View Full Version : Senators Travel to Iraq, Praise Surge Results

08-20-2007, 04:55 PM
Uh-oh.........now what?


08-20-2007, 05:18 PM
Uh-oh.........now what?


Good news for this country is always bad news for Libs. Libs thrive on Negativsm and Pessimism. Liberalism would die a painful death, if it's doom and gloom and scare mongering ideology wasn't constantly fueled by these two elements.

The political situation in Iraq doesn't surprise me. I have long been against the U.S. export of Capitalism and Democracy to countries ill-equipped to receive either. Islam and Democracies are like oil and water: They simply don't mix. The morally and spiritually bankrupt religion of the people and their primitive tribal culture are massive obstacles that would need to be overcome. Highly unlikely scenario -- at least in this century, and probably in this Age.


08-21-2007, 11:16 PM
Ralph, don't tell 46 and Light. They can't stand the facts.