's a general discontentment over the way the administration has handled the war—or even that we're in a war."

10-08-2007, 07:54 AM
What is really interesting is the entire cadre of the yapping conservative movement media assholes like Limpbag and Bill O, John Gibson,Michael Savage and also politicos- bush, cheney, rove, newt, tom deLay, Romney, Giuliani, and many others -- were of draft age during the Vietnam war but managed to stay out of harm's way. And yet they all accuse any one who opposes THIS war of either being a traitor or coward.

Ok bush has his minions do it for him.

Never said traitor. Bullshit


BTW, Limpbag accused Paul Hackett of joining the service to "pad his résumé."

"Paul Lewis Hackett III (born March 30, 1962) is a trial lawyer and veteran of the Iraq War who unsuccessfully sought election to the United States Congress from the Second District of Ohio (map) in the August 2, 2005, special election. Hackett, a Democrat, narrowly lost to Republican Jean Schmidt, a former member of the Ohio House of Representatives, providing the best showing in the usually solidly Republican district by any Democrat since the 1974 election. "

10-08-2007, 11:26 AM
h'cap, then how come the dems arebacking dn on bringing home the troops? NONE of the candidates will now commit to bringing them home by the end of their first term!
The Demrats have accused our troops of being nazis and terrorists and now your party wants to jump on limbaugh? Doesn't pass the laugh test. That Petraus Betrayer ad did the dems much harm and noe they're scrambing to demonize someone else. But it won't work. Why don't the dem pollsters poll the troops and ask them what they think of Limbaugh? No guts?

10-08-2007, 12:01 PM
What would Rush say to these Republicans? RHINO?


Below are the results of a three-day poll in the state of Iowa. Results are based on telephone interviews with 600 likely Republican cacus goers and 600 likely Democratic cacus goers, aged 18+, and conducted August 17-19, 2007. The margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points.

4. Do you favor a withdrawal of all United States military from Iraq within the next six months? (Republicans Only)
Yes 51%
No 39%
Undecided 10%

How did FAT ELVIS fare? :)

10-08-2007, 02:16 PM
h'cap, then how come the dems arebacking dn on bringing home the troops? NONE of the candidates will now commit to bringing them home by the end of their first term!
The Demrats have accused our troops of being nazis and terrorists and now your party wants to jump on limbaugh? Doesn't pass the laugh test. That Petraus Betrayer ad did the dems much harm and noe they're scrambing to demonize someone else. But it won't work. Why don't the dem pollsters poll the troops and ask them what they think of Limbaugh? No guts?

Lefty, Bush has been counselling them back door and now they are talking basically the Bush plan. They all know they cannot pull out. They were dead wrong all the time. And those that still think we should pull out lack the balls to do anything about it. The dems are losers and cowards. Nothing more.:lol:

10-08-2007, 07:12 PM
It gets worse: Henry Waxman wants to investigate Rush, Hannity and other talk radio conservatives and with taxpayer money. At least M'Carthy was after communists, these demrats are after FREE SPEECH.

10-12-2007, 03:51 PM
Rush just got intersting.

He has obtained the original letter written by Dingy Harry the TURD and signed by 41 democrats demanding Clear Channel admonish him and force. (CC stood beind Rush, and in fact, gave him the letter).

He just put it on eBay, and is donating 100% of the selling price to the Marine Corps. He has cahllenged Dingy Harry TURD and the other Rockettes to match his donation - since they claim to support the troops and accuse him of not.

Come on, everyone send letters - demand Dingy Harry TURD and the Rockettes put up or shut up. :lol::lol::lol:

10-15-2007, 04:01 PM
The price on eBay is up to $45,000...and Rush is matching whatever it fetches.

Will Dingy Harry and the Rockettes have the same amount of support for our troops, or will they just ignore it? :lol::lol::lol:

10-15-2007, 04:07 PM
. At least M'Carthy was after communists, these demrats are after FREE SPEECH.
Just how many did that alcoholic "Tail Gunner Joe' actually find?

"As historian Ellen Schrecker put it, "in this country, McCarthyism did more damage to the constitution than the American Communist party ever did."

10-15-2007, 09:40 PM
Nevada Survey: Harry Reid now the least respected politician in Nevada. Looks like everybody else starting to catch on to what i've been preaching for last 30 yrs.

10-15-2007, 10:11 PM
Rush's approval rating in Nevade is higher than the Dingy TURD's!:lol:

10-16-2007, 04:04 PM
Did the smelly cheese ever participate in the madness known as military service?

Oh yeah a cyst on his buttocks. The extent of his brain tissue no doubt.

SEE see see, nothing, you have Nothing.
whay the hell does "the rush mans" service have to do with Any "f-ing" thing what so ever?

another order of BLUE Cheese Please:kiss:

10-16-2007, 04:11 PM
Just how many did that alcoholic "Tail Gunner Joe' actually find?

"As historian Ellen Schrecker put it, "in this country, McCarthyism did more damage to the constitution than the American Communist party ever did."

good god, talk about "an odor".

change them panty hose , please.

historian or histrionics?

could you give a specific about the damage:faint:

10-16-2007, 04:14 PM
good god, talk about "an odor".

change them panty hose , please.

historian or histrionics?

could you give a specific about the damage.

McCarthy was a waste of time, totally without a shred of credibility.

On 9th February, 1950, Joseph McCarthy, a senator from Wisconsin, made a speech claiming to have a list of 205 people in the State Department that were known to be members of the American Communist Party (later he reduced this figure to 57). The list of names was not a secret and had been in fact published by the Secretary of State in 1946. These people had been identified during a preliminary screening of 3,000 federal employees. Some had been communists but others had been fascists, alcoholics and sexual deviants. If screened, McCarthy's own drink problems and sexual preferences would have resulted in him being put on the list.

