View Full Version : FBI protected Al Qaeda?

12-14-2006, 09:34 PM
The following text is an expanded version of Peter Dale Scott's (http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~pdscott/index.html)Talk at Berkeley, September 24, 2006, entitled "9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out.”


I want to talk tonight about using the 9/11 Report as evidence – evidence of what is being suppressed. We can use it in this way because some parts of the Report are accurate and reliable. This base line of reliability helps define other parts of the Report which are misleading, and in a few places I believe dead wrong. These relevant omissions and deceptions should be taken as clues as to what is being suppressed, and where the hidden truth lies.

This is a prime example of how conspiracy theories can foment.

Take two incompetent political parties, throw in a few PH.Ds (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phd)from some big name school, and an illiterate public who get their news between football games and.....

Presto! 9/11 was orchestrated. {The holocaust never happened.} There are DVD's that can prove it and a misguided public to sell to.


Separately, there is something the CIA calls blowback. There is little doubt that 9/11 can be traced to the decision by the US government to train and arm al Qaeda and the Taliban to fight the Soviets and their Afghan allies (who are now supported by the US as they were by the Soviets.) After they turned against the US, the American government made all kinds of deals with informants who were playing both sides of the game. The end result was 9/11 and our little war on terror that will never end.


Man O' Man did we go to war with the wrong country!

OPEC to Cut Output 500,000 Barrels a Day to Bolster Prices;
We are being extorted and not one so called leader speaks out. Thomas Jefferson (http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/tj3.html) was right. We need a revolution every 20 years to keep govt. honest.

Character is destiny

12-14-2006, 11:05 PM
We help others get power then wonder why they want even more!
We did not learn from the 1st WTC bombing, and even denied that the DC snipers were radical Muslim. Boy are we in trouble!