View Full Version : PH levels & Our Oceans

10-31-2006, 08:24 AM
"WE STAND, so to speak, on the shoulders of plankton."

I like that sentence from Nicholas Kristof in today's OP-ED (NYT).
It concerns the ocean becoming more acidic (less alkaline) & therefore
very inhospitable to shellfish.

The article was based on an article in Scientific American.

If someone has a legit link to the NY Times, it's well worth reading.

(I'm off to the world's second most acidic environment, my job.)

10-31-2006, 11:02 AM
Not a problem Derek what some real science?? Go to co2science.com click on Subject Index click on the letter A then under that click on Animals which has a listing for shellfish click on that and read the data. Conclusion, blue mussels wil likely NEVER be bothered, even in the least degree, by the tendency for atmospheric co2 to lower oceanic PH levels. Hope your job acid levels improve. :)