10-16-2007, 04:53 PM
hmmm interesting reading about the radio clown.

10-16-2007, 07:17 PM
Aw, 46, I think you're just jealous that Rush can survive without depending on Socialism and you cannot. There ya go.
BTW, take a poll amongst the military and ask who do they love and respect more: Rush or Bill Clinton.

10-16-2007, 09:11 PM
Bring back the "Flush Rush" bumper stickers and stick them on your republican friends cars when they are not watching. Two of my friends I talk to at the track were always talking politics. The Rush supporter always had a high opinion of Rush and shared all of his great ideas each weekend. So we snuck out to the tracks parking lot and placed the sticker on his rear car bumper. Took 2 weeks for him to notice it and the look on his face when it was pointed out to him was so funny. Still don't think he knows who did it.

Some people make it so easy to push their buttons.

10-16-2007, 10:08 PM
Aw, 46, I think you're just jealous that Rush can survive without depending on Socialism and you cannot. There ya go.

I would be more jealous of the Unibomber than this guy.

10-16-2007, 11:23 PM
Yeah, 46, you and the unie have something in common:You're both ALGORE fans. Stay away from explosives, son; i don't trust you.

10-16-2007, 11:24 PM
dutch, i would favor a PILLORY HILLARY bumpersticker.

10-17-2007, 03:53 PM
McCarthy was a waste of time, totally without a shred of credibility.

what has to be done to wake you ?

da, you said "damage to the Constitutaion" and you quoted some Broad as proof (?).
so i ask you, what damage?

and you go on and on about what a Screw up he was. that wasnt any point made by anyone, not you , not me and not the histrionics twit.

im waiting for the damage...;)

so tipsy of you.

nobody is sticking up for joe.

you do this:confused: "always". and you dont even know what you are doing. so stop.

10-17-2007, 04:07 PM
It's fun debating those with such limited capacity in expression, diction, comprehension, not to mention total loss of ability in English.

10-17-2007, 04:20 PM
It's fun debating those with such limited capacity in expression, diction, comprehension, not to mention total loss of ability in English.

"total LOSS of ability"?

are you saying "i had the ability":jump:

you' re so twisted:p

10-17-2007, 04:24 PM
"total LOSS of ability"?

are you saying "i had the ability"

Hey you're correct, you never were able to express a cogent idea on this board.

10-17-2007, 04:26 PM
now you've got it sweetheart....;)

ahhh..., your first thought

10-17-2007, 04:31 PM
now you've got it sweetheart....;)

ahhh..., your first thought
Someone is supposed to understand this and the many other ramblings passed off as communication?

10-17-2007, 04:42 PM
In Limbaugh's world, "there never was a surplus" under President Clinton. AIDS "hasn't made that jump to the heterosexual community," and cutting food stamps is
because recipients "aren't using them." Two years ago, Limbaugh said the minimum wage was $6 or $7 an hour. Last year, he said gas was $1.29 a gallon.

Limbaugh has particular trouble distinguishing reality from entertainment. The abuse at Abu Ghraib "looks just like anything you'd see Madonna or Britney Spears do on stage," he told his listeners. Last month, he defended ABC's 9/11 movie against the document on which it purported to rely: "The 9-11 Commission report, for example, says, well, some of these things didn't happen the way they were portrayed in the movie. How do they know that?"

Last year, Limbaugh, who used a tailbone defect to get out of the Vietnam draft, accused a Democratic candidate of having served in Iraq "to pad the resume." He charged several veterans—including former Sen. Max Cleland, who lost both legs and an arm in Vietnam—with trying "to hide their liberalism behind a military uniform … pretending to be something that they are not." When war is just another television show, a is just another costume. Liberalism is real; losing your limbs is a pretense.

10-17-2007, 04:51 PM
Well, I understand the skate. He just lays it between the lines.

10-17-2007, 06:47 PM
In Limbaugh's world, "there never was a surplus" under President Clinton. AIDS "hasn't made that jump to the heterosexual community," and cutting food stamps is
because recipients "aren't using them." Two years ago, Limbaugh said the minimum wage was $6 or $7 an hour. Last year, he said gas was $1.29 a gallon.

Now if you provide the content in which those word were used we might be able to make up our own minds with regards to his sanity. For example,

Did he say:
The average price of gas across the nation in 2006 "was 1.29."
I remember the days when "gas was 1.29."

another example:
Did he say
People receiving food stamps "aren't using them"
People "aren't using them" because they are now working.

yet again:
Did he say
No heterosexual has contracted aids because "aids hasn't made the jump to the heterosexual community"
"aids hasn't made the jump to the heterosexual community" to the level predicted by AIDS activist group back in the 1980s.

content content content.

Rush is a genious and I know this because he's a great public speaker.

10-17-2007, 07:15 PM
46, you haven't the guts to debate anybody. You demean and namecall but when it comes to actual debate you hide behind your links. You sir, are an intellctual coward.

10-17-2007, 07:38 PM
Rush is a genious and I know this because he's a great public speaker.
Maybe HE knows how to spell genius too. And we all know you can recognize genius

10-17-2007, 08:14 PM
And we all know you can recognize genius

Just using the same standard you use to judge the President.

10-17-2007, 08:54 PM
Just using the same standard you use to judge the President.
That low huh?

10-17-2007, 11:14 PM
It's fun debating those with such limited capacity in expression, diction, comprehension, not to mention total loss of ability in English.

Anything to avoid dealing with facts, huh 46?
Might I poiint out that today, you left out a comma in one of your posts. Poor punctuation....what's next in your downhill slide?

10-17-2007, 11:18 PM
The price on eBay is up to $45,000...and Rush is matching whatever it fetches.

