View Full Version : Gary Hartpence and Monkey Business

07-03-2006, 05:05 PM
Gary Hart (changed his name @ 25) quits the Senate in 87 in confident anticipation of running for Pres in 88.

Rumors circulate in late April of his potential extramarital affairs and The NYTimes does an interview where he states "follow me around - I don't care..." The Miami Herald posts pics of Hart with hartthrob Donna Rice aboard an appropriately named vessel "Monkey Business" in about 4 days after the Times interview.

Hart fades to the back of the bus and is rarely heard from since - with the exception of silly CSPAN broadcasts.

Has there ever been a more humiliating chain of events in US politics?

07-03-2006, 06:50 PM
at least he likes "girls"


07-03-2006, 06:52 PM
Is this part of a plan to start talking Gary up for '08? :)