View Full Version : This would just about Do it! Good bye Freedom!

Dave Mark
10-31-2002, 03:06 AM
Caught this in Phila Inquirer Tuesday 29th.

As if we don't have enough things going on with Big Brother!
This would take the cake, and then some.
How would you like to have all your thoughts so transparent, all of your privacy would No longer be private?


Following is excerp from article:

Scientists are finding ways to use the brain's activity to expose truths a person may try to hide.
The techniques could revolutionize police work,improve national security,and threaten personal privacy.

They say 50 years down the road, if ever.

Personal side view:
Trainers would be hard pressed to bring home a 10-1 shot!
Sports betting would go by the wayside.
Relationships, well; that's another story.

Just when you think it can't get any worse.

11-01-2002, 12:11 AM
They can scan mine.......I will figure out a way to have the scan reveal a big middle Finger!!!!

11-01-2002, 12:33 PM
Good new is, they can finally convict O.J.

11-01-2002, 09:13 PM
They found one glove at the scene of one the snipings and the other one in the car they impounded. For a while there, OJ was under surveillence <G>