Will Dingy Harry and the Rockettes have the same amount of support for our troops, or will they just ignore it? :lol::lol::lol:

Up to $65,000 so far. With Rush matching, over a quarter of a million dollars now going to help our troops families. No word from Ding Harrry....so much for HIS support. Rush drawfs this insignificant little TURD. :lol:

10-18-2007, 02:21 PM
That low huh?

You tell me...it's your standard, not mine. Also, is an individual’s public speaking ability the standard used in Canada to determine mental retardation?

10-18-2007, 02:24 PM
You tell me...it's your standard, not mine. Also, is an individual’s public speaking ability the standard used in Canada to determine mental retardation?
The rutabaga seems to be unable to express the means in placing a postage stamp on a letter.

How one expresses themselves reflects on them.

10-18-2007, 03:20 PM
The rutabaga seems to be unable to express the means in placing a postage stamp on a letter.

How one expresses themselves reflects on them.

No, it does not. It reflects on those who childishly focus on that rather than the message. Every one of the "examples" you have provide as proof of his stupidity actuallut hightlihg YOUR shortcomings as a man. Only a very stupid person would not understand what he was saying. A very stupid person.

BTW, this rutebga just beat the entire dem congress again - no override of his just veto of Hillary CAre PArt Uno. The BITCH once again loses to Bush! :lol::lol::lol:

10-18-2007, 03:22 PM
Up to $65,000 so far. With Rush matching, over a quarter of a million dollars now going to help our troops families. No word from Ding Harrry....so much for HIS support. Rush drawfs this insignificant little TURD. :lol:

Up to $130,000+ this afternoon.
With essential no advertising by the drive by media.
He just might eclipse half the dem candidate's fund raising by tomorrow! :lol:

10-18-2007, 06:50 PM
Rush regularly states that those of us who don’t support the war in Iraq are America haters. How disingenuous! Since when does criticizing your government indicate that you hate your country? I love my country as much as he does-- that pompous ass. But I think that it’s now being run by a bunch of neoconservative idiots as bad as the liberal idiots who ran it during the Clinton years. When Rush criticized Clinton and his foreign policy, did he hate America? Personally, I think that both the neocons (with much assistance from Rush and his talk-radio ilk) and the liberals (with much assistance from the mainstream news and entertainment media and academia) are undermining our Constitution and heading us toward totalitarianism. Liberals have abridged the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of speech through campaign finance reform, done their best to define the Second Amendment’s protection of the right to keep and bear arms out of existence, and engaged in judicial activism to circumvent the Constitution, among other shenanigans. Rush and his neocon heroes are willing to allow the president to override the Bill of Rights in the name of national security. And Rush regularly criticizes folks for being concerned about the rights of terrorists. I’m not concerned about the rights of terrorists; I’m concerned about the rights of innocents accused of being terrorists. If you didn’t have that half of your brain tied behind your back, as you like to brag, Rush, you might be able to recognize the distinction.
Rush is a very wealthy man who private-jets around from one palatial residence to another, or from one prestigious golf tournament to another, risking nothing for his cause while acting as a fawning cheerleader for the troops he cavalierly notes volunteered to put themselves in harm’s way. I suspect that the fawning is motivated by the chicken-hawk guilt he feels for not having seen fit to risk his own precious hide in the military helping to make over the rest of the world by force in accordance with the harebrained utopian agenda you share with the neocons. Oh! By the way, how are Rush's listeners to know that the military folks who call his show claiming that things are really going well in Iraq aren’t administration-prompted seminar callers?

10-18-2007, 07:38 PM
Hey you're correct, you never were able to express a cogent idea on this board.

as long as i know you're that interested in finding the truth, i'll keep going with the facts.

hey, forget Cogent (ahhh, could you please define cogent)?

were you thinking about the word coherrent? ;)

10-18-2007, 07:41 PM
Someone is supposed to understand this and the many other ramblings passed off as communication?

i was trying to give you a break. you use COGENT to discribe the-skate and you are right ON:cool: . THE-SKATE IS nothing but Cogent, thanks,

10-18-2007, 10:49 PM
Rush regularly states that those of us who don’t support the war in Iraq are America haters.

You obvioulsy do not listen to him vey much. How about the POS Stark and his commoents today? Ding Harry, the BITCH.....none of them support our troops. Rush is on the verge of donating close to a half a million dollars to the marines. Chicken hawk guilt? That is a stretch. I guess he should apologixze to your for being rich and having a jet? Hey, at least HE earned his money and doesn't bilk the taxpayers like your precious congress-stooges, led by the BITCH do.

10-18-2007, 11:14 PM
riskman, you obviously have a problem with understanding what is said. Rush says no such thing.

10-19-2007, 04:07 PM
that doofuss Reid will think again before trying to pull a powerplay on Rush. he thought he was going to have an Imus like reaction and bring Rush under pressure to apologize or worse.

Rush took that issue turned it around into a positive and essentially shoved it up Reids ass while raising millions for charity and exposing senate democrats as being nothing but powermad buffoons.

10-19-2007, 09:06 PM
Final bid - it sold for over $2 Million !
Rush will match that amount, and on a suggestion by a caller today, he is also going to autograph copies of the letter and sell them for $1,000 each, all again going to the Marine fund.

10-19-2007, 11:06 PM
You obvioulsy do not listen to him vey much. How about the POS Stark and his commoents today? Ding Harry, the BITCH.....none of them support our troops. Rush is on the verge of donating close to a half a million dollars to the marines. Chicken hawk guilt? That is a stretch. I guess he should apologixze to your for being rich and having a jet? Hey, at least HE earned his money and doesn't bilk the taxpayers like your precious congress-stooges, led by the BITCH do.

