View Full Version : Hats off to a great forum

06-19-2001, 08:21 PM
Hi people!

Just want to congratulate everyone responsible for the success of this forum, simple fantastic! I've never seen a horseracing forum as busy as this one. Keep it up!

and if you have spare time, drop by our horseracing forums too and please breathe some life into it, :)

Larry Hamilton
06-19-2001, 09:06 PM
a word of unsolicited advice: separate the area where picks are made from where horse racing discussions are made. Afterall, when I tell you who I like, what's left to say? Well, then you tell me who you like. Now what? Note that we are both telling each other who we like UNASKED. So, we have two guys talking at each other, not to each other (and they both know it) with an audience (lurlers) who has no inclination to join in. Whats the point? Two guys have stated opinions, adding yours changes/adds nothing. Further, you could probably number on one hand how many guys whose picks are actually sought.

If you decide that you like the format of constant picking, then get some famous guys to post their picks on your site--Meadow, Schwartz, Tomlinson, someone from Rags, someone from DRF, perhaps someone who has won a contest etc...

Good Luck