View Full Version : SP2

07-26-2006, 05:11 PM
I'm about to add SP2 for XP.
Anyone have any advice?
Problems when you did it?
Am I nuts to do it?

I'm not too excited about rocking the MS boat - things are working now, I'd like to keep it that way!:bang:

07-26-2006, 05:38 PM
it is gonna change things. It will have the built in firewall and all that bullshit. the only advantage I saw (besides some security updates that are built in) is the newer version of moviemaker.........

remember the old line......... if it ain't broke?

07-26-2006, 07:21 PM
I ask becasue they area going to stop supporting SP1 pretty soon - no more updates, and knowing MS, there must be thousands of them still in there that will be exploited.
I have no use for a MS firewall whatsoever. God, it boggles the mind to think what THAT might do! :eek:

07-26-2006, 08:01 PM
Tom, SP2 has been out there for some time now. It is stable.

If you haven't installed SP2, I would do so. Not to get any new stuff like WMP but just so you are at a better, more current, level of the software.

When SP2 first hit, there were problems with it and fall out for ISV's products (such as Norton) but those days are now behind us. Matter of fact, I'd go as far to say that not having SP2 on will cause more problems than you avoid -- unless of coarse you insist on running all that old W95 stuff you have laying around on floppy disks.

There is a sweet spot with software currency. Too current and you're on the leading or bleeding edge. To far behind the curve, you'll run into compatibility issues such as vendors issuing fixes for their stuff assuming SP2 is present. Like the mama bear, being in the middle is usually least frought with problems.

Red Knave
07-27-2006, 10:41 AM
FWIW, I agree with DJofSD although what justRalph says has merit. I waited to upgrade until the noise subsided and there were a few fixes issued and I'm happy with it now.
The firewall is actually pretty good.

07-27-2006, 11:42 AM
Thanks for the ideas, guys.
When I think of Microsoft, fire,:eek: and wall in the same sentence, I get nervous!

07-27-2006, 12:55 PM
Go ahead Tom, let Microsoft do it FOR you. You may feel relieved.
FWIW I agree with Knave in his previous post about the SP2 firewall.