I started listening to Rush way back in the early years of the first Clinton administration. I couldn’t stand Bill and Hil, and hearing Rush and the other conservative talk-radio jocks light into them made their eight years in the White House a little more bearable for me. Yep, I am a Viet Vet-- served with pimples on my ass and all---went to college on the GI bill---and made some real honest money without being a druggie and a fat ass gas bag. I support the Vets by deeds(volunteer in a VET hospital)-- not by words."Your precious congress-stooges, led by the BITCH". I am not a DEM or one of them "lefty" liberals Rush likes to talk about.
I’m not as impressed by Rush's intellect as you seem to be, and I’m not convinced that he is a very good debater because he don’t really allow any debates on his show. And that’s what really bugs me – he does not allow anyone to challenge him. Of the very few guests he has, none of them disagree with him, and he talks over and interrupts the few callers who dare to question his pontifications.
One of my biggest gripes has to do with the way Rush dismisses those who question American involvement in Iraq as liberals who hate Bush and want the war to go badly so that Republicans are discredited and Democrats can regain the White House in 2008. I voted for Bush twice, or more accurately, I voted against Al Gore and John Kerry, and I think that the war is a huge blunder and that Bush and his merry band of neoconservatives are a total disaster.You can believe what you wish, but I’m no liberal lefty Democrat, so I’ll get back to my first gripe – Rush's dismissal of opponents as wascally liberals, whether they are or not, so that he don’t have to respond to their challenges.
Have a good day. Now I feel all better.

10-19-2007, 11:18 PM
risk, glad you feel better. Thanks for your service. I'll just agree we disagree about Rush and leave it at that.

10-19-2007, 11:41 PM
riskman, you obviously have a problem with understanding what is said. Rush says no such thing.

Lefty--I have no problem what is being said---you have a problem accepting a rational disagreement.
Rush likes to claim that all of the folks who disagree with the Iraq War, or Bush's complete disregard for the Constitution are closet liberals. Give me a break! He should know better! I think that Rush even finally acknowledged conservative opposition to the neocon-generated war in Iraq after Bill Buckley threw in the towel on that bloody and idiotic venture. Since I’m no longer a regular listener of the gas bag Rush, I missed his rationalization of Buckley's defection, as if Rush gives a shit. But now and again I do listen to the gas bag diito head, and I haven’t noticed any new reluctance on his part to denounce all critics of the war as liberal Bush- and/or America-haters.

10-20-2007, 12:16 AM
Final bid - it sold for over $2 Million !
I'm not a "sides" guy but Reid trying to credit for the $2 mil today was precious. Is there a more revolting life form than HReid?

10-30-2007, 06:53 PM
Rush and Dingy...............Rush posted this photo on his website today........

I thought it was funny.........


10-30-2007, 09:34 PM
Can you say dork?
I think you can.:lol:

10-30-2007, 11:37 PM
One got elected, the other didn't and probably will never be.

10-30-2007, 11:49 PM
Rush will never run for anything because he doesn't want the paycut but be aware he was very instrumental in getting a change of Congress during the Clinton yrs. They even honered him.
Reid's a man that's been in public office his whole life and is a millionaire because of it. What does your great brain conclude from that?
Rush got his monet the old fashion way, "He earned it."

10-30-2007, 11:52 PM
Rush Limbaugh is an idiot. No one would elect the drug addict.

This clown uses the Bill O'Reilly method of interview: Cut their microphone anytime they start to enter the debate. EASY to "win" that way.
He has the inherent class of a $0.09 non-winners lifetime claimer.

10-31-2007, 01:11 AM
zilly, he makes more money than all the socialist doctors i know, put together. It's a moot point since he'll never run for anything. Very compassionate to call a man dealing with a problem names. Is that your bedside manner? All this talk about liberal compassion is just one big myth, hmmmm. Take 2 asperin. no charge, we'll raise taxes some more.

10-31-2007, 01:13 AM
This clown would never be a patient of mine: Drug addicts are bad enough but rich ones, repeat offenders, do not engender much in the way of sympathy.

10-31-2007, 01:19 AM
More compassion from zilly. Wellsir, he will never be a patient of yours. He don't need no stinking socialized medicine. He can afford GOOD doctors.
He went through rehab twice, by the way and it seems as if he might have his addiction beaten. BTW, he was in pain, good doctor, he wasn't addicted to recreational drugs. More than ever i know why i'm against socialized medicine in this country.

10-31-2007, 01:23 AM
What the hell does socialized medicine have ANYTHING to do with this?

You are so crazed that it makes no sense to even begin an conversation with you.

10-31-2007, 01:28 AM
Guess you're not as smart as you think you are dr zilly.

10-31-2007, 11:40 AM
Curious, Riskman

What would your attitude toward the war in Iraq be had the US military found stockpiles of WMDs?

10-31-2007, 12:17 PM
Curious, Riskman

What would your attitude toward the war in Iraq be had the US military found stockpiles of WMDs?
Wow about the same way as finding out that Street Sense had rockets under his saddle cloth.

10-31-2007, 12:24 PM

So, had we found huge stockpiles of Chem, bio, weapons along with some Nigerian yellow cake - you would still consider the US attack on Iraq unjustified?

10-31-2007, 12:26 PM

So, had we found huge stockpiles of Chem, bio, weapons along with some Nigerian yellow cake - you would still consider the US attack on Iraq unjustified?
Fantasyland....Sure let's just change all the variables retroactively to make our boys look good. Can I change my bets from Saturday as well???

Merely HAVING them (the same could be said for any major power) and using them is another ball game altogether.

10-31-2007, 03:58 PM
Fantasyland....Sure let's just change all the variables retroactively to make our boys look good. Can I change my.
Hardly, “our boys” look just fine without changing anything. You and Hcap are the ones who put so much stock in polls about the war as a justification for your anti-war position. But the truth of the matter is… Americans judge our military actions harshly not because they don’t agree with a pre-emptive action against a suicidal enemy armed with WMD – They just don’t believe a pre-emptive strike was necessary when in fact the WMD threat was not real; which is a perspective borne from hindsight. Pacifists like you don’t feel there are any circumstances that warrant pre-emptive action.

You are confusing America’s disillusion with the true necessity of invading Iraq with your passive anti-American, Bush lied conspiracy theory.

Check out this poll. Apparently they believe The President with regards to Iran.


10-31-2007, 04:04 PM
Hardly, “our boys” look just fine without changing anything. You and Hcap are the ones who put so much stock in polls about the war as a justification for your anti-war position.
Hardly, there are many many many documented articles saying the war was, and is a sham, from start to finish. I realize, like many other factual things, you find hard to believe, it won't get through your skull but there it is nonetheless

10-31-2007, 04:07 PM
Hardly, there are many many many documented articles saying the war was, and is a sham, from start to finish. I realize, like many other factual things, you find hard to believe, it won't get through your skull but there it is nonetheless

Don't believe everything you read. Being in an article doesn't make it true.
Don't forget, we now have Lybia's nukes off the market as a result of catching SH in his hole. Oh, wait, you only accept facts that suit you. I forgot.

10-31-2007, 04:16 PM
Rampton and Stauber have written several all documented as has Woodward and many others.

10-31-2007, 05:03 PM
all documented as has Woodward and many others.

Woodward, the master of the un-named source. Also, the master of telepathy his ability to tell me what somebody was thinking...he should open for Chris Angel (Mind Freak).

Please point to the section in his books where he accuses the President of lying about intelligence, secretly profiting from kick-backs from Suadi Arabia, Haliburton etc. I somehow missed that part.

10-31-2007, 05:06 PM
How long have you got?

This one and FIASCO for starters.
http://www.prwatch.org/books/wmd.html or
this one;http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Banana_Republicans

10-31-2007, 09:01 PM
zilly, do any of your liberal sources explain why saddam had almost 2 tons of uranium? Do any explain why they say GW lied about WMD's when all the Dems said the same but the lie is not attached to any of them?
And we know he HAD them because he used them. Just because he divested himself of them before the attack doesn't mean we did not have cause to attack. If I shoot my wife in and get rid of the gun you can't say the police lied about my shooting her because there is no gun.

11-01-2007, 12:12 AM
Just where is the so-called uranium? OR were you relating the story of the old clowns just mentioning it? Big difference you know between the real deal and a tale about it.

11-01-2007, 12:13 AM
Woodward, the master of the un-named source.
Let's see given a choice between a Pulitzer prize winner and you, just WHO to believe????...A HARD CHOICE, but I will take the award winner.

11-01-2007, 12:25 AM
zilly, the 1.77 tons of uranium is a fact as you're the only one that i know that disputes it. You constantly present opinions as fact and debunk fact as fantasy. Unfrickinblvble, until you consider the source.

How many conservative writers have won the Pulitzer in last 20 yrs? Hmmm, I wonder.

11-01-2007, 12:27 AM
zilly, the 1.77 tons of uranium is a fact as you're the only one that i know that disputes it. You constantly present opinions as fact and debunk fact as fantasy. Unfrickinblvble, until you consider the source.

How many conservative writers have won the Pulitzer in last 20 yrs? Hmmm, I wonder.
Quote me a source chief as I could not find a repeatedly verifiable one other than some one "over hearing" Hussein saying that he had it.

If conservative writers wrote something that was not a regurgitation of the mantra, something original, they might be considered for it to, but being parrots won't get you noticed.

11-01-2007, 12:29 AM
zilly, just google, uranium found in Iraq and you will find 2 tons of stories on it.

11-01-2007, 12:35 AM
zilly, just google, uranium found in Iraq and you will find 2 tons of stories on it.
Not a single reputable source found substantiates this. Not BBC, Reuters, CNN etc.

11-01-2007, 01:00 AM
I got it, zilly. If it ain't liberal it ain't reliable. Uh, huh...

11-01-2007, 01:08 AM
I got it, zilly. If it ain't liberal it ain't reliable. Uh, huh...
No if it isn't reputable it is not to be believed, simple. AND substantiated by a second source.
Something of that degree of being "out of step" with the rest of the news would be reported all over the globe, YET I cannot find a single news service carrying that malarkey.

Hmmm that just might mean it is, as most of what you spout, totally without substantiation.

11-01-2007, 01:11 AM

I know it's a waste of time truying convince a lib that the sun is hot if a liberal blog or writer says otherwise but for others out there here's a Reuters story that zilly will dispute cause that's what liberals do with facts that annoy them.

11-01-2007, 01:14 AM
No if it isn't reputable it is not to be believed, simple. AND substantiated by a second source.
Something of that degree of being "out of step" with the rest of the news would be reported all over the globe, YET I cannot find a single news service carrying that malarkey.

Hmmm that just might mean it is, as most of what you spout, totally without substantiation.
You're the pompous liberal educated hater that gives opinion for facts a debunk facts as opinion, not me buddy boy. There was plenty of substantiation but you turn your blind eyes to it.

11-01-2007, 01:20 AM
You're the pompous liberal educated hater that gives opinion for facts a debunk facts as opinion, not me buddy boy. There was plenty of substantiation but you turn your blind eyes to it.
QUOTE THEM. I am waiting. Highlight the web address and then hit CTRL-C, when you want to put that into the body of a post, hit Ctrl-V

Quote themmmmmmmm, or take them from those hearsay postings.

11-01-2007, 01:29 AM
[QUOTE=46zilzal]QUOTE THEM. I am waiting. Highlight the web address and then hit CTRL-C, when you want to put that into the body of a post, hit Ctrl-V
I gave you links, too lazy to access them? I gave you a Reuters story, that's not good enough cause you don't like it? Zilly, you are a waste of time. You just go on and on with drivel. Don't forget to wipe the drool from your chin every now and again.

11-01-2007, 02:10 AM
zilly, here's a nifty little article by Joe Wilson himself saying that if we go to war with Iraq that Saddam will use every weapon at his disposal to defend himself and he talks about Saddam's chemical weapons; that's WMD's to you.

11-01-2007, 06:23 AM

I know it's a waste of time truying convince a lib that the sun is hot if a liberal blog or writer says otherwise but for others out there here's a Reuters story that zilly will dispute cause that's what liberals do with facts that annoy them.Everyone was aware of this. It had been left there since the end of Gulf war I under the auspices of the UN. It represented a minor threat only. Dozens of other countries had and have much more enriched to a much higher level. 2.6 % is a very low level. No where close to what is needed for a bomb and a minor threat as a dirty bomb. The Iraqis were allowed to keep the material because it was unfit for weapons use without costly and time-consuming enrichment.


"After 1992, roughly 2 tons of natural uranium, or yellow cake, some low enriched uranium and some depleted uranium was left at Tuwaitha under IAEA seal and control, he said.

So were radioactive items used for medical, agricultural and industrial purposes, which Iraq was allowed to keep under a 1991 U.N. Security Council resolution, Zlauvinen said.

"According to the letter, the United States informed the IAEA on June 30 that approximately 1.8 tons of uranium, enriched to a level of 2.6%, another 6.6 pounds of low-enriched uranium, and approximately 1,000 highly radioactive sources had been transferred on June 23.

.................................................. .....................................

From your source Lefty. A bit further down the page.

"Iraqi 'dirty bomb' risk dismissed - The UN's atomic watchdog says it is confident there is not enough radioactive material missing in Iraq to make a nuclear "dirty bomb".
BBC News
(for personal use only)

Vilmos Cserveny, a spokesman for the International Atomic Energy Agency, said: "We don't have concerns about any missing uranium" in Iraq.

Earlier, the US revealed that it had secretly removed more than 1.7 metric tons of radioactive material from Iraq.

Some nuclear material remains in Iraq under IAEA control, Mr Cserveny said.

"The remaining sources are not suitable for malevolent purposes," he told BBC News Online.

"Uranium is not suitable for making a dirty bomb. But some of the other radioactive material - including cesium-137, colbalt-60 and strontium - could have been valuable to a terrorist seeking to fashion a terror weapon.

Before the looting brought about by our invasion...

"Following the 1991 Gulf War, the International Atomic Energy Agency removed all known Iraqi stocks of highly enriched uranium and plutonium, in accordance with the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 687. As of 2002 the only positively confirmed nuclear material left in Iraq is 1.8 tons of low-enriched uranium and several tons of natural and depleted uranium. The material is in a locked storage site at the Tuwaitha nuclear research facility near Baghdad. Under the terms of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, this stock of material is checked once a year by an IAEA team. The most recent check was in January 2002, and none of the material had been tampered with at that time."

.................................................. ................................

Further down in your source Lefty, is a reason to invade Kazakhstan...
In fact there are dozens of countries with much much greater amounts of radioactive materials, enriched to much, much higher levels than Baghdad before we rushed to war

And with terrorists............

Kazakh uranium production to hit new heights
(for personal use only)

Kazakhstan plans to become the world's second-largest uranium producer with a five-fold production increase over the next decade, the head of the former Soviet republic's atomic energy company said on Wednesday.
"By 2015 we plan to increase uranium extraction to 15,000 tonnes a year and become the second largest uranium producer after Canada," Kazatomprom President Moukhtar Dzhakishev told an industry conference in Kazakhstan's commercial centre Almaty.

With annual production currently at 3,300 tonnes, Kazakhstan is in third place behind Canada and Australia.

But its uranium reserves, the second largest in the world, are being eagerly eyed by investors trying to push forward nuclear energy around the world.

France's Cogema, a subsidiary of Areva, has been vying with Russian investors to upgrade Kazakh production and earlier this year unveiled plans to invest 90 million dollars (75 million euros) in southern Kazakhstan's Moinkum deposit.

In addition to its Soviet-era mines, Kazakhstan plans to develop seven new deposits across the south of this vast Central Asian country, Dzhakishev said.

Terrorism in Kazakhstan.....

"In January, authorities arrested a number of individuals from two extremist cells in Almaty on terrorism charges. Eight of those arrested remain in prison with trials ongoing. In November, authorities arrested eleven people from a terrorist group in Stepnogorsk and confiscated arms, explosives, and extremist printed materials. According to press reports, members of the terrorist group were planning hostage sieges, lethal attacks on state employees, and several explosions. In December, three Kazakhstani nationals were returned to Kazakhstan from the Guantanamo Bay detention facility.

Kazakhstan continued to face a growing problem with the Islamic extremist group Hizb'ut Tahrir (HT). HT remained outlawed as an "extremist" organization through the Law on Extremism and continued to be the only group so designated under this law.

.................................................. ........................................

Also answer this Lefty. If 500 tons of NATURAL Uranium-YELLOWCAKE-was already in Iraq, why had Saddam allegedly sought it from Africa?


"The IAEA team will carry out a mandate under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to conduct an inventory of nuclear material at a storage site, known as “Location C,” near the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Centre, which had held about 1.8 tons of low-enriched uranium and some 500 tons of natural and depleted uranium. The inspection is separate from the IAEA’s Security Council mandate, which authorized the agency’s search for evidence of banned nuclear weapons, material or programmes.

11-01-2007, 06:49 AM
zilly, here's a nifty little article by Joe Wilson himself saying that if we go to war with Iraq that Saddam will use every weapon at his disposal to defend himself and he talks about Saddam's chemical weapons; that's WMD's to you.Here is Wilsons' conclusion from the same article. Hint- NO INVASION

.................................................. ........

Build on experience

So the question remains: Can we disarm Saddam this time without risking a chemical attack or a broader regional war that threatens our allies?

The answer, I think, is yes, but only if we reject the approaches favored by many in the Bush administration and by France and Russia, and build instead on the experiences of the gulf war.

An aggressive U.N.-sanctioned campaign to disarm Iraq—bolstered by a militarily supported inspection process—would combine the best of the U.S. and U.N. approaches, a robust disarmament policy with the international legitimacy the United States seeks. Secretary of State Colin Powell is pushing the Security Council to adopt such an approach.

But he will have to overcome French and Russian concerns that other harsh demands in the U.S.–British draft resolution leave Saddam little room to save face and avoid war.

One of the strongest arguments for a militarily supported inspection plan is that it doesn’t threaten Saddam with extinction, a threat that could push him to fight back with the very weapons we’re seeking to destroy. If disarmament is the goal, Saddam can be made to understand that only his arsenal is at stake, not his survival.

11-01-2007, 07:31 AM
Not a single reputable source found substantiates this. Not BBC, Reuters, CNN etc.

You are saying these are reputable sources? :lol:

11-01-2007, 11:15 AM
Please point to the section in his books where he accuses the President of lying about intelligence, secretly profiting from kick-backs from Suadi Arabia, Haliburton etc. I somehow missed that part.

I'm still waiting

11-01-2007, 11:44 AM
I'm still waiting
I already quoted them by Stauber and Rampton.

11-01-2007, 11:56 AM
this one amongst others.

11-01-2007, 01:29 PM
I already quoted them by Stauber and Rampton.

How many Pulitzers have they won?
The Center for Media and Democracy... now there's a reliable source. :lol:

11-02-2007, 01:18 AM
As support for the war dwindles, Rampton and Stauber predict a next round of propaganda that will likely be aimed at rationalizing the failures to bring stability and democracy to Iraq. They also warn that the same officials who misled us into war with Iraq are now gearing up to argue for war with Iran. The authors urge all Americans to understand the lies that were told, and to hold accountable those responsible for creating and disseminating them.

"How are nations ruled and led into war? Politicians lie to journalists and then believe those lies when they see them in print."
—Austrian journalist Karl Kraus, explaining the causes of the First World War.

11-02-2007, 01:22 AM
* Top Bush officials advocated the invasion of Iraq even before he took office, but waited until September 2002 to inform the public, through what the White House termed a "product launch."
* White House officials used repetition and misinformation - the "big lie" tactic - to create the false impression that Iraq was behind the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States, especially in the case of the alleged meeting in Prague five months earlier between 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta and Iraqi intelligence officials.
* The "big lie" tactic was also employed in the first Iraq war when a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl named Nayirah told the horrific - but fabricated - story of Iraqi soldiers wrenching hundreds of premature Kuwaiti babies from their incubators and leaving them to die. Her testimony was printed in a press kit prepared by Citizens for a Free Kuwait, a PR front group created by Hill and Knowlton, then the world's largest PR firm.
* In order to achieve "third party authenticity" in the Muslim world, a group called the Council of American Muslims for Understanding launched its own web site, called OpenDialogue.com. However, its chairman admitted that the idea began with the State Department, and that the group was funded by the U.S. government.
* Forged documents were used to "prove" that Iraq possessed huge stockpiles of banned weapons.
* A secretive PR firm working for the Pentagon helped create the Iraqi National Congress (INC), which became one of the driving forces behind the decision to go to war.

Weapons of Mass Deception is the first book to expose the aggressive public relations campaign used to sell the American public on the war with Iraq. It is a must-read for those who want to know how and why they bought this war.

11-02-2007, 07:34 AM

How come no response to my debunking your claim about Saddams' imminent threat uranium?

Also I will repeat this. And think about why those "16 words" about Saddam seeking yellowcake in AFRICA, was retracted the day after the preznit said it??????

If 500 tons of NATURAL Uranium-YELLOWCAKE-was already in Iraq, why had Saddam allegedly sought it from Africa?


"The IAEA team will carry out a mandate under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to conduct an inventory of nuclear material at a storage site, known as “Location C,” near the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Centre, which had held about 1.8 tons of low-enriched uranium and some 500 tons of natural and depleted uranium. The inspection is separate from the IAEA’s Security Council mandate, which authorized the agency’s search for evidence of banned nuclear weapons, material or programmes.

11-02-2007, 07:35 AM
You must have lot of vacuum cleaners and magazine subscriptions. You buy anything. :D

11-02-2007, 11:43 AM

How come no response to my debunking your claim about Saddams' imminent threat uranium?

Also I will repeat this. And think about why those "16 words" about Saddam seeking yellowcake in AFRICA, was retracted the day after the preznit said it??????
Of course they cannot find it to print as it was not there!

11-02-2007, 11:54 AM
"16 words" were retracted, not was retracted. And "said them, not said it.

46 - did you miss these? Consistency is important.

11-02-2007, 01:00 PM
In all fairness, Tom, the biggest "buy" of all was the "justification" for starting a war.

I heard two lawyers stating their cases on the Guantanamo issue, and the Govt.'s guy was just horribly evasive, and he just tried to kill the messenger. The whole case of the military seems to be, "We are in control, and the status quo is best. Trust us." Well, the status quo when SH was in power just didn't do it for them, I guess. And this Govt. lawyer kept pounding on the scare tactics. He got huffy when asked whether holding people indefinitely is justifiable. He said that's for the people to decide. Here my Spidey Cop-Out Sense begins to tingle. All of a sudden the guy wants the people to take charge ? I'm skeptical.

11-02-2007, 01:23 PM
Well, waterboarding has already saved countless American lives.
Wiretapping foreign calls coming in to us has uncovered plots.
Detainees released from Gitmo have been found in Iraq/Afghanistan killing people.
I guess there is something to be said for Bush's methods.

Name me a real American who has had his rights violated by wire tapping.

11-02-2007, 01:24 PM
Well, waterboarding has already saved countless American lives.
Wiretapping foreign calls coming in to us has uncovered plots.
Detainees released from Gitmo have been found in Iraq/Afghanistan killing people.
I guess there is something to be said for Bush's methods.

Name me a real American who has had his rights violated by wire tapping.
So the rutabaga and his minions say. Nothing has been proven.

11-02-2007, 01:39 PM
I heard two lawyers stating their cases on the Guantanamo issue
I wonder how many of these lawyers would be willing to work pro bono defending these guys. If this is going to turn into a money grab by lawyers, I would just as soon turn the captured terrorist over to the current Afgan government to do with as they will.

11-02-2007, 01:53 PM
Tommy, baby. Convicted drunken drivers have been found killing people. Children that nursed on real breast milk have been found killing people. For all I know, people advocating/renouncing waterboarding on discussion boards ... have been found killing people. Jeez, fetuses that were allowed to be born ( :jump: ) have been found killing people. Come up with a better scare tactic, wouldja ?

11-02-2007, 02:00 PM
For me it goes to intent. I know when I'm nursing it's not my intent to kill my wife. :) Nor have I ever heard of a drunk leaving the bar yelling " Gee, I hope I crash into a family of six tonight."

11-02-2007, 02:54 PM
Fine. If through mindreading or, better yet, a conviction by some kind of jury, we establish guilt of attempted murder, conspiracy, etc., then let's convict them and send them to a real prison with a finite term. We can't just let them stand in the corner "until I say you can come back and sit down," can we ? Even fetuses get the resolution of yes/no, live/not live. Bad dogs, bad kids, everybody deserves that, right ?

11-02-2007, 03:01 PM
Condoning waterboarding is cooking this one's goose.

11-02-2007, 03:17 PM
Tommy, baby. Convicted drunken drivers have been found killing people. Children that nursed on real breast milk have been found killing people. For all I know, people advocating/renouncing waterboarding on discussion boards ... have been found killing people. Jeez, fetuses that were allowed to be born ( :jump: ) have been found killing people. Come up with a better scare tactic, wouldja ?

Scare tactic?
You think 9-11 was a scare tactic?
You think they are not plotting another attack?
Serioulsy, if you think Al Qeda is going to try again, who do you want in charge - Bush or Dingy Harry? Bush of Barry O? Bush or Edwards?
And I am totally against wasting our time on trials for non-citizens.
Bush, a failure in many areas, has it spot on in the war on terror. In fact, he is nowehre near tough enough.

11-02-2007, 03:28 PM
Condoning waterboarding is cooking this one's goose.

ahhhhh, this is getting to be a waste.

first , he didnt Condon Waterboarding.
second, for me, i'll vote for the man becasuse he claims to not be able to cast a vote either way, because he does not know enough about "Water...B".
very simple.

but these A holes seem to know everything, just like zilly the filly.:eek:

11-02-2007, 03:34 PM
You owe it to yourself to see the new movie RENDITION....Shows what these idiots have degenerated to becoming. Kind of like having an empty tube of toothpaste and squeezing the hell out of it.

Robert Goren
11-02-2007, 04:03 PM
Scare tactic?
You think 9-11 was a scare tactic?
You think they are not plotting another attack?
Serioulsy, if you think Al Qeda is going to try again, who do you want in charge - Bush or Dingy Harry? Bush of Barry O? Bush or Edwards?
And I am totally against wasting our time on trials for non-citizens.
Bush, a failure in many areas, has it spot on in the war on terror. In fact, he is nowehre near tough enough. Based on Bush's record on going after the 9/11 terrorists, I want almost anyone else in charge. His idea of fighting terror is throw a few people in gitmo, start a war in a country that had little, if any thing to with the attack, and slow the flow of the money to off shore gambling sites. He has made almost no effort to get Ben Laden even though everyone knows he is along the Afgan-Pakistan border. I believe if you cut off the head the body dies. When 150,000 troops are moved there I will believe that he is doing something other wasting money and lives. As for trials for non-citizens, what goes around comes around. I don't think we the same rules applied to US citizens abroad.

11-02-2007, 07:41 PM
Based on Bush's record on going after the 9/11 terrorists, I want almost anyone else in charge.
Would you prefer Bill Clinton’s response?
terror is throw a few people in gitmo, start a war in a country that had little, if any thing to with the attack
I think the above is a gross oversimplification. Those "few people" were enemy combatants captured on the battle field. Some have been released and gone on to kill again.
slow the flow of the money to off shore gambling sites
Not sure I follow, please explain.
He has made almost no effort to get Ben Laden even though everyone knows he is along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.
While it might seem to make sense to send in 150,000 troops into Afghanistan, that is not what the Generals have asked for. Most civilians underestimate the complexity of fighting in mountainous terrain against an enemy that can easily escape by crossing borders. We could put 1 million troops in Afghanistan but unless we're prepared to cross borders to really go after the Taliban / Al Qaeda, it would do no good.

11-02-2007, 07:59 PM
We need a better answer than, "Would you rather have _________ ?"

Robert Goren
11-03-2007, 04:34 AM
Clinton's bombing raid missed Ben Laden by couple of hours. A hell of lot closer than Bush has ever come. But a miss is still miss. I just wish Bush would try a little harder. We will never be safe as long as Ben Laden is alive. I believe that once he is dead that his terrorist's group will slowly fade away. There still will be terrorists, but a big threat will be gone. Some will be Islamic, some will be McVey wantabes and some will be new ones. Hopefully the threat will be less. I really fear the McVey type. They really hate the government.